滋阴方,Ziyin side
1)Ziyin side滋阴方

1.Study on the Therapeutic Effect and Mechanism of Medical Herbs of Reinforcing Kidney Toreplenish Yin on Experimental Diabetic Nephropathy Rat;补肾滋阴方药对实验性糖尿病肾病大鼠治疗作用及机制的研究
2.Influence to the Blood Serum TGF-β_1、the HGF of Tongluoyishenziyinfang on Diabetic Nephropathy in Rats;通络益肾滋阴方对DN大鼠血清TGF-β_1、HGF影响的实验研究
3.④Between the large dose CHM and the middle dose CHM, there didn’t exit a quantitiy-effect relationship.④滋阴泻火方大、中剂量组之间,未见量效关系;
4.Anti-excitotoxicity Effects of Zi-Bu-Pi-Yin Recipe in Vitro and Mechanisms;滋补脾阴方药抗兴奋毒性作用及机制研究
5.The Study of Nuclear Proteomics for Lupus Mice Affected by the Recipe of Nourishing Yin and Reducing Heat;滋阴清热方干预狼疮鼠的核蛋白质组学研究
6.Effect on Peripheral Cytokine of Rat Model for SLE after Treatment with Zi Ying Qing Re Fang滋阴清热方对SLE模型外周血细胞因子的影响
7.Clinical Observation of Ziyin Huoxue Decoction on Primary Sjogren's Syndrome滋阴活血方治疗原发性干燥综合征的临床观察
8.The Effect of Ziyin Qingre Formula on the Gene Expression of PBMC in SLE滋阴清热方治疗对SLE PBMC基因表达的影响
9.The evaluation of clinical nursing efficacy of Ziyinrunfu softening prescriptions in patients with pruritus senilis滋阴润肤方治疗老年性皮肤瘙痒症的疗效评价
10.Influence of "Ziyin Tonglin Decoction" on IL-6 in Patients with Chronic Urinary Tract Infection滋阴通淋方对慢性尿路感染患者IL-6的影响
11.The Influence of Nourishing Yin Clearing Heat Capsule to Internal Heat Due to Yin Deficiency Type SLE in Gene and Protein Expression;滋阴清热方对SLE阴虚内热证患者PBMC基因及蛋白表达谱的影响
12.Study the Dynamic Influence of Nourishing Yin Clearing Heat Formula on Gene and Protein Expression of PBMC of SLE with Internal Heat Due to Yin Deficiency;滋阴清热方对阴虚内热证SLE白细胞基因及蛋白表达谱的动态影响
13.Proteomics of Hippocampus from a Rat Model with Both Alzheimer s Disease and Spleen Deficiency Syndrome and Therapeutic Empirical Study of Zi-Bu-Pi-Yin Decoction;脾阴虚痴呆大鼠海马蛋白质组学及滋补脾阴方药干预的实验研究
14.The Effects of Nourishing Spleen Yin Recipe on Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Different Brain Areas of Spleen-Yin Deficiency Alzheimer s Disease Model Rats;滋补脾阴方药对脾阴虚痴呆大鼠不同脑区内质网应激影响的研究
15.The Protective Role of Zi-Bu-Pi-Yin Decoction to ER Stress in Neuron Injure and Its Mechanisms滋补脾阴方药对内质网应激神经元损伤的保护作用及机制研究
16.Effects of nourishing Piyin Remede(滋补脾阴方) on learning and memory of aged rat滋补脾阴方药对衰老大鼠学习记忆能力的影响及脑内机制
17.An Xperimental Study on the Secondary Injury of Spinal Cord and Its Treatment by Combination of TCM with Western Medicine in Rats;滋补脾阴方药对大鼠脊髓损伤的修复作用及机理的实验研究
18.Regulative Actions of Chinese Herbal Medicine for Nourishing Yin and Purging Fire in Precocious Puberty Model Rats;滋阴泻火方干预真性性早熟模型大鼠的实验研究

Ziyin Qianyang Recipe滋阴潜阳方
1.Effect of Ziyin Qianyang Recipe on Expression of Protein Kinase A and Level of cAMP in Lymphocytes of Rats with Hypertension;滋阴潜阳方对高血压大鼠淋巴细胞内PKA蛋白表达和cAMP水平的影响
2.Effect of Ziyin Qianyang Recipe on Level of IP_3 and Expression of Protein Kinase C in Lymphocytes of Rats with Hypertension;滋阴潜阳方对高血压大鼠淋巴细胞内IP_3活性和PKC蛋白表达的影响
3)Chinese herbal medicine for nourishing Yin and purging Fire滋阴泻火方
1.Effects of Chinese herbal medicine for nourishing Yin and purging Fire on IGF-Ⅰin central precocious puberty model of female rats;滋阴泻火方对性早熟大鼠血清类胰岛素样生长因子-Ⅰ水平的影响
4)Chinese herbs of replenishing spleen-yin滋脾阴方药
5)recipe of nourishing yin and killing insects滋阴杀虫方
6)nourishing Shen-yin recipe滋补肾阴方

鳖肉滋阴汤菜谱名称 《中国益寿食谱》之延年益寿食谱(一)补阴益寿----鳖肉滋阴汤所属菜系 其它菜系所属类型 健康菜谱基本特点 滋阴清热,凉血润燥基本材料 鳖肉800克,生地25克,地骨皮15克,知母、百部各10克,料酒,精盐、白糖、葱段、姜片、熟猪油、鸡汤各适量。制法:将鳖背朝下,头伸出时,抓住颈拉出,齐颈切断,出尽血,然后用刀由颈根处至尾部剖腹,取出内脏,斩去脚爪、尾,放入热水中浸泡,抹去白黏膜,刮尽黑衣,揭去背壳,将鳖斩成6块,放入清水锅中,烧开捞出洗净。锅中放鳖肉,加入鸡汤、料酒、盐、白糖、葱、姜,用旺火烧沸后,改用文火炖至六成熟,加入装有百部、地骨皮、生地、知母(均洗净)的纱布袋,继续炖至鳖肉熟烂,拣去葱、姜、药袋,淋上猪油即成。功效:滋阴清热,凉血润燥。用法:食肉饮汤,佐餐用。应用:适用于阴虚火旺,出现口咽干燥,五心烦热,干咳少痰者。