中药周期,period of Chinese medcine
1)period of Chinese medcine中药周期

1.The Clinical Research of the TCM Periodic Therapy in Different Evidence-based in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome中药周期疗法对两种主要证型多囊卵巢综合征的临床研究
2.Effect of cycle therapy of traditional Chinese medicine on the morphology of endometrium in infertile women中药周期疗法对不孕患者子宫内膜形态学的影响
3.Observation of Efficacy on Hypomenorrhea due to Kidney Deficiency and Blood Stagnation Treated with Periodic Therapy of Chinese Herbal Medicine中药周期疗法治疗肾虚血瘀型月经过少疗效观察
4.The Effects of Chinese Traditional Medicine X on Proliferation and Cell Cycle of Lung Cancer Cell;中药X对肺癌细胞增殖和细胞周期的影响
5.Experience of XU Shou-tian on Using Traditional Chinese Drug Man-made Period Treatment胥受天应用中药人工周期疗法的经验探析
6.Therapeutic Effect of Herbal-medicine Artificial Menstrual Cycle Therapy for Female Tardive Acne中药人工周期法治疗女性迟发性痤疮疗效观察
7.Progress of the Application of Oral Contraceptive in IVF Cycles口服避孕药在体外受精周期中的应用进展
8.The Role of Calcyclin-binding Protein in the Formation of MDR in the Gastric Cancer Cells;钙周期素结合蛋白(CacyBP)在胃癌细胞多药耐药性形成中的作用
9.In the urine of pill-taking anovulatory women,the features were the considerable rise of oestrogen at the rear half cycles.服药后无排卵的妇女尿中雌激素周期变化的特点是雌激素在后半周期有较大幅度的升高。
10.Study on Cell Cycle of Candida Albicans and Affected by Antifungal Monomes from Chinese Herbs;白念珠菌细胞周期及抗真菌中药单体对其影响的研究
11.The Role of Cyclin D1 in Airway Remodeling of Bronchial Asthma and Its Interference by Leukotriene Receptor Antagonist;细胞周期蛋白D1在支气管哮喘气道重塑中的作用及药物干预研究
12.Study Chinese Traditional Herbs on Regulating Proliferation and Cycle Cell of Keratinocyte in Vitro;中药对角质形成细胞增殖和细胞周期的体外调控研究
13.Operating Manner and Performance of a Periodic Anaerobic Baffled Reactor Treating Chinese Traditional Medicine Wastewater;周期厌氧折流板反应器处理中药废水的运行模式及效能
14.Effect of Weikangning on Growth and Cell Cycle Regulators of Gastric Cancer Cell中药胃康宁对胃癌细胞生长与胃癌细胞周期调控因子的影响
15.Clinical Observation of Efficacy on Peripheral Facial Paralysis at Acute Stage Treated with Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine针刺配合中药治疗周围性面瘫急性期临床疗效观察
16.Clinical Study on Traditional Chinese Drug Improving Endometrial during Ovulation Inducing Receptivity中药改善促排卵周期子宫内膜容受性的临床研究
17.Human Calcyclin Binding Protein (CacyBP) Encoding Gene and Its Effects on Multiple Drug Resistance of Gastric Cancer;人钙周期素结合蛋白(hCacyBP)编码基因在胃癌细胞多药耐药形成中的作用
18.The Study of the Expression of MDR1 Gene in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Cycle多药耐药基因MDR1表达与肝癌细胞周期的关系

Chinese medicine treatment cycle中药周期用药
1.Objective: To investigate the Diane-35, Chinese medicine treatment cycle of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) ovulation results.目的:观察达英-35、中药周期用药对多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)促排卵的效果。
3)Cycle therapy with Chinese traditional medicine中医药周期疗法
4)Artificial menstrual cycle with Chinese herbal medicine中药人工周期
5)TCM periodic therapy中药周期性疗法
1.The objective of the study is to observe the clinical efficacy of the TCM periodic therapy and discuss whether the clinical efficacy of the TCM periodic therapy is by influencing the level of internal secretion or not.本课题的目的主要是观察中药周期性疗法对多囊卵巢综合征患者的临床疗效以及探讨中药周期性疗法是否通过影响内分泌激素水平从而达到治疗效果。
6)Cycle therapy of the traditional Chinese medicine中药周期疗法
1.Conclusion Cycle therapy of the traditional Chinese medicine can improve the thickness and morphology of endometrium,and hence increase the rate of pregnancy.目的观察中药周期疗法对不孕患者子宫内膜形态学的影响。

(二)Radix Platycodi 中药分子式:CAS号:性质:桔梗的干燥根。苦、辛,平。主要含皂苷(远志酸、桔梗皂苷原等),葡萄糖,菠菜甾醇,α-菠菜甾醇-β-D-葡萄糖苷,Δ7-豆甾烯醇,白桦酯醇,菊糖,桔梗聚糖,桔梗酸A、B、C等。具有宣肺,利咽,祛痰,排脓,溶血,降血糖,抑菌等作用。桔梗皂苷有溶血作用,不能用于注射。用于咳嗽痰多,胸闷不畅,咽痛,音哑,肺痈吐脓,疮疡脓成不溃。