B超结合宫腔镜,B mode ultrasound combining with hysteroscopy
1)B mode ultrasound combining with hysteroscopyB超结合宫腔镜
1.Objective: To investigate the curative effect of diagnosis and treatment of Infertility of oviduct by B mode ultrasound combining with hysteroscopy.目的:探讨B超结合宫腔镜行输卵管插管在诊治输卵管性不孕症中的价值。

1.Application of Diagnosis and Treatment of Infertility of Oviduct by B Mode Ultrasound Combining with HysteroscopyB超结合宫腔镜在输卵管性不孕症诊治中的应用
2.United Hysteroscopy diagnosis and treatment of B-analysis of 72 cases of uterine myoma宫腔镜联合B超诊治子宫肌瘤72例分析
3.Clinical analysis of hysterocopy combined with B-ultrasonography on treatment of uterine septum宫腔镜联合B超治疗中隔子宫的临床分析
4.Diagnostic Values of Ultrasonography,Diagnostic Curettage and Hysteroscopy in Endometrial CarcinomaB超、诊刮及宫腔镜对子宫内膜癌的诊断价值
5.The Application of Type-B Ultrasonic and Hysteroscope in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Incomplete Abortion: Clinical Analysis of 62 CasesB超及宫腔镜诊治不全流产临床效果分析62例
6.Clinical Analysis of Hysteroscopic Surgery in Treating 115 Patients with Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Monitored by B-ultrasoundB超监视下宫腔镜电切术治疗子宫异常出血115例临床分析
7.B ultrosound guided hysteroscopic tubal catheterization for tubal factor infertilityB超监导下宫腔镜输卵管插管治疗输卵管性不孕症的临床分析
8.Treatment of fetal bone by hysteroscope monitored by B-ultrasonography and hormone treatment after the techniqueB超监护下宫腔镜治疗胎骨残留及术后激素治疗
9.Objective To discuss the clinic value of transvaginal sonography( TVS) associated with hysteroscope( HS) to diagnose neoplasm in uterine cavity.目的探讨阴道超声和宫腔镜联合诊断宫腔赘生物的临床价值。
10.Value of Hysteroscopy Combined with Ultrasonography in the Diagnosis and Therapy of Intrauterine Abnormalities after Pregnancy宫腔镜联合超声诊治妊娠终止后宫腔异常回声的临床价值
11.Using Laparoscopy Combined with Hysteroscopy in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Patients with Tubal Infertility宫腔镜与腹腔镜联合诊治输卵管不孕后妊娠结局
12.Clinical Analysis of 82 Cases with Endometrial Polyp Treated with Hysteroscopy Combined with Ultrasonography82例宫腔镜联合超声诊治子宫内膜息肉的临床分析
13.Combined diagnosis of uterine malformation with hysteroscopy and laparoscopy: 94 cases analysis宫腔镜联合腹腔镜诊治子宫畸形94例临床分析
14.Clinical Significant of X-ray and B-Ultrasound in Detecting Pleural TumorX线与B超结合对照探查胸腔肿瘤的临床意义
15.Hysteroscopy with directed biopsy in diagnosis of 455 cases with abnormal uterine bleeding宫腔镜检查结合定点活检诊断异常子宫出血患者455例分析
16.Imaging features of endometrial tuberculosis dunder hysteroscope子宫内膜结核在宫腔镜下的图像特征
17.Mid-long term outcomes of laparoscopy-assisted abdominal microincision myomectomy腹腔镜辅助下腹部超微切口子宫肌瘤剔除术后中长期随访结果
18.Clinical analysis of marvelon tablet after hysteroscopic polypectomy for endometrial polyps妈富隆联合宫腔镜治疗子宫内膜息肉

1.Clinical observation of misoprostol on patients with hysteroscopy;米索前列醇用于宫腔镜检查临床观察
2.Application of hysteroscopy with combined traditional Chinese in treating postmenopausal bleeding;宫腔镜在中西医结合治疗经断复来中的应用研究
3.Experiences in Cervical Conization by Hysteroscopy for 1026 Patients with Benign Cervical Lesions;宫腔镜下宫颈锥切术治疗宫颈良性病变1026例体会
1.Clinical application of hysteroscope in postmenopausal uterine bleeding;宫腔镜在绝经后子宫出血诊断中的临床应用
2.Clinical Analysis of Two Surgeries by Hysteroscope for Endometrial Polyp;宫腔镜下两种手术方式治疗子宫内膜息肉的临床分析
3.Analysis on the Effectiveness of Tubal Sterilization Using Phenolatabrine Paste(PAP) in 408 Women under Hysteroscope;宫腔镜直视下行输卵管插管注入粘堵剂绝育术408例效果观察
1.Objective: To analyse the effects of using hysteroscopy combined withlaparoscopy in patients with tubal obstructive infertility.目的 探讨宫腔镜、腹腔镜联合诊治输卵管阻塞性不孕的效果。
2.【Objective】To study the curative effect of combined hysteroscopy and laparoscopy on gynecological diseases by comparing it with traditional laparotomy.目的通过腹腔镜与宫腔镜联合手术同传统开腹手术在诊治妇科疾病中的比较,研究宫腔镜与腹腔镜联合手术的临床疗效。
5)Hysteroscopy and Laparoscopy宫-腹腔镜
1.Practice of Diagnosis and Treatment of Female Infertility by Hysteroscopy and Laparoscopy;宫-腹腔镜联合在不孕症诊治中的应用
1.General Quality Management of Uteroscope Department;宫腔镜诊室的全面质量管理
2.The uterine septum diagnosis method still not general standard,this research compared at present through the final surgery diagnosis case, discussion ultrasound union uteroscope to uterine septum s diagnosis value.子宫纵隔诊断方法目前尚无通行标准,本研究通过最后手术确诊病例对照,探讨B超联合宫腔镜对子宫纵隔的诊断价值。
