阴道分泌物增多,vaginal secretion increase
1)vaginal secretion increase阴道分泌物增多
2)vaginal secretions阴道分泌物
1.Objective To investigate the feasibility of Flow Cytometey(FCM)for analyzing the Cleaning Degree(CD) of vaginal secretions and to set up its classify standard and reference,further to offer a method for investigating vaginal microecosystem and gynecologic diagnosis.目的探索阴道分泌物清洁度流式细胞学检验的可行性、分级标准和参考范围,为阴道微生态学调查及妇科疾病诊疗提供阴道分泌物清洁度的快速定量检验方法。
2.Methods Tacho-detection cards were used for detection of 816 vaginal secretions samples,and the results were compared with traditional Amsel method.方法对816例患者阴道分泌物标本用快速检测卡进行测试,并与传统Amsel检测法相比较。
3.Methods The vaginal secretions were taken and detected by pH test,the microscopy for clue cell,BV Blue test.方法取阴道分泌物行pH、氨试验、涂片找线索细胞,BVBlue唾液酸酶测定试验。

1.Analysis on detection for 635 cases of vaginal secretion635例阴道分泌物涂片检测结果分析
2.Detection of Mycoplasma in Vaginal Secretions and Drug Resistance阴道分泌物支原体检测及耐药性分析
3.Analysis of the results of pathogenic detection of 2084 samples of vaginal secretion of the patients with vaginitis2084例阴道炎患者阴道分泌物病原学检测结果分析
4.The checking results analysis of fungi and trichomonad in the vaginal discharge of 15420 cases15420例阴道分泌物霉菌、滴虫检查结果分析
5.Analysis of the Infection of Vaginal Discharge from 1200 Infertile Women1200例不孕妇女阴道分泌物的感染情况分析
6.Result analysis of chlamydia and mycoplasma cultivation of 1469 cases female vaginal secretion1469例女性阴道分泌物支原体衣原体结果分析
7.Comparison and analysis on the routine items examination of vaginal discharge by three kinds of methods阴道分泌物常规多项目检查3种方法对比分析
8.Her vaginal discharge is white or greenish-yellow and unpleasant smelling.她阴道分泌物带白色或绿黄色,而且气味不好。
9.A Study of the Relationship among Cervicovaginal Interlukin-8, Matrix Metalloproteinase-8 and Preterm Labor;宫颈阴道分泌物IL-8和MMP-8与早产关系的研究
10.The Investigation of Clinical Significance of Detecting Vaginal Secretion by Three-Experiments for Bacterial Vagimsis探讨BV三项在阴道分泌物检测中的临床价值
11.The clinical analysis on distribution and drug sensitivity of yeast like fungi from pregnant Patients' vaginal secretion妊娠妇女阴道分泌物酵母样真菌分布与药敏的临床分析
12.The Analysis of Vaginal Discharge Examination in 1500 Cases of Healthy Women in Guangzhou广州地区1500例健康妇女阴道分泌物检查结果分析
13.The clinical value of isolation and drug-resistance of yeast like fungi from vaginal secretion阴道分泌物酵母样真菌分离培养及其药敏的临床价值
14.A Study on the Relationship of Premature Delivery and Cell-Free Fetal DNA in Maternal Blood and Fetal Fibronection in Vaginal Secreion;母血胎儿DNA浓度及阴道分泌物胎儿纤连蛋白与早产的相关性研究
15.Study of Combined Detction of Cervicovaginal Fetal Fibronectin and Interleulin-6 in the Prediction of Preterm Delivery;联合检测宫颈阴道分泌物FFN和IL-6预测早产的研究
16.Effect Prediction of Cervical Vaginal Secretion's Fetal Fibronectin on Indouction of Term Prenency by Propess宫颈阴道分泌物胎儿纤维连接蛋白对普贝生引产效果的预测
17.A 24-year-old female attended our out patient clinic on May 4,1995 because of vulvae itching with much whitish vaginal discharge.24岁女性,因外阴瘙痒伴有多量白色阴道分泌物而于1995年5月4日来我门诊就诊。
18.Lower concentrations have been detected infrequently in tears,saliva,breastmilk,colostrum,urine,and cervical and vaginal secretions.人们偶尔也在眼泪、唾液、母乳、初乳、尿液以及宫颈和阴道分泌物中发现少量病毒。

vaginal secretions阴道分泌物
1.Objective To investigate the feasibility of Flow Cytometey(FCM)for analyzing the Cleaning Degree(CD) of vaginal secretions and to set up its classify standard and reference,further to offer a method for investigating vaginal microecosystem and gynecologic diagnosis.目的探索阴道分泌物清洁度流式细胞学检验的可行性、分级标准和参考范围,为阴道微生态学调查及妇科疾病诊疗提供阴道分泌物清洁度的快速定量检验方法。
2.Methods Tacho-detection cards were used for detection of 816 vaginal secretions samples,and the results were compared with traditional Amsel method.方法对816例患者阴道分泌物标本用快速检测卡进行测试,并与传统Amsel检测法相比较。
3.Methods The vaginal secretions were taken and detected by pH test,the microscopy for clue cell,BV Blue test.方法取阴道分泌物行pH、氨试验、涂片找线索细胞,BVBlue唾液酸酶测定试验。
3)Vaginal secretion阴道分泌物
1.Analysis on detection for 635 cases of vaginal secretion635例阴道分泌物涂片检测结果分析
2.[Methods] Vaginal secretion samples detection was carried out on 5659 female patients who had vaginitis,vaginal itching,induced abortion,extraction contraceptive ring or leukorrhagia,etc.目的探讨阴道分泌物湿片镜检对妇女生殖道感染的临床意义。
3.Methods:Vaginal secretions extracted from women with early pregnancy induced abortion were detected to screen trichomonal vaginitis, BV an d candidal vaginitis.方法:对早孕人工流产妇女,取阴道分泌物做生理盐水湿片镜检筛查滴虫性阴道炎,同时将阴道分泌物涂片做革兰染色镜检筛查细菌性阴道病、念珠菌阴道炎。
4)Vaginal discharge阴道分泌物
1.Objective To understand the etiology and complicated infection of vaginal discharge from outpatient infertile women.目的了解门诊不孕妇女阴道分泌物的病原学及合并感染情况。
5)vaginal secretes阴道分泌物
1.The electrical resistance of vaginal secretes increased rapidly on approaching the peak of estrus in Arctic fox based on the observations 36 animals.为正确判断北极狐适宜的人工输精时间提供依据 ,测定了 36只北极狐发情期阴道分泌物电阻值(Ω)。
2.Introduce the study for electro-ejaculation with Arctic Fox; use the changes of electrical resistance in vaginal secretes of Arctic fox to selection the best minute of insemination; using the intro-womb manmade insemination to eight femina fox for insemination artificialis, the rate of the fertilization is 50%.报道了对北极狐用电刺激采精法采取精液 ;用粘液电测法 (用测情仪测定雌狐发情期阴道分泌物的电阻值 )确定最适输精时间 ;采用子宫内输精法对 8只雌狐实施人工授精、受胎率 5 0 %的初步试验结果及具体操作技术 。
6)Urethral and vaginal discharge尿道(阴道)分泌物

阴道    阴道  vagina  女性外生殖器。是向内导入精液,向外排出月经和娩出胎儿的经路。阴道位于子宫颈的下方,长6~7cm,为一前部较扁的肌性管道。前部为膀胱,后部为直肠,阴道口开口于阴道前庭。阴道肌肉具有较大的伸展性和扩张性,其前壁较短,后壁较长。阴道上部环形包绕子宫颈下部,两者之间形成环形裂隙,称阴道穹,共有前、后、左、右四个,其中后穹最深。阴道常见的疾病有阴道炎等。