黄体囊肿出血,Hemorrhagic Corpus luteum cyst
1)Hemorrhagic Corpus luteum cyst黄体囊肿出血
2)corpus luteum cyst黄体囊肿
1.Ovarian cysts can be divided into the follicle cyst and corpus luteum cyst, the exact causeare not fully understood.卵巢囊肿可分为卵泡囊肿和黄体囊肿。

1.The Therapeutic Experiment of a Follicular Cyst Migrating to Luteal Cyst in a Holstein Cow卵泡囊肿移行黄体囊肿的荷斯坦奶牛的治疗实验
2.Sonographic Comparison of the Gestational Sac of Extrauterine with the Corpus Luteum;异位妊娠孕囊与卵巢小黄体囊肿的超声对比研究
3.Sonographic Comparison of Ectopic Gestational Sac with Corpus Luteum by Color Histogram彩色直方图对异位妊娠孕囊与卵巢黄体囊肿的对比分析
4.The images and patterns of ultrasound on ruptured corpus luteumcyst超声探讨卵巢黄体囊肿破裂后的声像图特征及分型
5.Cystoid macular oedema in paediatric apha-kia and pseudophakia儿童无晶状体眼及人工晶状体眼的囊样黄斑水肿
6.Note the luteinized cells forming the inner cyst lining at the left, with adjacent surrounding theca cells.左侧可见黄体细胞形成了囊肿的内层,包围在旁边的是卵泡膜细胞。
7.The doctor says my labium sees cyst of body of gland of one soybean volume, are excuse me such meeting influences pregnant?医生说我下唇可见一黄豆大小腺体囊肿,请问这样会影响怀孕吗?
8.To treat delayed ovulation, Inactive ovary, durable luteinizing, ovarian cyst .用于治疗动物延迟排卵、卵巢静止、持久黄体、卵巢囊肿等。
9.Stage 1A: Partial thickness pseudocyst with perifoeal posterior itreous detachment.不完全厚度的假性囊肿,伴有黄斑周围与后玻璃体附着。
10.Theca luteinized cyst found in late pregnancy woman晚期妊娠合并卵巢黄素囊肿10例分析
11.Experience of Treating 16 Cases of Renal Cyst by Retroperitoneal Laparoscopic后腹腔镜肾囊肿去顶术治疗肾囊肿16例体会
12.A pathological accumulation of serous fluid in a bodily cavity, especially in the scrotal pouch.水囊肿囊状体腔内浆液性积水,尤指阴囊积水
13.Clinicopathological Study of 32 Cases of Patients with Xanthogranulomatous Cholecystitis黄色肉芽肿性胆囊炎32例临床病理分析
14.Retrospective analysis of diagnosis and treatment for xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis in 59 cases59例黄色肉芽肿性胆囊炎诊治的回顾性分析
15.Xanthogranulomatous Cholecystitis Clinicopathological Study of 24 Cases黄色肉芽肿性胆囊炎24例临床病理分析
16.Large cysts can cause Backaches and a dragging sensation.体积较大的囊肿可引起背痛及牵扯感。
17.Clinical study on laparoscopic fenestration drainage in hepatic cysts腹腔镜肝囊肿开窗引流术的临床体会
18.Pathological study of sclerosing agent treating kidney cyst in vitro硬化剂体外处理肾囊肿的病理学研究

corpus luteum cyst黄体囊肿
1.Ovarian cysts can be divided into the follicle cyst and corpus luteum cyst, the exact causeare not fully understood.卵巢囊肿可分为卵泡囊肿和黄体囊肿。
3)hemorrhagic cyst出血性囊肿
4)luteum hematoma黄体血肿
1.A study on sonography of the ovarian luteum hematoma and teratoma卵巢黄体血肿与畸胎瘤超声声像图的对比研究
5)Hemorrhagic renal cyst出血性肾囊肿
6)Lutein cyst卵巢黄体囊肿
