泌尿系统畸形,urinary system abnormality
1)urinary system abnormality泌尿系统畸形

1.Congenital Urinary Abnormality in Children Diagnosed by Color Ultrasonography彩色超声体检发现儿童泌尿系统畸形
2.Preliminary Screening for Susceptibility Genes for Urinary Malformations at Chromosome Region 22q11.2;22q11.2区域泌尿系统畸形关键致病基因的初步筛查
3.Prenatal ultrasonographic diagnosis of urinary system abnormality in fetus and its clinical value胎儿泌尿系统畸形的产前超声诊断及临床价值
4.Clinical Value of Color Dopple Ultrasound Diagnosis of Fetal Malformation of the Urinary System彩色多普勒超声诊断胎儿泌尿系统畸形的临床实用价值
5.Imaging findings on 101 cases with congenital urinary malformations.101例先天性泌尿系畸形的影像学研究
6.Analysis of ultrasonic diagnosis on 216 fetuses of malformation of urinary system216例胎儿泌尿系畸形超声诊断分析
7.Preliminary Screening for Susceptibility Genes for Genitourinary Malformations at Chromosome Region 22q11.2;染色体22q11.2区域泌尿生殖系统畸形关键易感基因的初步鉴定
8."The urinary system consists of the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. This system removes urea and other waste products from the body in liquid urine. "泌尿系统包括肾、输尿管、膀胱和尿道。这一系统把尿和其它废物以尿液的形式从体内排出。
9.filariasis of genito-urinary system泌尿生殖系统丝虫病
10.amoebiasis of genito-urinary system泌尿生殖系统阿米巴病
11.(functioning of)the body's urinary system人体泌尿系统(的功能)
12.Foreign Medicine-urinary System国外医学.泌尿系统分册
13.Are your waterworks all right?你泌尿系统正常吗?
14.schistosomiasis of genito-urinary system泌尿生殖系统血吸虫病
15.ultrasonography in urinary system超声在泌尿系统的应用
16.malakoplakia of genito-urinary system泌尿生殖系统软斑病
17.malformation of central nervous system中枢神经系统先天畸形
18.Urology: Medical specialty dealing with the urinary system and male reproductive organs.泌尿外科学:诊断及治疗泌尿系统及男性生殖系统的医学专科。

Malformation in Urinary System泌尿系畸形
3)urogenital abnormalities泌尿生殖系统畸形
4)congenital urinary system malformation泌尿系统先天畸形
5)fetal malformation of the urinary system胎儿泌尿系统畸形
1.Objective:To evaluate the function of Color Dopple ultrasoung diagnosis of fetal malformation of the urinary system.目的:评价彩色多普勒超声诊断胎儿泌尿系统畸形的作用。
6)abnormal reproductive organ泌尿生殖系畸形

家族性泌尿生殖道和耳畸形综合征家族性泌尿生殖道和耳畸形综合征 病名。可能为常染色体隐性遗传。包括:①泌尿生殖道及外耳畸形。②泌尿生殖道及中耳畸形,呈现肾发育不良,内生殖器及中耳畸形。可采用手术整形治疗。