促排卵药,ovulation stimulating drug
1)ovulation stimulating drug促排卵药

1.The Observation of Endometrial Histology During Different Ovarian Stimulation Protocols in Rats;促排卵药物对大白鼠子宫内膜形态的影响
2.Treatment Effect of Diane-35 Combined with Insulin Sensitizer in Ovulation Induction on Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome达英-35与胰岛素增敏剂治疗多囊卵巢综合征后促排卵药物的效果观察
3.Objective To observe the effects of combined drug treatment on stimulating ovulation for anovulatory infertile women.目的:观察联合用药对无排卵性不孕妇女促排卵疗效。
4.Objective:To observe the effects of combined drug treatment in stimulating ovulation for anovulatory infertile women.目的:探讨联合用药对无排卵性不孕妇女促排卵的疗效对照观察。
5.a fertility drug (trade name Clomid) that is used to stimulate ovulation and that has been associated with multiple births.一种(商标是克罗米地)用来促进排卵和加倍生育的生殖药。
6.Effect of Erzhitiangui Granules on the Endometrium Histomorphological Changes of Mice after Superovulation During Embryonic Implantation补肾中药对超促排卵小鼠着床期子宫内膜组织形态学的影响
7.Effect of Bushen Zhuyun Chinese herbs on endometrial leukemia inhibitory factor mRNA expression after ovulation induction therapies.补肾助孕中药对促排卵后子宫内膜LIFmRNA表达的影响
8.Clinical Study on Traditional Chinese Drug Improving Endometrial during Ovulation Inducing Receptivity中药改善促排卵周期子宫内膜容受性的临床研究
9.She is taking a drug to stimulate ovulation.她现正服药使排卵正常.
10.Study on the Mechanism of Ovulation Promoting Fang in Ovulation Promoting to Kidney-Deficiency Sterile Rats;促排卵方对肾虚不孕大鼠模型促排卵作用机制的实验研究
12.Minimal Ovarian Stimulation for IVF卵巢微刺激促排卵方案在IVF周期的应用
13.Investigation the effectiveness of letrozole as ovulation induction agent in the treatment of polycystic ovarian syndrome来曲唑促排卵治疗多囊卵巢综合征疗效观察
14.Repeated gonadotropin stimulations lower the developmental potential of mouse oocytes重复促排卵对小鼠卵母细胞发育潜能的影响
15.Analysis of IVF-ET in patients with multi-follicle development induced ovulation促排卵中多卵泡发育者改行IVF-ET的分析
16.Remote cause of 15 cases with ovarian torsion after control ovarion hyperstimulation and nursing measures15例促排卵后发生卵巢扭转的诱因与护理对策
17.A comparison of effects and pregnancy outcome of letrozole versus clomiphere citrate for ovulation induction来曲唑与克罗米酚促排卵作用的研究
18.Influence of Different Starting Time of Ovulation Induction on IVF-ET不同促排卵启动时机对IVF-ET的影响

promoting ovulation drug促排卵药物
1.The patients in control group were treated with suitable promoting ovulation drug and added progynova at the fifth day of menses.方法210例患者随机分为2组,对照组根据患者的情况选用合适的促排卵药物,同时自月经第5天服用补佳乐,治疗组在对照组的基础上加用坤宝颗粒(本院自制),观察2组疗效。
3)Ovarian stimulation促排卵
1.Objective: To explore the effect of the letrozole (LE) undergoing ovarian stimulation for IVF-ET/ ICSI in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).目的:研究来曲唑(LE)在多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)患者超促排卵行IVF-ET中的应用。
1.Effect of two different doses of letrozole in promoting ovulation in infertile women with polycystic ovarian syndrome;两种不同剂量来曲唑对多囊卵巢综合征不孕患者促排卵的对照研究
2.Results: The ovulation, pregnant, and luteinize d unruptured fol licle rates in acupuncture group and control group were 83.方法:选择符合PCOS诊断标准126例患者,共计303个治疗周期,分为两组:治疗组66例146个治疗周期,采用针刺治疗促排卵;对照组60例157个治疗周期,采用克罗米芬(CC)+绒毛膜促性腺激素(HCG)诱发排卵。
3.The approaches include controlling the criterion for superovulation, limiting the number of embryos transferred, elective single embryo transfer, cryop-reservation program and multifetal pregnancy reduction.本文阐述助孕技术与多胎妊娠的关系,以及如何通过严格控制超促排卵指征、控制移植胚胎数量、冻存胚胎、选择性单胚胎移植、减胎术的应用等方法来获得最佳妊娠率,同时降低助孕术后的多胎妊娠特别是三胎及三胎以上妊娠的发生。
5)Ovulation induction促排卵
1.Outcome of in Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer in Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome After Routine Ovulation Induction;多囊卵巢综合征患者常规促排卵后行体外受精-胚胎移植疗效分析
2.Clinical observation of Zhuhuang Decoction in ovulation induction;助黄汤促排卵作用的临床观察
3.A comparison of effects and pregnancy outcome of letrozole versus clomiphere citrate for ovulation induction来曲唑与克罗米酚促排卵作用的研究
1.Influence of superovulation in combination with intrauterine insemination on pregnancies and babies;超促排卵联合宫腔内人工授精对母婴的影响
2.Objective To evaluate the effect of superovulation with recombinant follicle stimulating hormone (r-FSH)therapy and intrauterine insemination in the treatment of idiopathic infertility.目的 观察重组基因的促卵泡生长激素 (recom binant follicle stimulating hormone r-FSH )在非器质原因与非排卵障碍的不育患者中进行控制下超促排卵和宫腔内人工受精的疗效。
3.Methods Studied Group consisted of 47 cases of superovulation cycles from November 2000 to December 2001 that were cancelled for various reasons.方法 :对2 0 0 0年 1 1月至 2 0 0 1年 1 2月接受超促排卵周期因故而取消周期 47例进行分析 ,选择与取消周期者同日或最接近日进入周期接受超促排卵并完成移植周期的 75例作为对照组。
