支原体种属,myco-plasma genus
1)myco-plasma genus支原体种属
2)Species-specific PCR支原体种属特异性引物
1.Species-specific PCR for Identification of Common Contaminant Mycoplasma in Cell Culture;方法从多种支原体的16SrRNA核酸序列中选择了两段高度保守的核酸序列,作为支原体种属特异性引物,对标本进行检测。

1.Infection and antimicrobial susceptibility of Chlamydia trachoma and mycoplasma沙眼衣原体、支原体属感染及药物敏感度分析
2.type and sole genus of the family Mycoplasmatacaea.支原体科的典型的且唯一的属。
3.The Relevent Clinical Analysis of Different Species of Mycoplasma Infection and Female Secondary Infertility不同种属支原体感染与女性继发性不孕相关性临床分析
4.The experimental results indicated that the pathogen of Tibetan chickens Mycoplasma was Mycoplasma gallisepticum.试验结果表明藏鸡支原体病原为鸡毒支原体。
5.type genus of the family Plasmodiidae.原形体科的一个模式属。
6.Mycoplasma mycoides var. capri山羊传染性肺炎支原体
7.Experimental study on the lethality of rats in Mycoplasma infection发酵支原体、梨支原体大鼠致死性感染实验研究
8.No cases were all infected with gonorrhea, chlamydia and mycoplasma.但同时感染淋球菌、衣原体和支原体者。
9.coradle ,wire ,of zinc or wood for holding fractured limbs金属丝支架,锌或木头制,用于支撑骨折的肢体
10.The actual figure was supported by a metal framework.这座雕像的主体由金属框架支撑着。
11.Firstly, the principle of MADM based on SVM is discussed.首先,分析了多属性决策支持向量机方法的原理。
12.The Study of the Reason and Interventional Therapy of Biliary Metal Stent Reobstruction;胆道金属支架再狭窄原因分析及介入处理
13.Analyzing the Failure Cause of Casting Frame With Cochrome;口腔铸造支架和金属内冠失败原因分析
14.Study on the Activity of Saikosaponin-d Against Mycoplasmas in Vitro and Mycoplasma Hominis Growth Characteristic;柴胡皂苷-d体外抗支原体作用及人型支原体生长规律的研究
15.Measurement of serum anti-IgM+IgG+IgA in 252 cases of mycoplasma pneumonia252例支原体肺炎血清抗体检测报道
16.Detection of serum cytokines in rats with fatal infection by mycoplasmas fermentans,mycoplasma pirum and mycoplasma penetrans发酵支原体、梨支原体及穿通支原体致死性感染大鼠血清细胞因子检测
17.Protoplast Fusion and Piant Regeneration of Citrus with Murraya柑桔属与九里香属的原生质体融合及植株再生
18.Identification of Ureaplasma urelyticum and Chlamydia trachomatis of non_gonococcal urethritis非淋菌性尿道炎解脲支原体及沙眼衣原体检测

Species-specific PCR支原体种属特异性引物
1.Species-specific PCR for Identification of Common Contaminant Mycoplasma in Cell Culture;方法从多种支原体的16SrRNA核酸序列中选择了两段高度保守的核酸序列,作为支原体种属特异性引物,对标本进行检测。
6)mycoplasma mycoides subsp丝状支原体丝状亚种

所引支【所引支】 (术语)为十二支中无明行二能引支引起之识,名色,六处,触,受之五支也。