女性倾向,women bias
1)women bias女性倾向
2)female trend女性化倾向
1.A series of contradictions,closely related with his esthetic and psychological features,exist in his novels:the contrast and harmony of male feature and female trend in his integral style;the contrast and intersupplementation of the social contradictions and conflicts between sexes in the subject matter;the transfer and wrong position of sexual persectiv.他的小说世界里存在着一系列与其审美心理特征密切相关的矛盾 :在整体风格中呈现男性特征与女性化倾向的对立与和谐 ;在题材选择上存在社会矛盾与两性冲突的对比与互补 ;在塑造女性形象时隐含着性别视角的转换与错位 ;在创作与构思过程中时时可见情绪化与理性化的纠结与挣扎。

1.Research On the tendency of feminization of boys of medium and high grades in primary school;小学中高年级男孩女性化倾向的研究
2.Literature Position and Culture Tendency in Contemporary Feminist Criticism;当代女性研究的文学立场与文化倾向
3.Mainstream of Women s Novel in the Nineties of the Twentieth Century:Vulgar and Individual;20世纪90年代女性小说的世俗化与个人化倾向
4.On the symbolic significance of beauty in the consumer society─View "beauty economy"from sociological perspective;消费社会的女性符号化倾向——“美女经济”的社会学透视
5.Secularization and Individualism--On the Mainstream of the Multifaceted Feminine Literature in 1990s;俗世化与个人化——二十世纪九十年代多元化女性写作中的主流倾向
6.The Trade-Wage Preference in Women s Employment and Sexual Discrimination;女性就业的行业—工资倾向与性别歧视
7.The tendentiousness of the woman of ethnic minority s love in JIN Yong s fiction;金庸小说异族女性情爱描写的倾向性
8.On Wang Anyi s Works in 90s;论90年代王安忆小说的叙述姿态——兼论其“女性化”写作倾向
9.Infertile women have a somewhat higher risk of developing breast cancer.不育妇女患乳癌的倾向性较高。
10.On the Different Choice in Two Inclinations: Human Feminism and Female Feminism.;东西方女性主义两种倾向的不同选择
11.The Development and Secularizing Tendency of Female Goddess Novel in the Tang Dynasty;唐代女神、女仙小说及其世俗化倾向研究
12.The Research of Feminism Inclinations about Youthful Literate Feminine in Media;青年知识女性在媒介中的女权倾向研究
13.On the Tendentiousness of Folk and Femininity in LingLi s Full-length Historical Novels;论凌力长篇历史小说中的民间写作倾向和女性写作倾向
14.The Research on the Gender Distinction of Hidden Curriculum Affecting the Female Students Self-Confidence;潜在课程性别倾向对女生性别自信的影响研究
15.The cognition about female role and its orientation among college students;高校学生女性角色认知及其倾向性分析
16.Study on the Relationship between Sex-role Attitude and Career Orientation of Female University Students;女大学生性别角色态度与职业倾向的关系研究
17.The Investigation and Analysis about the University Girl Students Initiative and Tendentiousness in Physical Exercise;高校女生锻炼主动性与择项倾向的调查分析
18.Female College Students Social Sex Self-Discrimination:Formation and Education;女大学生社会性别自我歧视倾向的形成与教育

female trend女性化倾向
1.A series of contradictions,closely related with his esthetic and psychological features,exist in his novels:the contrast and harmony of male feature and female trend in his integral style;the contrast and intersupplementation of the social contradictions and conflicts between sexes in the subject matter;the transfer and wrong position of sexual persectiv.他的小说世界里存在着一系列与其审美心理特征密切相关的矛盾 :在整体风格中呈现男性特征与女性化倾向的对立与和谐 ;在题材选择上存在社会矛盾与两性冲突的对比与互补 ;在塑造女性形象时隐含着性别视角的转换与错位 ;在创作与构思过程中时时可见情绪化与理性化的纠结与挣扎。
3)feminism inclination女性主义倾向
1.This paper analyses the feminism inclination shown in Hongloumeng.本文分析了《红楼梦》的创作中所体现出的女性主义倾向 ,提出十二钗判词的英译除了在形式、韵律和意义方面的要求之外 ,还必须体现作者的创作用意即作者所着眼的女性立场和价值标准。
4)the tendentiousness of femininity女性写作倾向
5)Supports oneself tendency feminine consciousness自立倾向的女性意识

女性1.人类两种性别之一,与男性相对。常用为妇女的通称。 2.女子的性格﹑性情。