柏冰散,Baibing Powder
1)Baibing Powder柏冰散
1.Application of Baibing Powder in Cervical Erosion Operated with Microwave柏冰散在微波治宫颈糜烂术后疗效观察50例

1.Application of Baibing Powder in Cervical Erosion Operated with Microwave柏冰散在微波治宫颈糜烂术后疗效观察50例
2.A little learning is a dangerous thing.--Alexander Pope, British poet学问浅薄,如履薄冰。英国诗人蒲柏
4.Chih-sheng, didn't Pai Ching say the procession would break up somewhere around there?"芝生,不是柏青说过北四川路散队?”
5.Clinical Observation of Shuangbosan in Treatment of Radiation Stomatitis双柏散防治放射性口腔炎的临床观察
6.and along a frozen creek,沿着一条结冰的小溪散散步,
7.Study Bing Xin s Prose at Her Later Years beyond the Text--To Discuss Bing Xin s Love;冰心晚年散文的非文本解读——也谈冰心的爱
8.Finding the Key of a Long River;寻找长河中的钥匙——读也斯散文集《在柏林走路》
9.Determination of Quercitrin and Menthol in Shuangbaisan双柏散中槲皮苷与薄荷脑的含量测定研究
10.Quantitative Determination of Anthraquinones,Gallic Acid and Alkaloids in Shuangbai San双柏散中蒽醌、没食子酸与生物碱的含量测定
11.The diffusion-absorption refrigerators use heating to realize refrigeration.扩散-吸收式冰箱是利用加热实现制冷。
12.Scattering of Microwaves by Non-spherical Raindrops and Hails;非球形雨滴和冰雹微波散射特征研究
13.On the Contribution of Bing Xin s Prose to New Literature of the May Fourth Movement in 1949;试论冰心散文对“五四”新文学的贡献
14.On Content and Artistic Style of the Prose for Children by Bing Xin;冰心儿童散文的思想内容及艺术特色
15.A Poet for ever --Re-read Li Ruo-bing and his proses;永远的诗人——重读李若冰和他的散文
16.A Cultured Lady and an Upright and Cynical Genius冰心、朱自清散文自我形象塑造之比较
17.the receding glaciers of the last ice age; retiring fogs revealed the rocky coastline.最后一个冰川期的消退的冰河;消散的雾显示出多岩石的海岸线。
18.Now that it looked as though the threats were really to be fulfilled, Bernard was appalled现在那些威胁好像真的付诸实行,柏纳吓得魂飞魄散。

1.Clinical effect of treatment of rheumatoid arthritis by ShuangBaiSan bath and dressing;双柏散熏洗与外敷治疗类风湿关节炎的临床效果比较
2.Determination of Quercitrin and Menthol in Shuangbaisan双柏散中槲皮苷与薄荷脑的含量测定研究
3)Shuangbai San双柏散
1.Quantitative Determination of Anthraquinones,Gallic Acid and Alkaloids in Shuangbai San双柏散中蒽醌、没食子酸与生物碱的含量测定
4)Zhihuang Shuangbai San栀黄双柏散
1.Outer Application of TCD Treat Injured Swelling and Zhihuang Shuangbai San for Swelling of Soft Tissue;外敷中药栀黄双柏散治软组织肿胀
5)phellodendron and gypsum powder黄柏石膏散
1.Determination of palmatine hydrochloride and berberine hydrochloride in phellodendron and gypsum powder by HPLC;HPLC测定黄柏石膏散中盐酸巴马丁和盐酸小檗碱含量
2.Determination of Berberine Hydrochloride in Phellodendron and Gypsum Powder by HPLC;HPLC法测定黄柏石膏散中盐酸小檗碱含量
6)modified Shuangbo Powder加味双柏散
