病因诊治,Etiology diagnosis and treatment
1)Etiology diagnosis and treatment病因诊治
2)underline diseases病因及诊治
1.Trends of underline diseases diagnosis and management of pulmonary embolism in patients in the last forty-six years;过去46年中肺栓塞患者基础病因及诊治情况的变迁(英文)

1.Diagnosis and treatment of Caroli disease associated with hepatolithiasisCaroli病合并肝内胆管结石的病因及诊治
2.206 cases of upper gastrointestinal bleeding in elderly people and the cause of the diagnosis and treatment analysis206例老年人上消化道出血的病因及诊治分析
3.Etiology,Diagnosis,and Treatment of Lower Limb Arterial Occlusion in Patients below 45 Years Old45岁以下下肢动脉闭塞患者的病因及诊治
4.Talking about analyzing words on "nine more one less" and three-side erosion--The pathogen and treatment of written or mispronounced characters;从“九多一少”、三面侵蚀谈咬文嚼字——别字“顽疾”的病因及诊治方法
5.Causes and strategy of diagnosis & treatment of biliary complications after orthotopic liver transplantation原位肝移植术后胆道并发症的病因及诊断治疗
6.Etiological Analysis and Nursing Intervention of Endodontic Interappointment Pain根管治疗约诊间痛的病因分析及护理干预
7.Objective To introduce the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment of splenic abscess(SA).目的介绍脾脓肿的病因,发病机理,临床表现及诊治方法。
8.This article revews the progress of vascular dementia about in its aetiology,classification,pathogenisis,diagnosis and its prevention and cure.文章就血管性痴呆的病因、分类、发病机制、诊断及防治进展作了综述。
9.The Exploration for Iteology, Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Therapy of Cervical Vertigo.;颈性眩晕的病因、病理机制及其诊断和治疗的探讨
10.Value of serum insulin and C-peptide monitoring in diagnosis and treatment of hypoglycemic coma胰岛素及C肽监测在低血糖昏迷病因诊断及治疗中的价值
11.Clinic Study of Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome and the Screen and Annotation of Its Related Genes;黑斑息肉综合征临床诊治及相关病理基因筛选研究
12.The Etiology,Diagnosis and Therapy of Chronic Hand Special Infections in Littoral Areas;沿海地区手部慢性特殊感染的病因学及诊治的研究
13.Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment of Familial Adenomatous Polyposis and Study of COX-2 Gene Expression;家族性腺瘤性息肉病的临床诊治及COX-2基因表达研究
14.Part Ⅰ Clinical Analysis of 28 Cases of Hemolysis, Elevated Serum Level of Liver Enzymes and Low Platelets Syndrome;妊娠合并HELLP综合征28例临床分析及病因、诊断和治疗的研究进展
15.The Sociopsychological Factors in the Pathogeny, Diagnosis and Treatment of the Patient with Chronic Prostatitis;慢性前列腺炎患者在发病及诊治中的社会心理因素
16.Etiologic diagnosis and treatment meanings of follicular development detected with B ultrasound among spontaneous abortion patients超声监测卵泡发育对自然流产的病因学诊断及指导治疗的意义
17.The Investigation and Research of Treatment Compliance and related factors of hypertensive patients in Outpatient Service门诊高血压病人综合治疗依从性及相关因素的调查研究
18.Diagnosis,treatment and gene mutation analysis in children with holocarboxylase synthetas deficiency羧化全酶合成酶缺陷病的临床诊治及基因突变分析

underline diseases病因及诊治
1.Trends of underline diseases diagnosis and management of pulmonary embolism in patients in the last forty-six years;过去46年中肺栓塞患者基础病因及诊治情况的变迁(英文)
3)Treating encephalopathy脑病诊治
4)Pig Disease猪病诊治
1.An Application of Dialectical Treatments of Troditional Chines Medicine to Treating Pig Diseases and Approach to Their Regularity;温病“卫气营血”辩证在猪病诊治上的应用及其规律探讨
5)diagnosis and treatment of disease疾病诊治
6)Etiological diagnosis病因诊断
1.Significance for TORCH infection in etiological diagnosis of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia;TORCH感染在新生儿高胆红素血症病因诊断中的意义
2.Etiological Diagnosis of 34 Patients with Suspected Obscure Small Intestinal Bleeding -- A Comparative Study of Double-balloon Push Enteroscopy and Enteroclysis;34例不明原因疑小肠出血的病因诊断——推进式双气囊小肠镜与小肠钡灌检查对比研究
3.Application of Breast High-frequency Ultrasonography in Etiological Diagnosis of Girls with Precocious Puberty;乳腺高频超声检查在女童性早熟病因诊断中的应用

常见病症中西医诊治概要常见病症中西医诊治概要 临床医书。白洪龙编著。此书以内科病证为主,共列30种常见证及其相应的135种病种。每一病证,首列概述,运用中西医理论,分别阐述病因病理、临床特点、治疗总则;次为诊查要点,介绍中医的望、闻、问、切及西医的视、触、叩、听和实验室检查;后为治疗,包括中医辨证论治、常用方、经验方和西医病期、类型、性质、阶段、所选药物。末附中西医病证名称对照表、中西医治疗方法归纳表、中草药互代参考表、常用中草药功效及用量表等。1983年由云南人民出版社出版。