中西药灌肠,traditional chinese medicine enema combined
1)traditional chinese medicine enema combined中西药灌肠

1.Treatment of Chronic Pelvic Inflammatory Disease by Western and Traditional Chinese Medicine Enema Combined with Physiotherapy中西药灌肠联合理疗治疗慢性盆腔炎60例疗效分析
2.Effect of Colon Lavage with Chinese Traditional and Western Medicines on Acute Pancreatitis中西药结肠灌洗灌注治疗急性胰腺炎效果观察
3.Effect of western and traditional medicine on ectopic pregnancy中药灌肠联合西药对异位妊娠干预临床观察
4.Nursing care of ulcerative colitis patients treated with retention enema with traditional Chinese and western medicines in combination with acupuncture中西药物保留灌肠联合针灸治疗溃疡性结肠炎的护理
5.Application of retention enema with traditional Chinese drugs in treatment of patients with early postoperative inflammatory intestinal obstruction中药保留灌肠在术后早期炎性肠梗阻中的应用
6.The Clinical Research on Effect Enhancement of Herbs Clyster Combined with Western Medicine for Treatment of ⅢA Chronic Prostatitis with Damp-heat and Blood Stasis Accumulated中药灌肠方联合西药治疗ⅢA型慢性前列腺炎(湿热瘀滞证)增效作用的临床研究
7.The Clinical Observation to Enema with Chinese Medicine Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis配合中药灌肠治疗溃疡性结肠炎的临床观察
8.Clinical Observation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Enema Treatment for 106 Patients with Malignant Bowel Obstruction中药灌肠治疗恶性肠梗阻106例临床观察
9.Herbal retention enema combined with praziquantel in treatment of schistosomal colopathy中药保留灌肠联合吡喹酮治疗血吸虫性结肠病
10.Effect of Enema with Traditional Chinese Medicine as A Palliative Treatment for Patients with Malignant Bowel Obstruction中药灌肠姑息治疗恶性肠梗阻效果观察
11.Effectiveness of Colon Irrigation in Combination with Herb Retention-enema in the Accessory Treatment of Hepatitis Gravis结肠灌洗联合中药保留灌肠辅助治疗重型肝炎疗效观察
12.The Recent Observation of High Colonic Irrigation Retention Enema with Chinese Herbal Medicine to Chronic Severe Hepatitis结肠灌洗加中药高位保留灌肠治疗慢性重型肝炎近期疗效观察
13.The Clinical Study on Curative Effects of Ulcerative Colitis Treated by "Chang Lu"Enema of Tcm Research in Colon;中药“肠露”保留灌肠治疗慢性非特异性溃疡性结肠炎的临床研究
14.Therapeutic Effects of Colon Hydropathy and Enema of TCM on Constipation-irritable Bowel Syndrome大肠水疗结合中药灌肠治疗便秘型肠易激综合征疗效观察
15.Effect of Retention Enema with Traditional Chinese Medicine Conducted at Different Time After Colon Hydropathy on Irritable Bowel Syndrome结肠水疗后不同时间中药保留灌肠治疗肠易激综合征
16.Clinical Observation of Retention Enema by Traditional Chinese Medicine Combined with Colonic Dialysis in the Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis结肠透析联合中药保留灌肠治疗溃疡性结肠炎疗效观察
18.Nursing Experience From a Combined Therapy of Enema With Chinese Herbal and TDP Treating Cases Suffering From Chronic Inflammation of Pelvic Cavity;中药灌肠联合TDP治疗慢性盆腔炎的护理体会

chronic renal failure中药灌肠
1.A stuay on the effect of Retention enema with rhubarbs etal decoction on chronic renal failure;中药灌肠治疗慢性肾功不全的近期疗效观察
3)herbal enema中药灌肠
1.Methods Thirty SD white rats were used to make IBD models by immunological method,and they were divided into: groupⅠ,treated with herbal enemas( n =10);groupⅡ,treated with SASP enemas( n =10);group Ⅲ, treated with normal saline enemas( n =10);and their levels of LTR,IL?2,CD4 + ,CD8 +,CD4 +CD11a +,CD4 +CD18 +,CD8+CD11a +,CD8 +CD18 + were t.目的 通过制作实验性炎症性肠病 (inflammatoryboweldisease,IBD)的动物模型来探讨IBD的发病机制并观察中药灌肠治疗后对其T淋巴细胞及其粘附分子表达的影响。
4)Traditional Chinese medicine enema中药灌肠
1.Treatment of Postoperative Intractable Abdominal Distension in Elderly Patients with Esophageal Carcinoma:Traditional Chinese medicine enema;中药灌肠治疗高龄食管癌术后顽固性腹胀临床观察
5)TCD enema中药灌肠
1.Methods:Apply XSTL capsule combined TCD enema to 33 cases of chronic renal failure in decompensation period,compare which with 31 cases treated with TCD enema.目的 :观察消栓通络胶囊结合中药灌肠治疗慢性肾功能不全失代偿期的疗效。
2.Objective:To observe the cure effect of improved TCD enema and reasonable nursing on acute pancreatitis accompanied with ileus.目的:观察改良中药灌肠与合理施护对治疗急性胰腺炎伴肠梗阻的疗效。
6)water therapeutics and affused rectum herber medicine and western medicine水疗加中西药直肠灌注
