希明婷,Ximingting tablets
1)Ximingting tablets希明婷
1.Ximingting tablets in the treatment of women with climacteric syndrome;希明婷片治疗女性围绝经期综合征的临床研究

1.The Clinical Study of Treating Perimenopause Syndrome (PMS) with Ximingting希明婷治疗女性围绝经期综合征的临床研究
2.Clinical Observation of Ximingting Combined with Estrogen in the Treatment of Women with Menopausal Syndrome希明婷联合雌激素治疗绝经期综合征的临床观察
3.Ting Ting, light the candles.婷婷,把蜡烛点着。
4.They have left The Caribou for some time. Gao Ting and Xiao Zhang, wish them every success in their future.她们离开驯鹿已有一段时间了;高婷、小张。希望她们前程锦绣。
5.The Change and Transcendence of Feministic Subjectivity: Comparison On Shu Ting s and Zhai Yongming s Poems;女性主体的嬗变与超越——舒婷与翟永明的诗歌比较论
6.What do you do at the weekend, Ting Ting?婷婷,在周末你都做什么?
7.Ting Ting, say a wish, then blow out the candles.婷婷,许个愿。然后吹蜡烛。
8.To earn commission, Qiao introduces Xiaojun to a private school for tuition in English.黎生性纯良,一心只希望储够钱迎娶在家乡的恋人方小婷,而李则想当女强人。
9.On the Writing and Changing about the Relation Themes of Mother and Daughter in Contemporary Poems of Women: Shuting,Zhai Yongming and Yin Lichuan s Poem as an Example;当代女性诗歌中母女关系主题的书写与流变——以舒婷、翟永明、尹丽川的诗歌为例
10.That's right. You look so special, Ting Ting.是的。你看起来很特别,婷婷。
11.Tingting tells Aunt Maggie about Chinese food.婷婷跟马吉阿姨在谈中国的饮食。
12.But Tingting is very good at table- tennis.但是婷婷很擅长打乒乓球。
13.She cannot play table-tennis with Tingting.她不能和婷婷一起打乒乓球了。
14.Tingting wants to borrow a round eraser from Le Le.婷婷想向乐乐借一个圆形的橡皮。
15.Your daughter is getting to be a finelooking filly.你女儿正慢慢出落成一位婷婷少女。
16.The Quest for Ethnic Identity;“我是谁?”:汤婷婷作品中民族属性的建构
17.The civilization and culture of ancient Greece.希腊文明古代希腊人的文明和文化
18.I'd rather have prawn with pepper sauce.我倒希望吃干烧明虾。

Ximingting tablets希明婷片
1.The efficacy and safety of Ximingting tablets in the treatment of women with menopausal syndrome;希明婷片治疗妇女围绝经期综合征的临床观察
3)Maxine Hong Kingston汤婷婷
1.Maxine Hong Kingston is a noted American Chinese writer, whose works with their focus on the conflicts between the traditional Chinese culture and the western civilization have won enthusiastic acclaim from both the reading public and critics.华裔作家汤婷婷是美国文坛一位颇有影响的小说家,她所创作的以反映中国传统文化与西方文明相冲突为主题的小说受到读者与评论界一致好评,尤其是其代表作《女勇士》。
2.Buck and Maxine Hong Kingston,and their two novels-The Earth and The Woman Warrior through comparison and study of their lives and their novels.本文通过对赛珍珠的作品《大地》与汤婷婷的作品《女勇士》的比较研究,论述了两位作家及作品在几个方面的相同之处——她们的创作都以中国文化为背景;两位作家都感受到中、西方文化的冲突与交融;她们都具有女权主义的思想;在中、西方的文化交流中都做出了杰出的贡献。
4)Ting Ting Hong)Maxine Hong Kinston洪婷婷
5)Greek civilization希腊文明

舒婷的诗书名:舒婷的诗isbn:702003282作者:舒婷出版社:人民文学出版社定价:15出版日期:2000-07-01版次:1简介:本书介绍诗人舒婷所作的诗集共140首。具时代精神和诗韵,很有风格特色,值得一阅。目录:第一辑 痛苦使理想光辉一、致大海二、海滨晨曲三、珠贝——大海的眼泪四、船五、初春六、人心的法则第二辑 你在我的航程上 我在你的视线里一、寄杭城二、致——三、赠四、春夜五、秋夜送友第三辑 我们被挟持着向前飞奔既无从呼救又不肯放弃挣扎一、流水线二、墙三、往事二三四、路遇五、归梦六、枫叶