1.No matter what structure of lock,the normal work of lock embodies in the fastener entering or coming out of cable point.不管何种结构的锁具其正常工作体现在扣件进入或离开扣点。
2.We give out a new algorithm of lock problem in China s Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling 1994.对 1994年全国大学生数学建模竞赛试题 (锁具装箱 )给出一种新颖的算法 ,对于由槽高组成的数组{yi} 5i=1,则对所有i≠j,从yi,yj出发 ,若相等 ,计数变量减 1,否则加 1,通过最后计数变量得出结
3.Lock, closed, concealed, evasive, hoarded, the originator of materialization carrier based on the negative attitude.在中国,民用锁具有着悠久的历史。

1.A set of hardware for shutting or locking a door.锁具用于关锁门的一套金属器具
2.I buy some new lock as an additional insurance against burglary我买了一些新锁具以进一步防止盗窃
3.I bought some new locks as an additional insurance against burglary.我买了一些新锁具以进一步防止盗窃。
4.VCD2 th--( Chinese) Technical opening method and using method of Locks, demo by Taiwan Locksmith.VCD 二(语)台湾中山锁匠工具公司师傅演示各种锁具的技术开启方法及各种工具的使用方法。
5.At present, the commonly used locks and the lock cores on the market are those with direct-type lock covers, and the direct hard keys.目前市场上现有的锁具产品都是采用直列式锁道,钥匙为硬钥匙。
6.fastener of base metal, for furniture (excl. locks and padlocks)家具扣件(不包括锁和挂锁),贱金属制
7.Worked the pick into the lock.把撬锁的尖头工具插到锁里去
8.The plate is kept in a locked cupboard.圣餐具放在有锁的橱里.
9.Install the valve locks and release the tool.安装气门锁,放开工具。
10.To disable(a vehicle)by attaching a Denver boot.锁车加上一个丹佛锁扣而使交通工具不能行驶
11.A notched and grooved, usually metal implement that is turned to open or close a lock.钥匙有沟槽的一种金属工具,用于开或锁住锁
12.Metal goods and utensils such as locks, tools, and cutlery.五金器具如锁、工具及刀具等金属制品或器皿
13.Gerald fastened the door and pushed the furniture aside.杰罗尔德锁上了门,把家具靠到一边。
14.An application lock could not be acquired for materializing views.无法为具体化视图获取应用程序锁。
15.Brief Introduction to New Four-bar Self-locking Hoist;一种实用四连杆自锁吊具的设计简介
17.Reduction of tool-flow deadlock in flexible manufacturing systems by graph theory based analysis of tool基于工步备刀的FMS刀具流死锁的研究
18.The major advantage of the proposedDPPL is that it has a very high lock-in speed. If a rectangular signalis switched on to the loop,it will lock-in with the frequency of thesignal within one and a half cycles.其特点是:一是,具较快的锁定速度,可在一拍半内实现频率锁定;

1.The problems of calculating the number of locks and estimating the complaining extent of mass customers are solved by the models.解决了计算一批锁具的数量,估计团体顾客的抱怨程度等问题,并在考虑工厂连续生产,合理销售的前提下,提出了较为优化的装箱销售方案及其改进方案。
2.This article discussed some problems about putting locks into boxes.本文讨论锁具装箱问题。
1.Lockset is always in common use for people,at one time,criminals often avail themselves of opening and breaking locksets to achieve their crime.锁具是人们日常生活常用的工具,犯罪分子对锁具开启和破坏以达到实施犯罪的目的。
4)Locking Device for Hoisting起吊锁具
1.Design and Application of A Locking Device for Hoisting;一种起吊锁具的设计与应用
5)lock cartoning锁具装箱
1.By employing probability theory and numerical analysis procedure the present paper deals with a mathematical model of lock cartoning through analysis and calculation.运用概率、数值分析等方法给出了锁具装箱有关问题分析和计算的一种模型,为销售部门提供了出现锁具互开情形尽可能小的最佳装箱方案,从而降低了团体顾客的抱怨程
6)the total of the locks锁具总数
1.In this paper, we propose a graphic algorithm to find the total of the locks in problem B of Chinese Mathematical Contest in Modeling (1994), If the reader has the basic knowledge about Graph Theory he can master this algorithm and this algorithm takes less computation time than the other present methods.本文为1994年全国大学生数学建模竞赛B题(锁具装箱)中关于锁具总数的求解提供一种简便易行的图论算法。

四种具足法──在家人四种具足法【四种具足法──在家人四种具足法】  ﹝出杂阿含经﹞  [一、信具足],谓在家之人,于如来所,起敬信心,闻胜妙法,心开意解,不生疑谤,信根坚固,是名信具足。  [二、戒具足],谓在家之人,起净信心,受佛禁戒,不杀不盗不邪淫不妄语不饮酒,持此五戒,一无毁犯,是名戒具足。  [三、施具足],谓在家之人,受前戒法,能于一切所有之财,不悭不惜,施济贫乏,修此舍行,是名施具足。  [四、慧具足],谓在家之人,既受戒行施,当以智慧,观察此身虚假不实,由贪嗔痴起诸烦恼,招集无量生死之苦,能修善道,证涅槃乐,是名慧具足。(梵语涅槃,华言灭度。)