低雌激素症状,hypoestrogenic symptoms
1)hypoestrogenic symptoms低雌激素症状
1.ObjectiveTo evaluate the effects of GnRHa and add-back therapy on sex hormone, hypoestrogenic symptoms,quality of life and bone mineral density(BMD) in the treatment of patients with endometriosis.目的观察单用GnRHa及雌孕激素反加疗法对子宫内膜异位症患者生殖激素水平、低雌激素症状、生活质量及骨密度等的影响,探索一种新的有效安全的反加方案。
2)Low estrogen低雌激素

1.Clinical Research of Pueraria Total Flavonoids in The Treatment of Pharyngeal Mucous Membrane Lesion Induced by Low Estrogen葛根总黄酮治疗低雌激素咽黏膜病变的临床应用研究
2.The Effect of Estrogen and Its Receptor on the Hypoxic Pulmonary Vascular Remodeling;雌激素及其受体对低氧性肺血管重建的作用
3.Effect of estrogen on estrogen receptor α and β in lower urinary tract of female rats雌激素对雌鼠下尿路雌激素受体表达的影响
4.Clinical observation on the compliance and safety of long term hormone replacement therapy in postmenopausal woman绝经期妇女长期低剂量雌激素替代治疗应用状况
5.Relationship of depression-like behavior induced by chronic restraint stress estrogen and hippocampal estrogen receptor of female mice慢性束缚应激性抑郁与雌性小鼠雌激素和海马雌激素受体的关系
6.Conjugated Estrin and Medroxyprogesterone Acetate共轭雌激素安宫黄体酮
7.Raloxifene also mimics estrogen.Raloxifene也是雌激素仿制物。
8.Effects of Perinatal Exposure to Low-dose Tributyltin on Development and Estrogen Level of Female Offspring Mice围产期低剂量三丁基锡暴露对子代雌性小鼠发育及雌激素水平的影响
9.Effect of Estrogen and Phytoestrogen on the Impaired Facial Nerve;雌激素和植物雌激素对面神经损伤的影响
10.Expression of estrogen receptor α in female rat's brain雌激素受体α在雌性大鼠脑中的表达
11.The Female Estradiol Level Change in Recent Years近年女性雌激素(雌二醇)变化的探讨
12.The estrogen hormone most affected by velvet antler is estradiol.鹿茸也能提高雌性激素的水平,雌性激素主要支持雌性特征。
14.Physiological functions of testosterone, estrogen and progestogen.睾酮、雌激素及孕激素的生理作用。
15.Platelet Activation Due to Estrogen Depletion in Female SD Rats雌激素缺乏引起雌性SD大鼠血小板激活
16.An estrogenic hormone, C18H24O3, found in the urine during pregnancy.雌三醇在怀孕妇女的尿中发现的一种雌激素,C18H24O3
17.Estrogen receptor expression in genioglossus of ovariectomized rats去卵巢雌性大鼠颏舌肌雌激素受体表达的研究
18.Study on estrogenic effects of 17α-ethynylestradiol on juvenile Pagrosomus major乙炔基雌二醇对真鲷幼鱼的雌激素效应研究

Low estrogen低雌激素
3)Estrogen deficiency symptoms雌激素缺乏症
5)estrogenic hyperlipidemia雌激素高脂血症

单纯性促黄体生成激素缺乏症单纯性促黄体生成激素缺乏症  病名。指男性因促黄体生成激素(LH)缺乏而性成熟受抑制、阳痿、性欲低下者。病者精子生成正常,或仅轻度减少,类固醇激素合成正常。因其生育能力尚存,故临床亦称为“有生育能力的阉人”。中药、睾丸酮、针灸能改善其性功能,并促进成年人第二性征的发育。常用丙酸睾丸素25~50mg/日;或温肾壮阳、振痿起茎,方用秃鸡散、桂附八味丸加减。