性交痛,Coius pain
1)Coius pain性交痛

1.After stepwise multiple regression analysis, the predicted variables contributing to satisfaction with sexual intercourse were found to be satisfaction with intimacy in the relationship, sexual satisfaction prior to hysterectomy, and less pain in intercourse.经回归分析后,影响术后性生活满意的因素有术后亲密行爲满意度、前性行为满意度与性交痛
2.The symptoms associated with " the big M" range from uncomfortable to unhealthy-- night sweats, hot flashes, painful sex and loss of libido.与更年期有关的症状有从不舒服到生病的各种情况--夜汗、潮红、性交痛疼与性欲减退。
3.Preliminary Observation on Analgesic Effect's Time-effectiveness Rule of Acupuncture Sanyinjiao to Primary Dysmenorrhea针刺三阴交等对原发性痛经患者止痛作用时效规律的初步观察
4.Pain is one of the most common sources of increased sympathetic tone.疼痛是交感神经兴奋性增强的最常见起因。
5.Sharp, spasmodic pains in the bowels.肠绞痛肠内痉挛性剧痛
6.recurrent abdominal pain and diarrhea (often alternating with periods of constipation); often associated with emotional stress.循环性的腹痛,腹泻(通常和便秘交替):通常因情绪压力引起。
7.Study of Myocardial Ischemic Nociceptive Signaling Mediated by P2X_3 Receptor in Rat Stellate Ganglion Neurons;星状交感神经节细胞P2X_3受体介导心肌痛伤害性信息作用的研究
8.Influence on Uterine Artery Blood Flow of Patients with Primary Dysmenorrhea of Acupuncturing Sanyinjiao and Xuanzhong;针刺三阴交、悬钟对原发性痛经患者子宫动脉血流的影响
9.Study of Myocardial Ischemic Nociceptive Signaling Mediated by P2X_3 Receptor in Rat Superior Cervical Ganglion Neurons;颈上交感神经节细胞P2X_3受体介导心肌痛伤害性信息作用的研究
10.Influence on Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) of Dysmenorrheal Patients by Acupuncturing Sanyinjiao and Xuanzhong Acupoint针刺三阴交、悬钟对原发性痛经患者视觉模拟评分的影响
11.I begrudge every penny I pay in tax.我交税交的每一便士心里都不痛快.
12.Decreased sexual desire or pain during sex is particularly common and very damaging to family life and relationships.性欲下降和性交时痛楚的情况尤为普遍,严重影响受害人与伴侣的生活及关系。
13.epidemic pleurodynia流行性胸痛, 流行性胸肌痛
14.With stable angina, patients experience a regular pattern of chest pain.稳定性心绞痛病人胸痛具有规律性。
15.A painful muscle spasm, as in the neck or back;a crick.痛痉颈部或背部的痛苦的肌肉痉挛;痛性痉挛
16.Paroxysmal pain and soreness of the muscles between the ribs.肋肌痛肋间肌肉的爆发性的剧烈疼痛和酸痛
17.Pathophysiological Research of Pain in Migraine and Cluster Headache偏头痛与丛集性头痛的疼痛发生机制研究
18.Analgesic effect of Yatongling Spray on experimental pain in mice牙痛灵喷雾剂对小鼠实验性疼痛的镇痛作用

1.Dyspareunia is common in postnatal women.产后性问题发生率国外报道为 4 9%~ 83% ,其中最常见的是性交疼痛。
3)benign sexual headache[医]良性性交时头痛
1.Therapeutic effects of blocking the second lumbar sympathetic ganglion on the painful diabetic neuropathy with refractory pain in lower limbs;腰2交感神经节阻滞治疗糖尿病痛性神经病变下肢顽固性疼痛的临床疗效研究

性交性交 指阴茎插入阴道交合的性行为。性交为性活动和性行为的主体内容。它不仅起繁衍后代的作用,性交行为实际上是两性触觉行为的最高级的形式,它是在抚摸、接吻、拥抱等一系列接触行为后产生的一种必然的性行为冲动。性交时给双方以高度快感。性交行为的极效是性高潮的到来。性交是自阴茎插入阴道口起,直至阴茎退出阴道为止。其延续时间短者数秒,长者达数十分钟。其运动形式主要是双方配合的有节奏的往复活动,控制运动的方向和进入深度。两性的性器官的互相刺激,特别是对龟头、阴茎体,阴囊,阴蒂,小阴唇,阴道口,阴道口内1/3段,子宫颈口等的刺激,通过神经反射,引起高度的性快感和性兴奋。快感和兴奋达高峰时,出现性高潮,男性射精,女性生殖器和周围肌肉有节律的收缩。继之双方心身均呈现松弛状态,阴茎疲软退出阴道,至此性交已完成。