宫腔病变,Intrauterine Lesions
1)Intrauterine Lesions宫腔病变

1.Objective To evaluate the clinical value of hysteroscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of uterine lesions in virginal patients and removal of vaginal foreign body in female infants.目的评价宫腔镜在未婚妇女宫腔病变及幼女阴道异物取出中应用的临床价值。
2.Objective To investigate the application of bipolar electronic scalpel system in benign diseases in uterus cavity of postmenopausal women.目的探讨双极汽化电切技术在绝经后妇女的良性宫腔病变的应用。
3.Diagnostic Value of Sonohysterography in Patients with Uterine Intracavitary Pathology;宫腔声学造影对宫腔内病变的诊断价值
4.Clinical Value of Hysteroscopy in Diagnosing and Treating Intrauterine Diseases (Enclosed Analysis of 1884 Cases)宫腔镜诊治宫内病变的临床价值(附1884例分析)
5.Transvaginal Ultrasound Diagnosis of Uterine Endometrial Disease in Postmenopausal阴道超声宫腔造影诊断绝经后子宫内膜病变
6.204 Clinical Cases Analysis of Cervical Electrotomy for the Treatment of Benign Cervical Lesions宫腔镜电切术治疗宫颈良性病变204例临床分析
7.Evaluation of Hysteroscopic TVRC in Diagnosis and Management of Cervical Lesion;宫腔镜下宫颈电切术在宫颈病变诊断和治疗中的价值
8.Clinical analaysis of 110 cases of different operative types of laparoscopy in uterus diseases腹腔镜下不同术式治疗子宫病变110例临床分析
9.Objective To investigate the combinated safety, feasibility and clinical effect of hysteroscopic and laparoscopic surgeruy in uterine cavitary benign lesion.目的探讨宫腔镜联合腹腔镜手术在治疗子宫腔内良性病变的安全性、行性及临床效果。
10.Clinical Study about Transcervical Resection, Radiofrequency Ablation and Microwave Therapy of Cervix Uteri on 153 Cases with Cervical Lesion;宫腔镜电切、自凝刀射频及微波治疗宫颈病变153例临床分析
11.Clinical value of endometrial cytology in detecting endometrial lesion宫腔细胞学检查在诊断子宫内膜病变中的临床价值
12.Comparison of Transcervical Resection and Loop Electrical Excision Procedure for the Treatment of Moderate-to-severe Chronic Cervicitis宫腔镜宫颈病变电切术与宫颈环形电切术治疗慢性中、重度宫颈炎的对比研究
13.Study on the Correlation between Real-time Gray Scale Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasonography and Microvessel Density in Diseases of Uterine Cavity;超声造影鉴别宫腔良恶性病变及其与微血管密度相关性的研究
14.Application of real-time gray scale contrast-enhanced ultrasonography in differentiation of benign and malignant diseases in uterine cavity实时灰阶超声造影鉴别宫腔良恶性病变的应用研究
15.Analysis of Hydrohystera by Ultrasound in 243 Cases超声诊断243例宫腔积液的病因分析
16.Clinical Study on Treatment of Benign Pathological Changes of Uterine Cavity by Hysteroscopy;宫腔镜手术治疗妇科宫腔内良性疾病的临床研究
17.Impact of Hysteroscopy on Peritoneal Cytology in Patients with Endometrial Carcinoma宫腔镜检查对子宫内膜癌腹腔冲洗液细胞学改变的影响
18.Efficacy of Transcervical Resection of Endometrium for Adenomyosis宫腔镜子宫内膜切除治疗子宫腺肌病临床疗效研究

Uterine cavity lesions宫腔内病变
3)uterine cavity lesion子宫腔病变
4)Occupation disease in uterine cavity宫腔占位性病变
5)benign uterine lesion宫腔内良性病变
1.Methods Fourteen cases of menopausal women with benign uterine lesion were treated by hysteroscopic electric resection.方法 对14例绝经后宫腔内良性病变的阴道流血妇女,应用宫腔镜电切术治疗。
6)congenital uterine anomalies子宫腔内病变
1.Methods: A total of 110 patients with suspected uterine diseases or IUD dislocation (60 uterine intracavitary lesions, 19 congenital uterine anomalies, 31 IUD dislocation) were examined by 3D-US and 2D-US, and the findings of ultrasound were compared with the hysteroscopic or surgery-pathologic results, and analyzed to assess sensitivity and accuracy of 3.方法:对二维超声(Second-dimensional ultrasound, 2D-US)检查提示或临床疑有子宫腔内病变60例、先天性子宫畸形19例、IUD位置异常31例,共110例患者,进行3D-US检查。

宫腔镜子宫肌瘤切除术宫腔镜子宫肌瘤切除术  子宫黏膜下肌瘤直径小于5cm,宫腔内突壁间肌瘤小于5cm宫颈肌瘤小于3~4cm的患者,利用持续灌流式宫腔镜电切除肌瘤,保全子宫。术前可使用丹那唑、或内美通、甲羟孕酮、狄波-普维拉、促性腺激素释放激素激动剂(GnRHa)、米非司酮3个月,缩小子宫肌瘤的体积,手术最宜在宫内膜增生期进行。已用药物预处理者,停药即行手术。术前准备、麻醉方式、体位、消毒范围同内膜切除术,置镜方式同宫腔镜检查术,术时作以B超监测,使用电切环对子宫肌瘤顺行、逆行、垂直、横行等方法,逐层切除子宫肌瘤,切除后对宫腔内出血点进行电灼止血,应无活动性出血。术后抗生素预防感染,缩宫剂加强子宫收缩。忌性生活2周。