洁尔阴洗液,Jie-Er-Yin Lotion
1)Jie-Er-Yin Lotion洁尔阴洗液
1.Based on ~1H-NMR-PCA to establish a quality control method of Jie-Er-Yin Lotion基于氢核磁共振-主成分分析建立洁尔阴洗液质量控制的研究

1.Based on ~1H-NMR-PCA to establish a quality control method of Jie-Er-Yin Lotion基于氢核磁共振-主成分分析建立洁尔阴洗液质量控制的研究
2.Clinical Observation on the Therapeutic Effect of Jieeryin Lotion on Patients with Eczema洁而阴洗液治疗湿疹38例疗效观察
3.Clinical Observation on Effects of Jie'eryin on Patients with Vaginitis洁尔阴溶液治疗各类阴道炎的疗效评价
4.A skin lotion or cream that is used to clean the face.洗洁剂用来清洁面部的皮肤洗液或膏状物
5.Most synthetic detergents are in the form of powder or liquid大多数合成洗洁剂是粉状的或液体的。
6.Determination the Content of Osthole in FuJin Lotion by HPLCHPLC法测定妇洁洗液中蛇床子素的含量
7.Remove the washer supply hoses from the washer pumps and drain the washer fluid from the reservoir into a clean container for reuse.从清洗器泵拆下清洗器供给软管,且从储液槽排出清洗液到洁净的容器中,以备后用。
8.Application of AFP Test of Vaginal Washing Fluid in the Diagnosis of Premature Rupture of Membranes阴道冲洗液甲胎蛋白检测在胎膜早破中的应用
9.Study on the skin toxicity and mucosal irritation of Shuyin Lotions舒阴洗液皮肤毒性及黏膜刺激性实验研究
10.Effect of Lancao Xiaoyan Lotion on Vaginal Immunoglobulin in Patient with Colpitis Mycotica兰草消炎洗液对真菌性阴道炎患者阴道免疫球蛋白浓度的影响
11.Wash often. Keep clean.常清洗、保持清洁。
12.Clean out laundry tub after use.洗完衣服后清洁洗涤槽。
13.These are removed by scouring( alkaline treatment with a sodium hydroxide solution+ detergent).通过洗涤(维排成直线然后用氢氧化钠溶液+洁剂)以去除这些杂质。
14.A detergent, powder, or other chemical agent that removes dirt, grease, or stains.清洁剂去除灰尘、油脂或污渍的清洗液、粉末或其它化学药品
15.Role of Different Concentrations of Anbijie Moisturizing Liquid in Cleaning Process of Medical Devices不同浓度安必洁保湿液在医疗器械清洗中的作用
16.Determination of Chlorhexidine Acetate in Lotion Yinbikang by HPLC高效液相色谱法测定阴必康洗剂中醋酸氯己定的含量
17.Marketing Strategy Analysis & Research about Aner on Market of Hengan Group;恒安集团安尔洗液上市营销策略分析与研究
18.someone who cleanses by scouring.冲刷洗涤来清洁的人。

Jieyinling lotion洁阴灵洗液
1.Study on Quality Standard for Jieyinling Lotion洁阴灵洗液质量标准研究
2.OBJECTIVE: To establish a quality standard for Jieyinling lotion.目的:建立洁阴灵洗液的质量标准。
3)Yinjieking Lotion阴洁康洗液
4)Jietongyin Lotion洁童阴洗液
1.Clinical and Experimental Study on Effect of Jietongyin Lotion in Treating Vulvovaginitis in Young Girls;洁童阴洗液治疗幼女外阴阴道炎的临床与实验研究
5)Jie'eryin solution洁尔阴溶液
6)Jieyinzhiyang lotin洁阴止痒洗液

洁尔阴洗液药物名称:洁尔阴洗液汉语拼音:Jieeryin Xiye主要成分:蛇床子、艾叶、独活、石菖浦、苍术等。性状:棕色至深棕色液体,气芳香。药理作用:对革兰氏阳性和阴性菌均有一定的抑制作用,对霉菌亦有抑制力。本品抑制阴道滴虫的效应与甲硝唑相当,除此之外,对大鼠阴道被白色念珠菌感染的炎症亦有治疗作用。功能与主治:清热燥湿,杀虫止痒。主治妇女湿热带下。症见阴部瘙痒红肿,带下量多,清热除湿,杀虫止痒。主治妇女湿热下注型带下,症见阴阳灼痛,带下量多,色黄如或豆渣状,口苦口干,尿黄便结,舌红苔黄腻,脉弦数,适用于霉菌性、滴虫性及非特异性阴道炎。用法与用量:外阴、阴道炎:用10%浓度洗液(即取本品10%ml加温开水至100ml混匀),擦洗外阴、阴道,然后用带尾线消毒棉球沾取30%浓度洗液(即取本品30ml加温开水至100ml混匀)置于阴道穹隆处,一日1次,七天为一疗程。不良反应:禁忌症:注意事项:系外用药,不得内用。规格: (1)250ml\瓶 (2)150ml\瓶 (3)100ml\ 瓶 (4)20ml\瓶贮藏:密闭,置阴凉处。有效期:暂定二年。处方药:是