1.Development Study to Chinese Antiquity Bowl s Form;中国古代的造型发展研究
2.Variation of Chinese ceramic bowl shapes with the development of technology was explored from the aspects of shaping,firing and gold and silver wares imitating,and then it was concluded that the change in the bowl shapes reflected the achievements of different dynasties in ceramic technology and craftsmanship.从成型工艺、烧成工艺以及模仿金银器皿等三个方面论述了中国陶瓷器皿中的类样式随工艺技术的发展而发生的变化,其变化的过程反映了各个朝代的陶瓷工艺和技术的成就。
3.,a new forming technology of bowl was designed.通过稻谷壳制一次性植物纤维绿色环保餐具的新材料、新工艺的研究,制定了的成型新工艺,即稻谷壳经添加粘结剂搅拌均匀后,制成片状,使得该片表面质量光滑,紧密度高,有一定的柔软性和韧性,能在新开发设计的复合模具中一次冲压成型。

1.One of them was big, one of them was middle-sized, and one of them was small.一是大的,一是中等大小的,另一是小的。
2.He does the cooking and she does the washing.他做饭,她洗碟。
3.Two-part grinding bowl + spoon+fork双格碾磨+汤+叉
4.a salad bowl, shaker, etc色拉、 搅拌器等.
5.The bowl fell and fragmented into bits.掉下,摔成碎片。
6.broken bowl flower (whole plant)打破花花(全株)
7.bowl (tableware) of precious metal贵金属制(餐具)
8.A cupboard or set of shelves for dishes or kitchen utensils.橱放碟和炊具的架子或搁板
9.A: Honey, would you please put the dishes in the dishwasher?亲爱的,你能把碟放进洗机里吗?
10.People feel sorry for you.If you don't want the rice bowl, it won't get moldy.人家可怜你,你不要饭,饭不会发霉。
11.salad bowl of ceramic other than porcelain or china沙拉,除瓷或白坯瓷外沙拉
12.C. sepium and C. silvatica are segregates.篱打花和森林打花都是分离种。
13.white ware sabal and daejub (korean traditional : rice & soup bowls)白瓷饭和白瓷汤(韩国传统餐具)
14.He poured a cup of tea. " Come and have a drink first."刘四爷倒了茶,“来,先喝一。”
15.There is a pile of washing-ups waiting to be put into the dishwasher .一堆准备放在洗机中清洗的碟。
16.In Hengshan County it has been resolved that eight dishes and no more may be served at a banquet.衡山则议决吃八,不准多一
17.She dropped the bowl on the floor and it broke into fragments.她把掉在地上,破成碎片。
18.I bought a dishwasher for my wife so she can do the dishes.我给妻子买了一台洗机给她洗用。

tunes of small copper bowls碗碗腔
1.Citric acid, pigments and fragrance were also added to 200g bowl-type jelly.7%果冻粉和经过护色的果肉并添加辅料(如柠檬酸、色素、香精)等制成的200g杯型果肉果冻,质地均匀而透明,可溶性固形物在65%-70%之间,检验达到了相应的标准。
5)steel bowl钢碗
1.Introduce a precision new-type die of a steel bowl with warm extruding.介绍了一种精密挤压钢的新型模具,挤压时锻件杯口有背压套施压,且依靠背压套限制凸模偏移,解决了孔口高低不平和壁厚不匀的问题,材料消耗显著降低。
6)bowl shape sheel碗壳

爱是一碗寂寞的汤作者:白夜 著出版社:南海出版公司isbn:7544232336印次:1纸张:胶版纸 出版日期:2005-10-1字数:212000版次:1内容提要:童欢最爱煲汤,习惯从滚烫的汤头里汲取温暖,习惯流浪在那些坐怀不乱的男人中间挑衅他们忠贞的爱情。安晓竺是唯一能从童欢的汤头里读懂疼痛的人,而现在她有了自己的爱人项东,甚至难有时间浅尝童欢的汤……失去会比占有更孤单吗?童欢无法开口挽留安晓竺,也无法阻止不再甘做她的影子的项南去追求安晓竺。就连项东也再不能心安理得地也安晓竺彼此依偎,因为十多年前的秘密摧毁了项南的童年。如果安晓竺这剂爱情灵药只能救赎一个人,他该退让吗?爱情啊 ,让故事里的每个人都眩晕着,可手上青春还剩多少?是否足够抓住幸福的尾巴,不再眩晕……作者简介:白夜 女 原名李莹,天津作家协会会员。获天津市第三届"未来之约杯"文学新人奖。长篇小说《高空弹跳》由百花文艺出版社出版。 一个不相信承诺的天蝎座女子,喜欢试用,无论新上市的科技产品、美食还是衣饰,相信只有亲身体验才能分辨优劣。目录:第一章 葬礼一&规则生活第二章 布娃娃的情人节第三章 葬礼二&同学会第四章 杀第五章 肉食动物第六章 女祸第七章 葬礼三&初恋第八章 晴天娃娃第九章 葬礼四&旅行的冬季第十章 新年快乐第十一章 乱了第十二章 再给我多点时间第十三章 葬礼五&爱情证书第十四章 谁和谁第十五章 菟丝花的重生第十六章 兄弟第十七章 葬礼六&我不爱第十八章 幸福的频率