保胎治疗,medicine theraphy
1)medicine theraphy保胎治疗

1.Effectiveness of two different treatments in threatened abortion黄体酮胶丸用于早期先兆流产保胎治疗效果观察
2.Analysis of clinical outcomes and nursing in 126 gravidas with placenta praevia126例前置胎盘保守治疗的临床观察和护理
3.Clinical Analysis on 96 Cases of Abortion Treated with TCM Bushenantai Liquid补肾安胎饮治疗胎漏96例疗效分析
4.Clinical Observation on 126 Cases of Early Threatened Abortion Treated by Zhixue Baotai Yin止血保胎饮治疗早期先兆流产患者126例临床观察
5.The Clinical Study on Curative Effects of Splenorenal Deficiency Early Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion by "Baotaiyin";保胎饮治疗肾脾两虚型早期复发性自然流产的临床研究
6.Clinical Observation on Baotaiyin in Treating Early Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion with Kidney-spleen Deficiency Syndrome保胎饮治疗脾肾两虚型早期复发性自然流产的临床研究
7.The medical study and treatment of the fetus, especially within the uterus.胎儿学尤指对子宫内的胎儿的医学研究和治疗
8.Systematic Review of Bushenantai Compound Chinese Medicine in Treating Fetal Irritability;补肾安胎中药复方治疗胎动不安的系统评价
9.Clinical Research on the Effect of Bushengutai Decoction Treating the Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion;补肾固胎汤治疗脾肾两虚型滑胎的临床观察
10.To Observe the Effects of Damp-heated Neonatal Jaundice by Treating with Both Mother and Baby母子并治治疗胎黄湿热内蕴型疗效观察
11.Healing Effect Evaluation on Amniotic Replacement Therapy to Preterm Premature Rupture of the Membranes羊水补充疗法治疗未足月胎膜早破疗效评价
12.Thymus Gland Transplantation Nursing Care胎儿胸腺移植治疗恶性肿瘤的护理
13.Title:Role of placental extract in the therapy of urticarias.胎盘粹取素之功用在治疗麻疹、风疹块。
14.Regulation of 11β-hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase in the Placenta and Association with Glucocorticoid Treatment胎盘11β-HSD表达调节与糖皮质激素治疗
15.The treatment of patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome by in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer.体外受精-胚胎移植治疗PCOS不孕分析
16.Treatment Progression of clinical complication in multiple pregnancy多胎妊娠临床并发症治疗新进展研究
17.Development of the Treatment of Intrauterine Growth Retardation(IUGR) with TCM胎儿宫内发育迟缓的中医药治疗进展
18.The Effect of Ambroxol by Intravenous Injection to Cure Meconium Aspiration Syndrome氨溴索辅助治疗胎粪吸入综合征的疗效观察

3)limb salvage保肢治疗
1.[Purpose] To investigate the methods and clinical efficacy of limb salvage in treatment for long bone tumors.[目的]探讨长骨骨肿瘤保肢治疗的方法及疗效。
4)conservative treatment保守治疗
1.Clinical observation and nursing of the ectopic pregnant patients undergoing conservative treatment;异位妊娠保守治疗的临床观察及护理
2.Analysis of secondary displacement and femoral head necrosis after conservative treatment in undisplaced femoral neck fractures;股骨颈骨折保守治疗继发移位及头坏死的调查分析
3.A clinical analysis of conservative treatment of tubal pregnancy with combination of Chinese traditional medicine and Western medicine;中西医结合保守治疗输卵管妊娠临床分析
5)conservative therapy保守治疗
1.A study of different conservative therapy of 11 case cervical pregnancy;宫颈妊娠11例不同保守治疗方法探讨
2.Clinical analysis of 288 cases of acute imperforation appendicitis treated with conservative therapy;对急性未穿孔阑尾炎保守治疗288例临床分析
3.Comparing the therapeutic efficacy between conservative therapy and unilateral laminectomy for bilateral decompression of lumbar spinal stenosis;单椎板切除双侧减压和保守治疗腰椎管狭窄疗效的比较
6)breast-conserving therapy保乳治疗
1.To introduce the advances of breast-conserving therapy(BCT) of early stage breast cancer.本文介绍早期乳腺癌保乳治疗的现状和进展,主要从乳腺癌病理生理特点、保乳治疗与根治性手术的等效性、保乳手术的技术要求、前哨淋巴结活检、局部复发的相关风险因素和术后放疗等几个方面加以探讨。
2.To investigate the psychological changes in women with early breast cancer after breast-conserving therapy.[目的]探讨早期乳腺癌女性患者保乳治疗后的心理状况变化。
