骶前神经,Presacral nerve
1)Presacral nerve骶前神经

1.Investigation of the Effects of Presacral Neurectomy and Conservative Surgical Intervention on Dysmenorrhea of Endometriosis by Laparoscope腹腔镜骶前神经切除术治疗内异症痛经的对比研究
2.Application of Preoperative Digital Subtraction Angiography for Sacral Tumors and Clinical Studies for the Anorectal and Bladder Function after Sacrifice of the Sacral Nerves;骶骨肿瘤术前DSA应用及骶神经切除术的临床研究
3.The microsurgical anatomy of the lumbosacral ventral roots in SD ratSD大鼠腰骶部脊神经前根显微外科解剖学观察
4.Observation of anterior horn cell apoptosis of conus medullaris in rabbits with cauda equina syndrome实验性马尾神经综合征家兔骶髓前角细胞凋亡的观察
5.Experimental Studies of Sacral Anterior Roots Electric Stimulation to Restore Micturition Function in Spinal Cord Injuries;骶神经前根电刺激重建脊髓损伤后排尿功能的实验研究
6.Injury Mechanism of Sacral Plexus Resulting from Zone-Ⅱ Sacral Fractures: A Cadaveric Study;骶骨Ⅱ区骨折致骶丛神经损伤机制研究
7.The Research about the Efficacy Adopting L6 Transposition to Reconstruct the Function of Sciatic Nerve健侧骶神经移位修复骶丛撕脱伤的实验研究
8.The Study of PROSET MR Sequence in Displaying Lumbosacral Nerve Roots;腰骶部脊神经根磁共振PROSET成像研究
9.The Application of PROSET Sequence in the Imaging of Lumboscacral Nerve Root;PROSET序列于腰骶部神经根显像中的应用
10.Value of MR PROSET Sequence in Displaying Lumbar-sacral Nerve RootsPROSET序列对腰骶神经根显示的应用价值
11.Study on treatment of lumbar radiculopathy by selective decompression of lumbar root canal选择性神经根管减压治疗腰骶神经根病
12.The effect of sacral nerve neuromodulation on voiding dysfunction secondary to spina bifida occulta骶神经调节治疗隐性骶椎裂排尿功能障碍的探讨
13.Studies on the Bowel and Bladder Function after Sacrifice of Sacral Nerves and Safety of Hyperthermic Chemotherapy for Sacral Tumors骶骨肿瘤骶神经切除选择及温热灌注化疗安全性的研究
15.Conclusion Differential sacral nerve anterior root rhizotomy is a good and effective method to treat spastic bladder after spinal cord injury.结论选择性骶神经前根切断术治疗脊髓损伤后痉挛性膀胱的疗效显著。
16.An Altermative Procedure to Complete Posterior Rhizotomy in Sacral Anterior Root Stimulation for Controlled Micturition in Spinal Cord Injuries Experimental Studies and Clinical Implications;骶神经前根电刺激排尿中完全性后根切断去传入的替代方法:实验与临床研究
17.Effect of Swimming Training on the Morphology and Quantity Of the Anterior Horn Motor Neuron in Spinal Cord;游泳训练对大鼠脊髓腰骶膨大处前角运动神经元形态和数量的影响
18.A multicenter prospective studies for laparoscopic uterosacral nerve ablation in the treatment of pelvic pain caused by endometriosis腹腔镜子宫骶神经切断术治疗子宫内膜异位症疼痛的多中心前瞻性对照研究

Presacral neurectomy骶前神经切除术
1.Objective To investigate the safety and efficacy of laparoscopic presacral neurectomy (LSPN) in treatment pain of endometiosis.目的探讨腹腔镜骶前神经切除术(LPSN)治疗子宫内膜异位症(内异症)疼痛的安全性及效果。
2.Objective: To investigate the efficacy and safety of laparoscopic presacral neurectomy ( LSPN ) as the surgical treatment of endometiosis dysmenorrheal .目的:探讨腹腔镜骶前神经切除术治疗子宫内膜异位症痛经的效果及安全性。
3)Sacral nerve骶神经
1.A study on the MR imaging of sacral nerve and its clinical application;骶神经的MRI显像技术及其临床应用研究
2.Results: The sacral plexus consists of the lumbosacral nerve trunk passing in fron.结果 :骶交感干、第 1骶神经与腰骶干围成一个三角形区域 ,在其内侧部无重要结构紧贴骨面走行 ,外侧区有臀上血管走行。
3.PartⅠAnalysis of the Bowel and Bladder Function after Sacrifice of the Sacral NerveObjective:To investigate and analyse the bowel and bladder function after different sacral nerve roots division.第一部分不同平面骶神经切除后直肠及膀胱功能的观察目的:评价骶骨肿瘤手术不同平面骶神经切除后直肠及膀胱功能。
4)Sacral root骶神经根
1.Anatomical observation of the cauda equina and sacral roots in SD rat;SD大鼠马尾与骶神经根的解剖学观察
2.Innervation to bladder detrusor of different sacral roots and its clinical significance;不同骶神经根对膀胱逼尿肌的支配作用及临床意义
5)ganglia sacralia骶神经节
6)sacral nerve block骶神经阻滞

骶神经根切断术骶神经根切断术sacral neurotomy 对神经源性膀胱尿道功能障碍,膀胱容量减少患者用化学(注射无水乙醇)或手术方法切断S2~4的前后根,可有效地使反射亢进的膀胱转变为无反射膀胱。使患者逼尿肌无抑制性收缩消失,膀胱容量增多,排空膀胱功能恢复正常。