淋病双球菌,Neisseria gonorrhea
1)Neisseria gonorrhea淋病双球菌
1.Role of the pathogen of Neisseria gonorrhea,Chlamydia trachomatis and mycoplasma urealiticum in acute pelvic inflammatory disease.;淋病双球菌、衣原体、支原体在急性盆腔炎发病中的作用

1.The bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae, which is the causative agent of gonorrhea.淋球菌淋病双球菌,是引起淋病的病原体
2.A sexually transmitted disease caused by gonococcal bacteria that affects the mucous membrane chiefly of the genital and urinary tracts and is characterized by an acute purulent discharge and painful or difficult urination, though women often have no symptoms.淋病一种由淋病双球菌所引起的主要作用于性器官和尿道粘膜并通过性接触而传染的疾
3.Gonorrhea is an infectious sexually transmitted disease-caused by the gonococcus bacterium, Neisseria gonorrhoeae.淋病是一种传染性性病-淋球菌引起的细菌,淋球菌.
4.Sensitivity analysis of 57 strains of Neisseria gonorrhoeae isolated from male patients with gonorrhea男性淋病患者奈瑟球菌57株药敏分析
5."Gonorrhea: Sexually transmitted disease. It is characterized by genitourinary inflammation, caused by the Bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae (gonococcus)."淋病: 由淋球菌(即淋病奈瑟氏球菌)引起的性传染病,伴有生殖泌尿道炎症。
6.The Epidemiological Study on Neisseria Gonorrhoeae and Mycoplasma Infection Among Visitors to STDs Clinics;性病患者淋球菌与支原体感染的流行病学研究
7.AIM: To discuss the morbidity of gonococcal conjunctivitis of newborn in Handan area.调查邯郸市区新生儿淋球菌性结膜炎发病情况。
8.Gonococcal conjunctivitis of newborn in urban districts of Handan邯郸市区新生儿淋球菌性结膜炎发病的调查
9.Neisseria gonorrhoeae Smear Test Results:Analysis of 46 898 Cases,1989-20081989-2008年46898例淋病奈瑟球菌涂片检查结果分析
10.Any of various paired spherical bacteria, including those of the genus Diplococcus, some of which are pathogenic.双球菌一种成对球形细菌,包括双球菌属的细菌,其中一部分是致病的
11.A study on antibacteral effect of six varieties Traditional Chinese Medicine against Neisseria gonorhoea6种抗菌中药对淋球菌抑菌作用研究
12.oculoglandular tularemia眼淋巴腺型土拉菌病
13.The Epidemiological Study on the Antimicrobial Phenotype and Genotypic Properties of Ureaplasma Urealyticum and Neisseria Gonorrhoeae;解脲脲原体与淋球菌耐药表型及基因型的流行病学研究
14.Ceftriaxone resistance in Neisseria gonorrhoeae:research advances淋病奈瑟球菌对头孢曲松耐药性及耐药机制研究进展
15.The same bacterium was cultiveted in 6 cases, The common organisms were Escherichia Coli and pneumonco- ccus.在脑脊液、脑室液细菌培养中有6例获得同一种致病菌,为大肠杆菌和肺炎双球菌。
16.staphylococcic actinophytosis葡萄球菌性放线菌病
17.The Establishment of an in Vitro Model of Psoriasis in Serum-free William's Medium Supplemented with Psoriatic T Cells and Streptococcal Antigens利用含T淋巴细胞和链球菌抗原的无血清培养基体外建立银屑病皮损模型
18.No cases were all infected with gonorrhea, chlamydia and mycoplasma.但同时感染淋球菌、衣原体和支原体者。

Neisseria gonorrhoeae淋病奈瑟球菌
1.Antibiotic resistance of Neisseria gonorrhoeae isolates from female patients;女性患者淋病奈瑟球菌的耐药性分析
2.Relationship between fluoroquinolone resistance and gyrA and/or parC gene mutation in Neisseria gonorrhoeae;淋病奈瑟球菌耐氟喹诺酮类药物与gyrA和parC基因突变的相关性研究
3.Gene mutations responsible for high-level ciprofloxacin resistance in Neisseria gonorrhoeae isolates;环丙沙星高耐淋病奈瑟球菌基因分析
3)Neisseria gonorrhoeae淋球菌
1.Monitoring of antimicrobial susceptibility to Neisseria gonorrhoeae in Nanjing, 2003~2006;2003~2006年南京地区淋球菌分离株抗菌药物敏感性监测
2.Research on the Plasmid Profiles of the Neisseria Gonorrhoeae Isolates;淋球菌分离株耐药质粒谱型研究
3.Establishment and characterization of mice hybridoma cell line secreting monoclonal antibody against MtrC of Neisseria gonorrhoeae;淋球菌MtrC融合蛋白单克隆抗体杂交瘤细胞株的建立和特性鉴定
1.Analysis on infection by Gonococcus,Chlamydia trachomatis and Mycoplasma and Mycoplasma drug resistance in patients in STDs outpatient clinic;性病门诊患者中淋球菌、沙眼衣原体和支原体感染情况及支原体耐药分析
2.Research advances in nucleic acid amplification technology to detect Gonococcus核酸扩增技术在淋球菌检测中的研究进展
3.Establishment of gonococcus-induced neutrophil infection model中性粒细胞淋球菌感染模型的建立
1.Effects of efflux pump proteins in inner membrane of gonococci on ciprofloxacin resistance level;内膜泵蛋白影响淋球菌对环丙沙星的耐药水平
2.The Study on Drugs Sensitivity of Gonococci Isolates in Guangzhou;广州地区淋球菌耐药趋势的研究
1.Objective: Knowing about epidemiology state about pathogens of the STD, such as CT,UU,NG and HPV, etc in Jiangxi province.目的:调查沙眼衣原体(CT)、解脲脲原体(UU)、淋球菌(NG)、人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)等性病病原体感染的流行病学状况。
2.Conclusion The patients with urogenital tract inflammatory condition is infected more easily in UU and NG, and the same time the urogenital tract infection can be ca. 方法 沙眼衣原体 (CT)抗原检查采用金标法 ,解脲支原体 (UU)和人型支原体 (MH)的检查采用培养法 ,奈瑟淋球菌 (NG)的检查采用革兰氏染色法。

脑膜炎双球菌脑膜炎双球菌diplococcus meningitidis 一种引起流行性脑膜炎的化脓性革兰阴性双球菌。呈肾形或蚕豆形,成双排列,凹面相对,大小不一,无芽胞、无鞭毛,为专性需氧菌;抵抗力很弱,对干燥、高温、低温、磺胺药和抗生素等均很敏感。