骨骼改变,skeleton change
1)skeleton change骨骼改变
1.Objective To explore the X-ray Performance of the skeleton changes of turner syndrome(TS) patients.目的探讨先天性卵巢发育不全症(TS)的骨骼改变

1.The X-ray Performance of the Skeleton Change in Turner Syndrome Patients先天性卵巢发育不全症骨骼改变的X线表现
2.We also want to acquire a higher-resolution picture of the order in which the changes to the skeleton occurred, say, when the hind limb evolved relative to the forelimb and the ear.我们也期望得到骨骼改变顺序更清晰的图像,例如,相对于前肢和耳部,后肢是何时演化的。
3.Research Progress in Changes of Ion Concentration on Membrane Potential and Skeletal Muscle Fatigue离子浓度改变对骨骼肌膜电位和骨骼肌疲劳的研究进展
4.Results When the enviroment of severed limbs was changed, the injures of skeletal muscle could be decreased.结果改变断肢所处的环境能减轻骨骼肌的损害。
5.Change of Skeletal Muscle and the Inability to Perform for Patients of Chronic Heart Failure慢性心衰病人的运动能力与骨骼肌改变
6.Do you have a bone or joint problem that could be made worse by a change in your physical activity?你有否因改变你的运动计画而导致骨骼或关节问题恶化的情况?
7.Repaired Ulnar Nerve and Effect on its Innervating Muscles in Rat;大鼠尺神经的损伤修复对其支配的爪内骨骼肌形态学改变的影响
8.Morphologic Research of Overtraining on Ischemic and Hypoxic Change of Cardiac and Skeletal Muscle;过度训练对心肌和骨骼肌缺血缺氧改变的形态学研究
9.Modified procedure for the histochemical demonstration of myosin ATPase改良骨骼肌肌纤维分型ATP酶染色方法
10.Effects include suppressed immune systems, weakened and deformed skeletons, cancers, vitamin deficiency and changes in behaviour.影响包括受抑制的免疫系统、脆且变形的骨骼、症、生素缺乏及行为上的改变。
11."Calcium phosphate is not properly deposited in the Bones, which become soft, curved, and stunted."磷酸钙没有恰当地沉积在骨骼上,因而骨骼变得柔软、弯曲且矮
12.Expression of sTnI mRNA in Rat Skeletal Muscle after Contusion大鼠骨骼肌挫伤后骨骼肌肌钙蛋白I mRNA的表达变化
13.of or relating to or forming or attached to a skeleton.骨骼的,关于骨骼的,形成骨骼的,或依附于骨骼的。
14.With age, bones grow weaker.随着年龄的增长,骨骼变得脆弱了。
15.When we speak, the sound of our voices is conducted to our own ears primarily by our bones, which slightly change timbre.说话时,我们的声音主要通过骨骼传到我们的耳朵中,这样就使音质稍微发生了改变,
16.Improvement and application of diagnostic techniques of the skeletal muscle biopsy骨骼肌活组织检查病理诊断技术的改进及应用
17.If you don't get enough calcium from your diet, your body will leech what it needs from bone, which ultimately leads to thinning.如果我们不能从饮食中补充足够的钙质,身体将从骨骼中强取钙,这最终将导致骨骼变细变薄。
18."The Blood becomes too acidic, Bones can lose calcium, and nerves can degenerate"表现为酸中毒、骨骼脱钙,亦可发生神经退化性变。

Bone lesion骨骼病变
1.Reults: For bone lesions, the punctured accuracy was 100% and diagnostic accuracy was 90%.目的 :探讨CT引导下活检在骨骼病变中的临床应用价值。
3)skeleton distortion骨骼变形
1.Study of the relationship between skeleton distortion and nutrition of fluorosis sufferers;氟骨症患者骨骼变形与营养关系的研究
4)degeneration of skeletal muscle骨骼肌变性
5)Skeletal myopathy骨骼肌病变
6)denatured skeletal muscle变性骨骼肌
1.Microwave denatured skeletal muscle is a good material for repair peripheral nerve short distant gap, and marrow stromal cells (MSCs) are muti-potential differentiation cells.微波变性骨骼肌是一种很好的周围神经短距离缺损的修复材料,MSCs是一种多分化潜能细胞,已有实验证实MSCs可以分化为Schwann—like细胞参与周围神经修复。

CT导向肌肉骨骼活检CT导向肌肉骨骼活检 介入放射学技术。在CT引导下对肌肉骨胳系统病变进行活检获得细胞学和组织学检查的方法。常规CT扫描后,选择穿刺层面和穿刺点,避开局部神经结构和确定穿刺针经皮肤到穿刺靶点的最短距离,用光标测出皮肤进针点与靶点之间的距离和角度,小心进针,其行径随时作CT核实,再次CT扫描确定针尖位于靶点内,作切割或抽吸获取标本,将抽吸出的一部分标本涂片,其余的作细胞学和组织学检查。