盆腔血栓性静脉炎,pelvic thrombophlebitis
1)pelvic thrombophlebitis盆腔血栓性静脉炎
1.Objective To study the effect of Shanyu Analgetic Decotion on thrombophlebitis.目的观察散瘀止痛汤治疗血栓性静脉炎的效果。
2.Objective: To observe the curative effect of Tongmai San(TS) associated with external therapy ET) for thrombophlebitis (TP).目的:观察通脉散结合外治法治疗血栓性静脉炎的疗效。
3.To study the diagnose,treatment,and precautionary measures of thrombophlebitis caused by cesarean section,one case is clinically reported concerned a patient who had thrombophlebitis caused by cesarean section and repeated forming widespread thrombi.为探讨剖宫产术后并发血栓性静脉炎的诊断治疗及预防措施,临床报道了剖宫产术后血栓性静脉炎并广泛血栓反复形成患者1例的临床特点及诊断、治疗和预防方法。

1.cavernous sinus thrombophlebitis海绵窦血栓性静脉炎
2.painful thrombosis of the femoral vein in the leg following childbirth.产后出现的股静脉血栓性静脉炎
3.Analysis of the incidence of thrombotic phlebitis after thoracotomy开胸术后病人血栓性静脉炎发生率分析
4.Superficial thrombophlebitis remains a common complication of continuous intravenous infusion.浅表血栓性静脉炎是持续静脉注射的常见并发症。
5.Superficial thrombophlebitis must be considered as a risk factor of deep vein thromphlebitis are pain, reddening, swelling and induration.浅表血栓性静脉炎被认为是深静脉血栓的危险致病因素,以疼痛、充血、水肿和硬化为特征。
6.The Influence of Tongmai San Ⅲ on Immunologic Function of Rats with Thrombophlebitis通脉散3号对实验鼠血栓性静脉炎细胞免疫功能的影响
7.Treatment of Thrombophlebitis by Tongmai San Associated with External Therapy: A Clinical Observation of 34 Cases通脉散结合外治法治疗血栓性静脉炎34例疗效观察
8.Infusion thrombophlebitis is a feasible condition to measure the antithrombotic and anti-inflammatory activities of a preparation.输注性血栓性静脉炎是一可用于检测制剂抗血栓和抗炎作用的切实可行的病理状态。
9.In the cases of varicosis or thrombophlebitis for which the results of therapy were indicated as very good, freedom from pain was achieved after only3-5 days.对于静脉曲张或血栓性静脉炎的疗效非常好,疼痛的缓解仅需用药3-天。
10.In the cases of varicosis or thrombophlebitis for which the results of therapy were indicated as very good, freedom from pain was achieved after only 3-5 days.对于静脉曲张或血栓性静脉炎的疗效非常好,疼痛的缓解仅需用药3-5天。
11.venous thrombosis & thrombo phlebitis静脉血栓及血栓静脉炎
12.The treatment of thromboangitis obliterans by venous arterialization in 31 patients静脉动脉化治疗血栓闭塞性脉管炎31例
13.Wang Guosan's Experience of Herbal Prescription in Treating Thrombotic Phlebitis王国三治疗脱疽(血栓闭塞性静脉炎)用药特点
14.Clinical analysis on deep venous thrombosis complicated by severe acute pancreatitis急性重症胰腺炎并发深静脉血栓形成临床研究
15.The effect of Huazhitongmai tablets on the serum levels of inflammatory cytokines in deep venous thrombosis rats花栀通脉片对深静脉血栓形成大鼠血清炎性细胞因子的影响
16.Clinical Study on HuaZhiTongMai Tablet in Treating Superficial Thrombophebitis of Heat-dampness Blocking Type;花栀通脉片治疗湿热蕴结型血栓性浅静脉炎临床研究
17.Investigate the Inflammatory Marker and Coagulation Factors in Deep Vein Thrombosis;炎症标志物及凝血因子与深静脉血栓形成的相关性研究
18.Changes of the expressions of plasma inflammatory cytokine in 57 patients with deep vein thrombosis early after total hip replacement全髋关节置换后血清炎性因子表达及深静脉血栓形成57例分析

1.Objective To study the effect of Shanyu Analgetic Decotion on thrombophlebitis.目的观察散瘀止痛汤治疗血栓性静脉炎的效果。
2.Objective: To observe the curative effect of Tongmai San(TS) associated with external therapy ET) for thrombophlebitis (TP).目的:观察通脉散结合外治法治疗血栓性静脉炎的疗效。
3.To study the diagnose,treatment,and precautionary measures of thrombophlebitis caused by cesarean section,one case is clinically reported concerned a patient who had thrombophlebitis caused by cesarean section and repeated forming widespread thrombi.为探讨剖宫产术后并发血栓性静脉炎的诊断治疗及预防措施,临床报道了剖宫产术后血栓性静脉炎并广泛血栓反复形成患者1例的临床特点及诊断、治疗和预防方法。
3)Superficial thrombophlebitis血栓性浅静脉炎
1.Superficial thrombophlebitis induced by Triptolide;雷公藤内酯醇诱导的血栓性浅静脉炎
2.Clinical observation on the treatment of 120 cases of Superficial thrombophlebitis by Mai Tong Mixture;脉通合剂治疗血栓性浅静脉炎120例临床观察
3.Clinical Study on the Pathogenic Characters of Superficial Thrombophlebitis;血栓性浅静脉炎临床发病规律探讨
5)cortival venous thrombophlebitis皮质静脉血栓性静脉炎
