滋阴补阳方,Ziyin Yang Fang
1)Ziyin Yang Fang滋阴补阳方
2)nourishment for vitality滋阴补阳

1.Investigation of Postoperative Recurrence of Patients with EMS by Nourishing Yin and Tonifying Yang Sequentially Plus Blood-Stasis-Resolving Combined with GnRH-a滋阴补阳序贯合并化瘀法联合GnRH-a对EMS术后复发影响的研究
2.Clinical Study on Hyperandrogenism in PCOS Patients by Yin-Nourishing and Yang-Tonifying Law Sequential with Compound Cyproterone Acetate滋阴补阳序贯法联合达英-35对多囊卵巢综合征高雄激素血症干预的临床研究
3.This sort of tonic, which can strengthen yang and nourish yin, is a wonderful remedy.这种补药,壮阳滋阴,是回春灵药。
4.replenish vital .essence, tonify kidney-yin and nourish the Bone marrow补肾滋阴,填精益髓
5.The Effects of the Methods of Nourishing the Kidney-yin and Warming and Recuperating the Kidney-yang on the Expression of OPG, RANKL in Osteoblasts and Marrow Matrix Cells of the Model Rats Established by Bilateral Ovariectomy;滋补肾阴法和温补肾阳法对去卵巢所致骨质疏松大鼠OPG、RANKL表达的影响
6.Male silk moth, nourishing Both yin and kidney, is a rare treasure of China's.雄蚕蛾,滋阴补肾,中国的奇珍异宝。
7.Women with a weak constitution should take medicines with the effect of replenishing vital essence, tonifying kidney-yin and nourishing the Bone marrow.女子体虚,宜眼补肾滋阴,填精益髓之药。
8.Association of Nourish Yin or Warm Yang and Yin-yang Personality-constitution Theory on Academic滋阴温阳两派医家阴阳人格体质特征与其学术思想相关性的分析
9.Zhang Jingyue thought that, in treating deficiency of yin or yang, drugs tonifying both yin and yang should be used, because yin and yang are interdependent.张景岳认为,治疗阴虚或阳虚应该同时应用滋阴和扶阳的药物,因为阴阳是相互依存的。
10.Anti-excitotoxicity Effects of Zi-Bu-Pi-Yin Recipe in Vitro and Mechanisms;滋补脾阴方药抗兴奋毒性作用及机制研究
11.Proteomics of Hippocampus from a Rat Model with Both Alzheimer s Disease and Spleen Deficiency Syndrome and Therapeutic Empirical Study of Zi-Bu-Pi-Yin Decoction;脾阴虚痴呆大鼠海马蛋白质组学及滋补脾阴方药干预的实验研究
12.The effect of strengthen kidney-yin and mourishing te heart and tranquilization on the learning and memory ability of the aged and yin-deficiency rat model;滋阴补肾、养心安神法对老年阴虚大鼠模型学习记忆的影响
13.The Effects of Nourishing Spleen Yin Recipe on Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Different Brain Areas of Spleen-Yin Deficiency Alzheimer s Disease Model Rats;滋补脾阴方药对脾阴虚痴呆大鼠不同脑区内质网应激影响的研究
14.Clinical Research of Climacteric Syndrome (Kidney Deficiency of Yin Syndrome) with Mositen Yin and Tonify Kidney Law (Gang Fang Feng Capsule)滋阴补肾法(广防风胶囊)治疗更年期综合征(肾阴虚证)的临床研究
15.An Analysis on the Supplementary Function of "the Beauty of Yin" in Buddhism to "the Beauty of Yang" in Confucianism and Taoism;佛教“阴美”对儒道“阳美”的补进功能
16.Analysis of the Teaching of the Mutual Help between Ying and Yang in Chinese National Folk Dance;浅析中国民族民间舞阴阳互补的教学
17.Therefore, reducing the excessive and replenish the deficient can adjust excess or deficiency between yin or yang and restore the balance between them.因此,补虚泻实适用于阴虚或阳虚之证,从而使阴阳重新建立平衡。
18.Foreign researches find that date contains some other materials that are particularly effective on inhibiting the cancer cell division and improving human immunity.绿色食品,老少皆宜,长期食用,可补五脏、虚损、心肺、脾胃,滋阴养血。

nourishment for vitality滋阴补阳
3)Ziyin Qianyang Recipe滋阴潜阳方
1.Effect of Ziyin Qianyang Recipe on Expression of Protein Kinase A and Level of cAMP in Lymphocytes of Rats with Hypertension;滋阴潜阳方对高血压大鼠淋巴细胞内PKA蛋白表达和cAMP水平的影响
2.Effect of Ziyin Qianyang Recipe on Level of IP_3 and Expression of Protein Kinase C in Lymphocytes of Rats with Hypertension;滋阴潜阳方对高血压大鼠淋巴细胞内IP_3活性和PKC蛋白表达的影响
4)nourishing Shen-yin recipe滋补肾阴方
5)Bushen Ziyin Decoction补肾滋阴方
6)nourishing Piyin Remedy滋补脾阴方药
1.Experimental study of the compositive applying of nourishing Piyin Remedy and bovine brain extract on spinal cord injury of rats;滋补脾阴方药联合牛脑提取液治疗大鼠脊髓损伤实验研究
2.Experimental study of nourishing Piyin Remedy on rat with spinal cord injury;滋补脾阴方药治疗大鼠脊髓损伤实验研究
3.Objective:To study the protective effect of Nourishing Piyin Remedy on dorsal root ganglion neurons under hypoxic injury and to explore its mechanism.目的:研究滋补脾阴方药对背根神经节神经元缺氧损伤的保护作用,并初步探讨其作用机理。

《删补名医方论》《删补名医方论》 《删补名医方论》   医方著作。八卷。本书即《医宗金鉴》卷二十六-三十三(亦有单行本)。书中共选录清代以前临床常用方方剂近200首,除记述方名、主治及处方外,均附有方义的注释和历代医家对该方的论述。加深了读者对所收方、方剂的配伍原则和方义的认识。选方颇精,虽未分类,但以实用为原则,议论亦较平允可取。