清热益气,clearing heat andbenefiting vital energy
1)clearing heat andbenefiting vital energy清热益气
2)Yiqi Qingre Formula益气清热方
1.Effects of rabbit serum containing Yiqi Qingre Formula and its decomposed recipes on type Ⅰ Helicobacter pyloriinduced apoptosis of GES-1 cells in vitro;益气清热方及其拆方的兔含药血清对Ⅰ型幽门螺杆菌致GES-1细胞凋亡的影响

1.Effect of Yiqi Qingre Formula on Histopathological Changes of Gastric Mucosa in Nude Mice Infected with Helicobacter Pylori TypeⅠ益气清热方对Ⅰ型幽门螺杆菌感染裸鼠胃黏膜组织病理学的影响
2.The Effection P53 VEGF of Yiqi Huoxue Qingre Decoction on Gastric Cancer Cell益气活血清热方对胃癌细胞株P53 VEGF表达的影响
3.Effects of Qingre Qushi Yiqi Formula on the Expressions of the Injured Hepatocyte Apoptosis Related Proteins in Mice清热祛湿益气方对肝损伤细胞凋亡相关蛋白表达的影响
4.Protective effects of qingrequshiyiqi prescription on acute hepatic injury in mice induced by concanavalin A清热祛湿益气方对刀豆蛋白A诱导小鼠急性肝损伤的保护作用
5.Clinical Observation on the Treatment to Fever of Lung Cancer with Replenishing Qi to Nourish Yin and Clearing Heat and Resolving Phlegm Method益气养阴清热化痰法治疗肺癌发热的临床观察
6.The Clinical Reasearch on the Effect of the Method of YiQiTongMai-QingReHua Tan Which Treat Coronary Angina Pectoris;益气通脉清热化痰法治疗气虚痰热型冠心病心绞痛的临床观察
7.Clinical Study of Using TCM Therapy Expelling Damp-heat by Boosting Qi and Nourishing Yin to Treat Chronic Glomerulonephritis of Dual Vacuity of Qi and Yin益气养阴清热利湿法治疗慢性肾小球肾炎(气阴两虚证)的临床观察
8.The Curative Effect Observation about Treating CP by the Method of Supporting Kidney Fortify Qi and Eliminating Heat and Wetness Evil and Radiotherapy;补肾益气、清热祛湿法辅以射频治疗Ⅲ型前列腺炎疗效观察
9.Clinical Research on Asthma of Relieving Period by Therapy of Invigorating Qi and Consolidating the Superficial and Clearing Heat and Normalizing the Stomach;益气固表、清热和胃法治疗小儿哮喘缓解期的临床研究
10.Clinical and Experimental Study on the Effects of Clearing Away the Heat. Prompting Blood Flow, Tonifying Qi on Wound Tissue Repair;清热、活血、益气法对创伤组织修复的临床与实验研究
11.Clinical Study on Treatment of Chronic Glomerulonephritis with Replenishing Qi and Clearing Heat and Eliminating Blood Stasis Way益气清热化瘀法治疗慢性肾炎蛋白尿的临床研究
12.Experimental research on advanced lung cancer cachexia model with Benefiting qi clearing heat and nourishing yin Decoction益气清热养阴中药改善小鼠Lewis肺癌模型恶病质的实验研究
13.Observation of prescription with supplementing qi,nourishing yin,clearing heat and activating blood on early diabetic nephropathy益气养阴清热活血法治疗早期糖尿病肾病33例临床观察
14.Clinical Research That is Yiqi Yangyin Eliminating Damp-heat on Treatment of Chronic Pyelonephritis Belong to Deficiency of Qi-yin and Combination of Damp-heat益气养阴清利湿热法治疗慢性肾盂肾炎(气阴两虚、湿热留恋)的临床研究
15.Effect of Spleen-strengthening and Qi-invigorating Prescription on Serum Inflammatory Factor in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Rats with Spleen-Qi Deficiency Syndrome健脾益气方对脾气虚证2型糖尿病大鼠血清炎症因子的影响
16.The Clinical Effects of Bronchiolitis Treated by Tangreqing Injection in Different Ways痰热清治疗毛细支气管炎不同用药方式的疗效
17.Research on Vascular Remodeling in SHR Reversed by Antihypertensive Formula of Clearing Liver Fire and Supplementing Qi and Interferential Mechanism;清肝益气降压方对自发性高血压大鼠血管重构的干预机制
18.Research on Antihypertensive Effect of Formula of Clearing Liver Fire and Supplementing Qi and Its Compatibility Mechanism;清肝益气降压方对原发性高血压的作用及配伍机理研究

Yiqi Qingre Formula益气清热方
1.Effects of rabbit serum containing Yiqi Qingre Formula and its decomposed recipes on type Ⅰ Helicobacter pyloriinduced apoptosis of GES-1 cells in vitro;益气清热方及其拆方的兔含药血清对Ⅰ型幽门螺杆菌致GES-1细胞凋亡的影响
3)QingReYiQi Granules清热益气颗粒
1.Clinical observations of QingReYiQi Granules on Cervicitis with Mycoplasma;清热益气颗粒治疗支原体感染非淋菌性宫颈炎的临床疗效观察
2.Objective To investigate the clinical significance of QingReYiQi Granules (QRYQG)in preventing and curing the Recurrent genital herpes(RGH).目的探讨清热益气颗粒防治复发性生殖器疱疹的临床意义。
4)Chinese herbs of Bu Shen补肾益气清热方
5)Yiqiqinge Huoxue formule益气清热活血方
6)Yiqi Yangyin Qingre Ye(YYQY)益气养阴清热液
1.Aim:To investigate the effect of Yiqi Yangyin Qingre Ye(YYQY) on glucose transport in hyperglycemic fatty rats.目的:探讨益气养阴清热液(YYQY)对高血糖肥胖大鼠外周组织葡萄糖转运的影响。

补肾健脾益气种子煎方补肾健脾益气种子煎方 方名。出明·岳甫嘉《妙一斋医学正印种子编·上卷·男科》。功效:补肾强精,健脾养血,延年种子。主治:男子肾阳亏虚,脾气不足,精血俱损所致婚久不育,阴器无力,中道痿,精清精少,阳具早衰者。药物组成:白茯苓3钱,甘枸杞子1两,怀生地 (酒洗)2钱,麦门冬(去心)2钱,人参2钱,陈皮3钱,白术(土焙)3钱。用法:河水2碗煎8分,空腹或饥时任服,渣再煎服。