调经毓麟汤,Tiaojingyulin Decoction
3)Liuli Decoction毓麟汤
4)Qingre Yulin Decoction清热毓麟汤
1.Clincal Observation of Qingre Yulin Decoction in Treatment of Male Infertility Caused by Accessory Gland Infection;清热毓麟汤治疗男性附性腺炎不育的临床观察
5)Shiying Yulin decoction石英毓麟汤
1.Objective:To investigate the regulatory effects of Shiying Yulin decoction(SYD) and clomiphene citrate(CC) on function of reproduction and metabolizsm in polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS) patients with deficiency of kidney and blood stasis syndrome(DKBSS).为探讨石英毓麟汤配合氯米芬对肾虚血瘀型多囊卵巢综合征 (PCOS)患者生殖与代谢功能的调节作用 ,采用放射免疫法对 35例 PCOS患者治疗前后及 15例月经周期正常的健康妇女进行血清瘦素 (leptin)、促卵泡激素 (FSH)、黄体生成素 (L H)、睾酮 (T)、胰岛素 (INS)的测定。
1.Objects: To discuss the theory of kidney dominating reproduction, study the effect of Bushenyulintang on rats with generative function failure, illuminate initially Bushenyulintang's mechanism on molecular level, and reveal the scientific connotation of kidney dominating reproduction.目的 探讨“肾主生殖”的理论,观察同一补肾中药补肾毓麟汤对雌、雄性大鼠生殖功能障碍模型的生殖功能改善作用,从分子水平初步阐明补肾毓麟汤的作用机理,初步揭示“肾主生殖”的科学内涵。

调经调经 治则。出宋·陈自明《妇人大全良 方·卷之一》。指调整妇人月经经量、经色、经质、周期等异常的一种治疗法则。肖慎斋《女科经纶》:“如先因病而后经不调,当先治病,病去则经自调;若因经不调而后生病,当先调经,经调则病自除。”主要包括调理气血、滋肾补肾、健脾和胃、疏肝理气、调理冲任等法。