微波治疗仪,microwave therapy apparatus
1)microwave therapy apparatus微波治疗仪
1.Effect of microwave therapy apparatus combing with traditional Chinese drugs enema to treat chronic pelvic inflammation patients and nursing care of them;微波治疗仪加中药灌肠治疗慢性盆腔炎的效果与护理

1.The Circuit System Design and Study on Temperature Measurement for Microwave Hyperthermia Apparatus;微波治疗仪电路设计与温度测量研究
2.Clinical observation of concha nasalis inferior partly removed with microwave therapeutic instrument用微波治疗仪做下鼻甲部分切除的临床观察
3.Experimental study on pancreatic cells apoptosis of acute pancreatitis rats induced by local irradiation of microwave therapy apparatus微波治疗仪局部照射诱导胰腺炎大鼠胰腺细胞凋亡的实验研究
4.Fabrication of A New Microwave Treatment Apparatus of Tumor80C51F005微控制器在新型微波消融治疗仪上的应用
5.Research on the Equivalent Mannequin of Bone-tumor Tissue and the Development of Microwave Bone-tumor Therapeutic Device;骨肿瘤等效微波体模的研究和新型微波骨肿瘤治疗仪的研制
6.Clinical effect of treating cervical erosion with BBT radiofrequency blade and flucticuli多功能射频治疗仪和微波治疗宫颈糜烂的临床效果分析
7.multipath chopping laser therapeutic apparatus多路径斩波激光治疗仪
8.ophthalmic ultra short wave diathermy unit眼科超短波透热治疗仪
9.Effects of microwave therapeutic instrument and pearl powder mixture on neonatal diaper dermatitis多功能微波手术治疗仪联合珍珠层粉混合剂治疗尿布皮炎的临床观察
10.The Design and Research of Equipment and Antenna for Microwave Hyperthermia;微波热疗仪的研制以及微波热疗天线的设计与仿真
11.Effect Observation of Chronic Hypertrophy Pharyngitis Using Microwave Cure微波治疗慢性肥厚性咽炎的疗效观察
12.Clinical Observation on Microwave Treating Hemorrhage in Little's Area of Nasal Septum微波治疗鼻中隔Littles区出血的疗效观察
13.Effect of microwave on 60 uric tract condyloma acuminata微波治疗尿道尖锐湿疣60例疗效观察
14.The Exploration of HM-W1A Percutaneous Microwave Coagulator for Tumor Theraby and the Fundamental,Clincal Study on Enlarging the Microwave Coagulation Space;HM_W1A型经皮微波凝固肿瘤治疗仪的开发及其扩展凝固空间的基础与临床研究
15.Observational study on the effects of treating advanced NSCLC usingTP chemotherapy and microwave thermotherapy微波热疗联合化疗治疗晚期NSCLC疗效观察
16.The Experimental Studies on Microwave Tissue Coagulation of Hemorrhoids and Developing Microwave Needles微波凝固治疗痔的实验研究与微波针的研制
17.scanning microwave multiband radiometr (SMMR)多波段扫描微波辐射仪
18.Microwave heating-coagulation therapy for chronic tonsillitis微波热凝术治疗慢性扁桃体炎128例

Microwave therapeutic apparatus微波灭活治疗仪
3)microwave hot therapy meter for treating cancer微波热疗治癌仪
1.Brief introduction of principle of microwave hot therapy meter for treating cancer;微波热疗治癌仪原理简介
4)Microwave Treatment Apparatus of Tumor微波消融治疗仪
1.Fabrication of A New Microwave Treatment Apparatus of Tumor80C51F005微控制器在新型微波消融治疗仪上的应用
5)Microwave therapy微波治疗
1.The effect evaluation of microwave therapy for vocal cord polyp with laryngofiberscope and prop-up laryngoscope;纤维喉镜与支撑喉镜下微波治疗声带息肉的效果评价
2.Effect of microwave therapy through fibrobronchoscope on tumor stenosis;经纤维支气管镜微波治疗在恶性气道狭窄中的应用
3.Treatment of central type bronchogenic pulmonary carcinoma with microwave therapy through fibrobronchoscope;经纤支镜微波治疗中心型支气管肺癌
6)Microwave treatment微波治疗
1.Clinical observation of the treatment of chronic cheilitis with the combination of the wet application of traditional Chinese medicine and microwave treatment;慢性唇炎中药湿敷联合微波治疗的临床疗效观察
2.Results Microwave treatment was prominenced discrepancy in levels of IL-8 and TNF-α(P<0.目的:观察微波治疗对慢性非细菌性前列腺炎(PS)/慢性骨盆疼痛综合征(CPPS)患者前列腺液(EPS)中白细胞介素8(IL-8)及肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF-α)水平的影响。
3.Objective: To detect the changes in IL-8 AND TNF-α levels in prostatic secretions of chronic nonbacterial prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome patients subject to microwave treatment.目的:观察微波治疗对慢性非细菌性前列腺炎/慢性骨盆疼痛综合征(CPPS)患者前列腺液(EPS)中白细胞介素8(IL-8)及肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF-α)水平的影响。

腔内微波治疗腔内微波治疗intra luminal microwave treatment 微波电极置于有袋尿管内,将尿管固定于前列腺部尿道内,局部温度维持在43°C,放置3h,可用于前列腺增生疾病的治疗。