1.Analysis of Relationship Between Body Mass Index (BMI) During Pregnancy and Head Presentation Dystocia;孕期体重指数与头位难产的关系
2.Mechanism of Dystocia Due to Excessive Pelvic Inclination and Its Correction;骨盆倾斜度过大的难产机制和纠正机制

1.This time, unlike the first, the birth was an ordeal.与头胎不同,这次是难产
2.The pregnant screamed painfully because of the dystocia.产妇由于难产而非常痛苦地尖叫着。
3.It was a difficult birth: she had to have a Caesarean.她因为难产, 要做剖腹产术.
4.The number of people profiting and the number going bankrupt from the national crisis increased simultaneously, and neither interfered with the other发国难财和破国难产的人同时增加,各不相犯;
5.Clinical Analysis on Dystocia Factors and Complications of Intrapartum and Postpartum of 359 Cases Multipara359例经产妇难产因素及产时产后并发症临床分析
6.It's fifty-fifty that the panda survives her difficult labour.这只熊猫难产,幸存的可能性只有一半。
7.Were There Sciences in Ancient China? A Conclusion Slow in Coming;中国古代有无科学:一个难产的结论
8.All these are the beginning of sorrows.这都是灾难(难:原文是生产之难)起头。
9.difficult or impossible to shape or work.难以成型、产生或不可能成型、产生。
10.The new system has had a disastrous effect on productivity.新制度对生产率产生了灾难性的影响。
11.production costs, managers, processes, schedules, difficulties生产的成本、 生产经理、 生产过程、 生产计画、 生产的难题.
12.Do you have any difficulty in meeting your production schedules?在配合生产进度方面,你们有困难吗?
13.To be honest, i find it difficult to be enthusiastic about mathematics .老实说,我很难对数学产生热情。
14.Because invests improper, his property is very difficult to preserve.由于投资不当,他的财产很难保全。
15.We should effectively solve the problems the needy face in work and livelihood.切实解决好困难群众的生产生活问题。
16.Viability of the virus appears very difficult to assess at the time of production.在生产时,病毒的活力很难测定。
17.The birth was difficult, and Jacqueline was making a slow recovery.杰奎琳临产困难,康复很慢。
18.This product is supposed to help get rid of unpleasant body odor.这种产品据说能消除难闻的身体气味。

production difficulty生产难度
1.The factors of affecting production difficulty are analysed.综述了在判断挤压铝制品生产难度前,需要了解本企业的设备、技术水平和用户的要求。
3)Cephalic presentation dystocia头位难产
1.ObjectiveTo investigate the incidence,cause,and prevention and trentment of cephalic presentation dystocia.目的 :探讨头位难产的发病率、发病原因及防治。
2.Objective To analyze the clinical application of manual rotation fetal head and reducing occurrence of Cephalic Presentation Dystocia.目的分析手法转正胎头减少头位难产发生的临床应用。
4)Shoulder dystocia肩难产
1.Shoulder dystocia:a retrospective analysis of 21 cases.;肩难产21例回顾性分析
2.Objective Analysis antepartum forecase and intrapartum treatment to shoulder dystoc-ia,in order to decrease the complication of maternity and neonatal caused by shoulder dystocia.目的分析肩难产的产前预测及产时处理情况,减少肩难产引起的母儿并发症。
3.Objective To investigate the risk of shoulder dystocia and find out the obstetric maneuvers to reduce the likelihood of injury.目的探讨肩难产发生的危险因素和处理方法及预后。
5)Cephalic dystocia头位难产
1.OBJCTIVE To find out the ralationship between premature rupture of membranes and cephalic dystocia.目的研究胎膜早破与头位难产的关系。
6)Inevitable abortion难免流产
1.Genetic imprinted gene PEG10 expression in deciduas from inevitable abortion;难免流产蜕膜组织遗传印记基因PEG10的表达
2.Objective:To sutudy the alterations of NK cells and lymphoproliferation activity in decidua tissue of the patients with inevitable abortion,and to ascertain the local changes of immune function.目的 :了解难免流产患者蜕膜内自然杀伤细胞 (NK细胞 )活性及淋巴细胞增殖活性的改变 ,探讨其局部免疫状况的变化。
3.Methods Serum progestrone(with CLIA) and HCG(with RIA) levels were determined twice(48h apart) in 98 patients with threatened abortion,75 patients with inevitable abortion,52 patients with ectopic pregnancy,and 83 controls.结果:先兆流产组P值明显高于难免流产组(P<0。
