ASCUS分流,shunt of ASCUS
1)shunt of ASCUSASCUS分流
1.And this maker may be helpful for the shunt of ASCUS.hTERC基因扩增异常细胞数≥24%可能成为检测CINⅡ及以上高级别病变的独立生物学指标并对ASCUS分流有一定的指导意义。

1.Significance of HPV testing and colposcopic inspection on triaging ASCUS cytologyHPV检测及阴道镜检查对ASCUS分流作用的探讨
2.The Significance of Detection P16 and HPV16 Expression in ASCUS to Identify High Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Neoplasis;检测ASCUS中P16、HPV16表达对评价高度宫颈上皮内瘤变的意义
3.Expression of human papilloma virus and clinic significance in atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance宫颈细胞学结果为ASCUS患者HPV感染状况及临床意义研究
4.DC ammeter with shunt带分流器的直流电流表
5.A branch of a river that flows away from the main stream.支流,分流从主干河流岔流出的支流
6.flow separation region水流分离区气流分离区
7.field flow fractionation场流分级(分离)法
8.LIT flow analysis层流-惯性流-紊流流动分析
9.To branch out, as a river.成支流分叉,如河流
10.The middle part of a stream.中流溪流中间的部分
11.FRAC(Fractionator Reflux Analog Computer)分流器回流模拟计算机
12.flow efficiency of expansion stage通流部分的流动效率
13.stratified flow气液分层流动, 层流
14.If using a split/ splitless inlet, check that the purge valve is ON.如果使用分流/分流进样口,检查分流阀是否打开。
15.fluxional calculus【数】流数术(微积分)
16.Screen pack分流板(过滤网组)
17.A huge rock parted the stream.巨岩使溪水分流。.
18.two provinces are demarcated by a river.两省以河流分界。The

1.A Simple Practical Equipment of Pour_diffluence;一种简单实用的灌装分流装置
2.A Study on Distribution of Native Place of Successful Candidates in Imperial Examination System and Diffluence in Late Qing;晚清进士籍贯分布及分流研究
3.Design and Implementation of Courseware Diffluence Project in platform of China Post Distance Education邮政远程教育系统课件分流方案的设计与实现
1.Sandstone diversion acidization technology of viscoelastic surfactant micelle fluid;粘弹性表面活性剂胶束酸在砂岩储层分流酸化中的应用
2.Study on effects of Songzi bleeder diversion on fluvial evolution of Lujia river;松滋口分流及其对芦家河河势影响研究
3.This paper designs and evaluates traffic diversion plans with the application of traffic simulation.运用交通仿真技术进行分流方案设计和评价,从行程时间、燃油消耗、沿线速度等方面进行了交通仿真的应用研究,采用美国TSIS仿真软件对某高速公路分流方案进行了实例分析。
1.Application of artificial blood vessel ring to portaca val shunt for portal hypertension;应用带环人造血管行门腔分流治疗门静脉高压症
2.Tolerance of portal vein occlusion by meso-caval shunt in Bama swines;肠腔分流条件下猪单纯门静脉阻断的安全时限
3.Research of shunt IPS based on threat ranking基于威胁排序的分流结构IPS研究与设计
1.Talk about Science and Humane Distributary and Circulation;论科学与人文的分流与融通
1.Litigation division at investigation phase is a kind of important criminal litigation division whose essence is to mediate beyond judicature.侦查阶段的“诉讼分流”是一种重要的刑事诉讼分流,其实质是在侦查阶段进行“司法外和解”。
2.In order to improve the standard and functions of criminal registration,we should reform unreasonable arrest rule and establish procedural division rule in criminal procedure.从犯罪预防的角度看待侦查程序中立案条件、羁押的适用及侦查终结方式等几个值得关注的问题,改善立案的条件及功能,改革欠合理的羁押制度,增设侦查中的诉讼分流程序,对于预防犯罪、保证侦查程序的立法规范有重要意义。
3.The adoption of procedure division systew conforms to the economic principle of lawsuit and is not against the principle of justice of lawsuit.侦查阶段实行"程序分流"符合诉讼经济原则的要求,不违背诉讼公正原则,也符合刑法谦抑原则的发展趋势。

AS 丙烯腈-苯乙烯共聚物是由丙烯腈和苯乙烯通过本体法、悬浮法或乳液法制得。透明或半透明的水白色颗航。相对密度1.06-1.08。折射率1.57。平衡吸水性0.66%。热变形温度82-105℃。具有高光泽、高透明、高冲击、良好的耐热性和机械性能。刚性大,具有较高的化学稳定性,耐水、耐油、耐酸、耐碱、耐醇类。溶于酮类溶剂和某些芳烃、氯代烃。耐候性中等,脆性较大。拉伸强度 72-78MPa冲击强度 2.1-2.5kJ/m2洛氏硬度 R76-80熔体指数 l. 4-3.3g/10min