卵巢占位性病变,Ovarian occupancy lesions
1)Ovarian occupancy lesions卵巢占位性病变
2)Benign ovarian diseases卵巢良性病变
3)ovarian cystic disease卵巢囊性病变
1.Objective:To analyze the MRI features of ovarian cystic diseases,to evaluate the value of MRI in 0.目的分析卵巢囊性病变的MRI影像学特点,探讨低场强MRI扫描对卵巢囊性病变的诊断价值。

1.MRI Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis of Ovarian Cystic Diseases;卵巢囊性病变的MRI诊断与鉴别诊断
2.Analysis on the correlation of cardiovascular diseases and C-reactive protein,hypersensitive C-reactive protein levels in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome多囊卵巢综合征患者CRP、hsCRP的变化与心血管疾病的相关性分析
3.Changes of Aromatase P450 in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome芳香化酶改变在多囊卵巢综合征发病中的作用
4.mucous cystadenofibroma of ovary卵巢粘液性囊腺纤维瘤
5.Etiology and Treatment of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in Adolescent Girls青春期多囊性卵巢综合征的病因和治疗初探
6.Experimental Study on Using Cyst-regulating Powder in Treating Infertility Caused by Ovarian Disease of Dairy Cattle理囊散治疗奶牛卵巢疾病性不孕症的试验研究
7.Alterd Expression of PTEN and Tumor Related Genes in Normal Ovary, Benigh and Maligant Ovarian Lesions and Significance;PTEN及肿瘤相关基因在正常卵巢及卵巢良、恶性病变中的改变和意义
8.Carcinogenesis of ovary mucous cystoadenoma with cystic teratoma:case report卵巢囊性畸胎瘤伴黏液性囊腺瘤并部分癌变1例
9.Say strictly, much bursa sex is ovarian cyst is not what disease, however one kind ask for integratedly.严格地说,多囊性卵巢囊肿并不是什么疾病,而是一种综合征。
10.The Change of Adiponectin and High Sensitive C-Reactive Protein in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome;多囊卵巢综合征脂联素、超敏C反应蛋白的变化及病因病机研究
11.The Study of the Endometrial Histopathology and the Expression of ER、AR、IR、IGF-Ⅰ in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome;多囊卵巢综合征子宫内膜病理改变及ER、AR、IR、IGF-Ⅰ表达研究
12.Research of the Relationship between Heart Rate Viability (HRV) and Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinical (TCM) Pattern in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Patients;多囊卵巢综合征患者中医证型与心率变异性的相关性研究
13.The Role of Gene Polymorphism in the Pathogenesis of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome;基因多态性在多囊卵巢综合征发病机理中的作用
14.Family-based and Case-control Studies on the Association of MCF2L2 Gene with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome基于病例—对照和家系MCF2L2基因与多囊卵巢综合征相关性研究
15.Study on relation between phlegm symptom-complex pathology of polycystic ovarian syndrome and insulin resistance and sex hormone多囊卵巢综合征痰证病理与胰岛素抵抗、性激素关系的研究
16.Effect of Exogenous Hormones on Lymphatic Stomata in Ovarian Bursa and Research on the Development of Ovarian Bursal Stomata;性激素对卵巢囊淋巴孔调控和卵巢囊淋巴孔的发育学研究
17.Relationship between single nucleotide variation in mitochondrial DNA D-Loop region and PCOS线粒体基因D-Loop区单核苷酸变异与多囊卵巢综合征的相关性研究
18.Ovarian cyst is general many ability in swimming, benign be in the majority.卵巢囊肿一般多位水性,良性居多。

Benign ovarian diseases卵巢良性病变
3)ovarian cystic disease卵巢囊性病变
1.Objective:To analyze the MRI features of ovarian cystic diseases,to evaluate the value of MRI in 0.目的分析卵巢囊性病变的MRI影像学特点,探讨低场强MRI扫描对卵巢囊性病变的诊断价值。
4)ovarian mass卵巢病变
1.Value of color Doppler ultrasonography,contrast-enhanced ultrasound and serum CA-125 detection in differential diagnosis of ovarian masses彩色多普勒超声、超声造影及CA-125对卵巢病变的鉴别诊断价值
5)Space-occupying lesion占位性病变
1.The pathological analysis of 233 patients with orbital space-occupying lesion;233例眼眶占位性病变的组织病理学分析
6)Space occupying lesion占位性病变
1.Objective To summarize the ultrasonic characteristis of splenic space occupying lesion.目的 :总结脾脏占位性病变的超声特征。

卵巢  人和动物的雌性生殖腺,产生卵细胞和雌性激素的器官。人的卵巢位于盆腔内子宫两侧的后上方,呈扁椭圆形,左右各一。卵巢内含有大量大小不等的卵泡,按其发育过程卵泡可分为初级卵泡、次级卵泡和成熟卵泡。初级卵泡由一个卵母细胞和围绕它的单层卵泡细胞组成。次级卵泡由初级卵泡发育而来,表现为卵母细胞体积增大,周围围绕的卵泡细胞层数增多,卵泡细胞间出现卵泡腔,内充满卵泡液。成熟卵泡由于体积增大和卵泡腔的增大,使卵母细胞挤向一侧从而形成卵丘。新生女婴的卵巢中含有30~40万个初级卵泡。自青春期开始,在垂体促性腺激素的作用下,每个月经周期有数十个卵泡同时发育,一般只能有一个卵泡发育成熟,其他则在发育的不同阶段先后萎缩,因此,女子一生中只有约400~500个卵泡发育成熟。成年健康妇女每28天左右从卵巢内排出成熟卵细胞一次,这就是排卵。卵巢分泌的雌激素,以及由黄体分泌的孕激素。雌激素主要作用是促使女性生殖器官和第二性征的发育和保持,如乳房发育、皮下脂肪增多、骨盆宽阔等。孕激素的功能是使子宫内膜增厚,适应受精卵的种植及妊娠的维持。老年期卵巢趋向萎缩,失去排卵作用,分泌激素的功能也几乎完全丧失。如果卵巢在青春期前发生病变或被摘除,则生殖器官将永远保持在童年状态,第二性征也不能出现。