白带异味,leukorrhea peculiar smeu
1)leukorrhea peculiar smeu白带异味
2)specific protein band特异蛋白带
3)Special point or belt of protein差异蛋白带
4)peculiar smell异味
1.The causation of peculiar smell of pigskin garment leather was discussed, and the preventive measurement was brought forward.分析了猪服装革产生异味的综合原因,提出了预防产生异味的具体措施。

1.Peter, do you smell something funny?彼得,你闻到一些异味吗?
2.Special formulated stain and scent remover takes the odour away from a puppy's nose, as well as yours.专用的污渍及异味去除剂可以成功的为你和狗狗去除异味
3.Study on Anabaena sp. and Its Off-flavor Production and the Time-space Change of Off-flavor Compounds in Chao-hu鱼腥藻生长、产异味特征及巢湖南淝河河口异味时空变化研究
4."Be clean, free of bad odours and provided with a flushing system;"应干净,无异味且有冲洗系统
5.Can you taste anything strange in this soup?你尝出这汤有什么异味吗?
6.bugbane of Siberia and eastern Asia having ill-smelling green-white flowers.西伯利亚和东亚升麻,有异味,花绿白色。
7.The off-flavored eggs were found to contain large amounts of trimethylamine.人们发现异味蛋含有大量的三甲胺。
8.A pheasant is a rare delicacy we seldom can enjoy.野鸡是我们很少能品尝到的异味美食。
9.Smoking is dangerous, as well as making you smell bad.吸烟不仅危险,而且使你身上有异味
10.A nuisance affecting the quality of life at home, how?家里有异味影响生活质量怎么除?
11.Can we stink the mice out of their holes?我们能用异味把耗子从洞里熏出来吗?
12.He smelled the milk and said it smelled bad. It had a bad smell.他闻了闻牛奶,说牛奶坏了,有异味了。
13.The male and female skin, the genitals antibacterial, the sterilization, stop itch, eliminate the unusual smell.男女皮肤、阴部的抗菌、杀菌、止痒、除异味
14.The Consistant Analysis of the Taste & Odor of Drinking Water in Baotou Drinking Water Treatment Plant in Winter;包头市给水处理厂冬季水质异味分析
15.a peculiar taste, smell, noise, etc怪异的口味、 气味、 噪音等
16.Taste: fresh, pleasant and delicately sweet.香味:美妙的花香盒浪漫的异国水果味。
17.Her anvanced idea have make her the enfant terrible of the art world她一味标新立异, 在艺术界堪称一怪
18.a palm tree means that you are going to travel to an exotic location,手掌树意味着你将去异地旅行,

specific protein band特异蛋白带
3)Special point or belt of protein差异蛋白带
4)peculiar smell异味
1.The causation of peculiar smell of pigskin garment leather was discussed, and the preventive measurement was brought forward.分析了猪服装革产生异味的综合原因,提出了预防产生异味的具体措施。
1.Full-scale treatment of odorous emissions from burley tobacco processing plant;白肋烟加工尾气中异味物质的大规模处理
2.Full-scale test of odor and algae control for the Yellow River water;黄河水异味和藻类控制的生产性试验研究
3.This paper elaborated the necessity of odor removal in the mass living water, lake water, reservoir water and the latest study in this field in the world is discussed.阐述了大生活用海水、中水、湖泊和水库水等水中异味去除的必要性,以及国内外对该技 术的研究进展。
1.A preliminary study on the relationship between freshwater algae and the off-flavor in fishes;淡水浮游藻类与鱼体异味关系的初步研究
2.Identification of two off-flavor algae and effect of salinity on Dactylococcopsis rhaphidioides;两种异味藻类的筛选及盐度对针晶蓝纤维藻生长的影响
3.Effect of L-carnitine on off-flavor, growth, body muscle composition and some biochemical indexes in common carp;L-肉毒碱对鲤异味、生长、身体组成和某些生化指标的影响

肝细胞特异性脂蛋白抗体肝细胞特异性脂蛋白抗体liver cell specific lipoprotein antibody,LSP 肝细胞特异性脂蛋白(LSP)的特异性抗体。用LSP单克隆抗体B2作ELISA检测,只与肝起反应,与肾、胃、甲状腺、胰腺等不起反应。慢性活动性肝炎血清中抗LSP检出率很高,且与疾病活动程度密切相关;急性病毒性肝炎阳性率也较高,但恢复期即转阴。