1.The paper is intended to study the application and inheritance of the method from the Three Kingdoms(220-280) down to the Qing dynasty(1644-1911).我国古代文学意象批评的承传,主要体现在两条线索中:一是在不同文体批评中的承传,这主要体现在诗歌批评、散文批评、词学批评、戏曲批评、小说批评的渐次运用中;二是在集中运用方面的承传,这主要体现在钟嵘、张说、皇甫、司空图、张舜民、蔡、敖陶孙、《竹林诗评》作者、王世贞、朱权、毛宗岗、牟愿相、陈衍、金圣叹等人作品中。
2.This article tries to analyze the inheritance and change of Huang s painting.笔者试图通过对该文的分析来管窥元画家、特别是黄公望本人的绘画观对前人的承传与变
3.Although the times have changed,a lot of essays authors, Which "inheritance" from the thirties,still found some negative factors,Which obstacled to their healthy growth.虽然世易时移,但从三十年代“承传”过来的一批优秀杂文家以敏锐的眼光、深刻的洞察力仍然捕捉到了新中国的现实社会中存在着的阻碍其健康成长的负面因素。

1.Descending from an ancestor to a legal heir;passing down by inheritance.承袭的祖先传给合法继承人的;由继承传下来的
2.radial bearing upper drive sub上部径向轴承传动接头
3.radial bearing lower drive sub下部径向轴承传动接头
4.Cultural Reconstruction and Transmission of Traditional National Programs;民族传统节日传播的文化重构和传承
5.On Impart And Inherit The Traditional Music Culture With Its Communication;论传统音乐文化的传承与传播(下)
6.On Impart And Inherit The Traditional Music Culture With Its Communication(I);论传统音乐文化的传承与传播(上)
7.What Should We Inherit from our Predecessors' Spiritual Heritage?传承,我们当继承前辈什么精神遗产?
8.feeder drive link bearing进料器的传动连杆轴承
9.drive pinion cone bearing cup传动小齿轮锥形轴承杯
10.inherit and carry forward one's fine traditions继承和发扬优良传统
11.The crown descended to the heir.王位传给了继承人。
12.Cultural Continuity or Dislocation?文化传承还是文化断层?
13.Her performance is exquisite; her image on the stage is very nice;师承名家朱传茗等。
14.Of or relating to heredity or inheritance.遗传或继承的遗传或继承的,与其有关的
15.An Analysis of Succession Style and Inheritance Dilemma of Black-Clothes Zhuang Folk试析黑衣壮民歌的传承方式及传承困境
16.Tradition is pass on by the elders of the tribe.部族的传统由长者承袭相传。
17.Tradition be pass on by the elders of the tribe部族的传统由长者承袭相传
18.Tradition of the Bai Nationality Women's Handicraft and its Development白族妇女传统手工技能的传承与发展

connecting link承传
1.The connecting link of composing words and meaning criticism of Chinese classical literary theory,mainly embodies in two aspects:the connecting link of the criticism about meaning being host and words being guest and the connecting link of the criticism about words and meaning depending on each other,growing and declining each other,and showing each other.我国古代文学言意构合论的承传,主要体现在两个维面:一是意主辞宾论的承传;二是言意相互依存、相互消长与相互生发论的承传
2.The connecting link of category of "Ge"(style) in Ci poetry of ancient Chinese literary theory,mainly embodies in two aspects: one is connecting link and applying in the critical aspect,the other is connecting link and explaining in the theoretical aspect.中国古典词学“格”范畴的承传,主要体现在两个维面:一是批评层面对“格”的承传运用;二是理论层面对“格”的承传阐说。
3.The connecting link of category of "Yun"(rhyme) in the Ci-poetry theory in the Qing dynasty is mainly embodied in two aspects.“韵”范畴在清代词学中的承传,主要体现在两个维面:一是批评层面对“韵”的承传运用;二是理论层面对“韵”的承传阐说。
1.The close relationship between Taoist doctrine and the succession of Taoist schools standardizes the succession of Taoism.道教教义与道教教派的承传关系密切,对道教承传有严格的规范的作用。
1.Culture Inheritance and Style Innovation in Contemporary Residential Environment Design——Introduction of "Jinxiu Jiangnan"Garden;现代居住小区文化承传与风格创新——“锦绣江南家园”住宅小区简析
1.The link in the compilation of the notes on ancient Chinese classical poetry is embodied mainly in two systems: the link of the form of the compilation of the notes on ancient Chinese classical poetry of certain poets and the link in the form of the comprehensive compilation of the notes on ancient Chinese classical poetry.中国古代诗话汇编的承传,主要体现在两大系统中:一是专家诗话汇编之体的承传;二是综合性诗话汇编之体的承传
2.The link of Chinese ancient literature comparative criticism mainly shows in two systems: one is in the different literary forms, such as poetry, prose, ci-poetry, drama and novel criticism; the other is the link of concentrated applying, which appeared in the works of Zhong Rong, Zhang Jie, Wang Shi-zhen, Lv Tian-cheng, Qi Biao-jia, Chen Ting-zhuo and Jing Shen-tan, etc.我国古代文学比较批评的承传,主要体现在两条线索中:一是在不同文体中的承传,这主要体现在诗歌批评、散文批评、词学批评、戏曲批评、小说批评的渐次运用中;二是在集中运用方面的承传,这主要体现在钟嵘、张戒、王世贞、吕天成、祁彪佳、陈廷焯、金圣叹等人手里。
1.On the Inheritance ,Protections and Development of the Minority Tradition Medicine culture in the Three Gorges storehouse;三峡库区少数民族多元传统医药文化的保护、传承与开发
2.Brief Analysis on the Inheritance and Impact of Tempietto;浅析坦比哀多教堂的传承和影响
3.The inheritance of traditional culture in Chinese contemporary interior design;中国当代室内设计中对传统文化的传承
