BV三联快速法,BV fast detection
BV-Blue fast detectionBV蓝快速检测法
1.Objective To explore the usefulness of BV-Blue fast detection and evaluate its reliability in diagnosing bacterialvaginal diseases.以Am se l法合并革兰染色法为扩大了的金标准,评价BV蓝快速检测法的临床应用价值。
3)Bacterial vaginosis rapid assaying cardBV快速检测卡法
4)how to identify the score fast三度快速识谱法
1.According to the study and practice of the teaching method and training skills,the method of how to identify the score fast is put forward in this paper.通过多年对视唱练耳教学方法和训练技巧的研究与实践,针对初学者存在的问题,文章从视唱的正确发声方法、快速识谱训练、音准训练及训练步骤、节奏与节拍训练、旋律训练等方面研究和总结了五线谱单声部视唱训练方法和技巧,提出了三度快速识谱法。
5)sialidase BV rapid diagnostic kitBV唾液酸酶快速诊断试剂盒
6)BV transformation methodBV变换法
