1.The shape of pictograph reveals people s mode of thought when creating Chinese characters because of its characteristics of image-making and recording.象形文字形象化强,具有记事特征,从字形可以看到造字时人们特定的思维方式。
2.The pictographic Dongba Scriptures of the Naxis records over one hundred primitive methods of divination which as an important part of Dongba culture reflect the Naxi history,folklore,ancient astronomy,calendar,medicine and philosophy.纳西族象形文字《东巴经》中记录着上百种原始占卜方法,它是构成东巴文化的一个重要内容。

1.The hieroglyphic code...据象形文字记载...
2.written in or belonging to a writing system using pictorial symbols.属于象形文字或用象形文字写。
3.consisting of or characterized by the use of pictographs.由象形文字组成,或有象形文字特征。
4.the use of ideograms in writing.使用象形文字的字体。
5.The Origin of Writings and the Similarities and Differences Between Hieroglyphs,Cuneiform,Chinese Characters and Alphabet;文字起源及象形文字、楔形文字、中国文字和字母文字之异同
6.decipheringEgyptian hieroglyphics译解古埃及的象形文字
7.Something that suggests a hieroglyph.类似象形文字的事物
8.a graphic character used in picture writing.象形文字里的一个图形字符。
9.Hieroglyphics is a kind of writing made up of pictures.象形文字是一种由图画构成的文字。
10.The Living Hieroglyphs,The Pictures and Characters of Naxi Dongba活着的象形文字——纳西东巴图画文字
11.A picture representing a word or idea;a hieroglyph.象形文字代表一个字或意义的图画;象形符号
12.The Variants in Naxi Pictograph Character Chart;《纳西象形文字谱》的异体字及相关问题
13.Something, such as illegible or undecipherable writing, that is felt to resemble a hieroglyph.难辨别的书写,象是用象形文字写的
14.Graphic Identification and Symbol Implication in Chinese Pictograph中国象形文字的图形识别和符号表意
15.The Activation of Graphic,Phonological,and Semantic Information in the Recognition of Naxi Pictographs;纳西象形文字识别中的形、音、义激活
16.A picture or symbol used in hieroglyphic writing.象形文字象形文字书写体系中所使用的图画或符号
17.They are the hieroglyphics of feudalism, succeeding those of theocracy.这是继神权政治象形文字之后的封建制度象形文字
18.By understanding the meaning of hieroglyphics,通过理解象形文字的意义,

1.The Nature of the Naxi Pictographs Symbols and its Function in Visual Communication;纳西象形文字的符号性质及其在视觉传达中的功能
2.The Naxi pictographs have unique arts beauty,and are rich of the concrete beauty and the form beauty.纳西象形文字蕴涵了独特的艺术美感,富有具象之美和形式之美。
1.After studying the pragmatic features of hieroglyphs in the formation of words and sentences,it explores the principles of bilingual conversion to achieve effective use and understanding of pictograph words.英汉象形文字的比较是建立在象形文字具体内涵的基础上。
2.This paper discusses the fundamental distinctions between the hieroglyphs and pictographs,the forerunner of writing.文章讨论了象形文字的概念和人类文字雏形即文字画概念的根本区分,认为“象形文字”一词符合古文字命名法规律,象形文字、楔形文字和中国文字都是表意符和声符并用文字,塞姆语字母文字独立起源于两大文明之间,受两河流域文明影响较大,埃及文字的象形特征保持了三千年,它的象形字体和演化出的两种简化的、不太象形的手写字体一直并用。
1.In traditional Chinese culture,many aspects such as valuing objects with sense of value,concepts of imaginary analogy and ideograph are remarkbaly congruent with the poetic wisdom advocated by Giambartista Vico (1668-1744),a famous Italian philosopher of history.中国传统文化在以己度物、想象性类概念以及象形文字等诸多方面都与维柯等人所倡导的诗性智慧若合符契。
