症状kupperman评分,kupperman scores
1)kupperman scores症状kupperman评分
2)Kupperman scoreKupperman评分
1.The clinical response was assessed using Kupperman score at weeks 8 and 16 and physical and lab tests including breasts, hepatic and renal functions, serum lipoproteins, estradiol (E_2) and FSH level, endometr.治疗前、治疗后8周和16周分别进行Kupperman评分,治疗前后分别查乳腺、肝肾功能、血脂、血清E_2和促卵泡激素(FSH),测子宫内膜厚度。

1.The Effect of Electric Acupuncture on Kupperman Score in Perimenopausal Syndrome Patients电针对围绝经期综合征患者Kupperman评分的效应
2.An Evaluation of the Modified Kupperman Index on Climacteric Symptoms in Perimenopausal Women Underwent Bilateral Ovariectomy用Kupperman评分评估围绝经期双侧卵巢切除对围绝经期症状的影响
3.Effects of Kidney-Nourishing Herbs and Emotional Therapy on Kupperman Score and Serum Hormones in Patients with Menopausal Syndrome补肾中药结合情志疗法对绝经综合征患者Kupperman评分及血清激素水平的影响
4.4. How will you be evaluated?4. 如何进行评分?
5.To judge the merits and faults of;analyze and evaluate.分析,评估评论…的优点和缺点;分析和评价
6.Maintenance Assessment Scoring System [MASS]保养工作表现评分制〔保养评分制〕
7.Critical Metaphor Analysis:A New Method of Critical Discourse Analysis;批评话语分析的新方法:批评隐喻分析
8.Critical Discourse Analysis: Theoretical Review and Case Study;批评性语篇分析:理论述评与实例分析
9.Fuzzy Marking: A New Approach to Marking Oral Proficiency;模糊评分:外语口语测试评分新思路
10.Critical Discourse Analysis:Theoretical Review and a Case Study;批评语篇分析:理论评述和实例分析
11.An Introduction to Analysing Newspapers: An Approach from Critical Discourse Analysis《分析报纸:批评话语分析的方法》之述评
12.be scored on a 1 to 10 basis以一到十分的基准评分
13.Rejection reaction was not observed in all of laboratory tests.疼痛评分术前8分、6分,术后3分、2分。
14.Scoring Method Effect on Raters Severity--A Comparative Study of Holistic and Analytic Scoring Methods;大学英语写作评分方法对评分者严厉程度的影响——整体评分法和分析评分法的对比分析
15.An Empirical and Comparative Study on Holistic and Analytic Writing Scorings;作文整体评分与分项评分方法的比较研究
16.Using Multi-facet Rasch Model Analyzing Rater Effects in Writing Scoring;写作评分中评分员因素的多侧面Rasch模型分析
17.A Comparison of the Quality of Holistic and Analytical Marking of English Compositions;作文整体评分与分项评分结果的质量比对
18.Correlation Analysis between Body Condition Score and Locomotion Score in China Holstein Cattle中国荷斯坦牛体况评分与运动评分的相关分析

Kupperman scoreKupperman评分
1.The clinical response was assessed using Kupperman score at weeks 8 and 16 and physical and lab tests including breasts, hepatic and renal functions, serum lipoproteins, estradiol (E_2) and FSH level, endometr.治疗前、治疗后8周和16周分别进行Kupperman评分,治疗前后分别查乳腺、肝肾功能、血脂、血清E_2和促卵泡激素(FSH),测子宫内膜厚度。
3)Modified Kupperman Index改良kupperman评分
1.Methods Sixty-eight women with perimenopause who underwent bilateral oophorectomy for benign indications were evaluated by the modified Kupperman index on the perimenopause syndrome pre-and post-surgery,including the score in neuropsychological symptoms.方法对68例因妇科良性疾病行双侧卵巢切除的围绝经期妇女,采用改良Kupperman评分法对术前、术后的围绝经期综合征进行评分,包括对精神神经症状进行评分。
4)symptom score症状评分
1.Objective:To explore symptom score and prostatic fluid pathogen of patients with chronic prostatitis(CP).目的 :了解慢性前列腺炎 (CP)患者的症状评分 (NIH CPSI)及前列腺液 (EPS)的细菌感染情况。
2.Through the 30 cases Dan Hong injection group before and after treatment with clinical symptom score, vibration perception thresholds and safety indicators analysis,and 30 cases with western medicine treatment group were compared,confirmed Dan Hong injection treatment of DPN effectiveness,and the relative safety of the advantages of Western medicine treatment.通过对30例丹红注射液联合西药治疗组患者治疗前后临床症状评分、震动觉阈值改善情况进行分析,并与30例西药对照组患者进行对比,证实了丹红注射液治疗糖尿病对称性多发神经病变的有效性、安全性及相对西药治疗的优势。
5)Webster scaleWebster症状评分
6)Symptoms index症状评分表

症状症状symptom  患病时病人主观感到的异常感觉或不适的感觉。如头痛、乏力、关节疼痛等。广义的症状也包括体征。