临床化学标志物,Clinical chemical marker
1)Clinical chemical marker临床化学标志物
2)Clinical and biological indicators临床生物学指标
3)chemical cargo notation化学品货物标志
4)clinical chemistry临床化学
1.Application in clinical chemistry of a new self-made organism promoting coagulation tube;自制生物促凝管在临床化学检测中的应用
2.Effects of plasma with different concentration of heparin on indexes of clinical chemistry;肝素抗凝血浆在临床化学检测中的应用
3.Analysis of External Quality Assessment Results of Clinical Chemistry from 2005 to 2007 in Guangxi;2005年至2007年广西临床化学室间质量评价结果分析

1.Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists (CSCC)加拿大临床化学家学会
2.International Federation of Clinical Chemistry国际临床化学联合会
3.Scandinavian Society for Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Physiology斯堪的纳维亚临床化学和临床生理学学会
4.Optimizing clinical teaching bases for improving clinical teaching quality;优化临床教学基地 提高临床教学质量
5.Master of Science in Clinical Biochemistry [MSc (Clinical Biochemistry)]临床生物化学理学硕士
6.On how to deepen reform of clinical teaching and improve quality of clinical practice深化临床教学改革 提高临床见习实习质量
7.Reforming the Teaching Method of Biochemistry in Undergraduate Clinical Medical Major;本科临床医学专业生化教学方法改革
8.Strengthening Management of Clinical Practice Teaching and Expanding Teaching Resources;强化临床实习教学管理 拓展教学资源
9.Experiences in clinical teaching of plastic surgery for individualized foreign students整形外科留学生个性化临床教学体会
10.Strengthening the Teaching and Learning Process to Improve the Quality of Clinical Teaching强化教学过程管理 提高临床教学质量
11.clinical medicine [pathology]临床医学 [病理学]
12.Association of Clinical Biochemists (ACB)英国临床生物化学家协会
13.Clinical Analysis of the Non-surgical Therapy of Ocular Chemical Burns;化学性眼烧伤非手术治疗的临床分析
14.A Study on the Value of Standardized Patients in Clinical Teaching;标准化病人在临床教学中的价值探讨
15.Deepen Clinical Teaching Reformation Under the Employment Oriented Guidance;以就业为导向 深化临床教学改革
16.Strengthening the quantitative examination of the clinical teaching to improve the teaching quality;实施量化考核方法 提高临床教学质量
17.Clinical Evaluation of Carisolv Chemomechanical Caries RemovalCarisolv化学机械去龋临床应用效果的评价
18.The Establishment and Implementation of Standardized Mutual Teaching in Clinical Practice临床实习规范化互动式教学模式探讨

Clinical and biological indicators临床生物学指标
3)chemical cargo notation化学品货物标志
4)clinical chemistry临床化学
1.Application in clinical chemistry of a new self-made organism promoting coagulation tube;自制生物促凝管在临床化学检测中的应用
2.Effects of plasma with different concentration of heparin on indexes of clinical chemistry;肝素抗凝血浆在临床化学检测中的应用
3.Analysis of External Quality Assessment Results of Clinical Chemistry from 2005 to 2007 in Guangxi;2005年至2007年广西临床化学室间质量评价结果分析
5)Journal of Clinical Psychology临床心理学杂志
6)The Journal of Clinical Anesthesilolgy临床麻醉学杂志
