1.A Research on the Relationship between the Guangling s Celebrities Living in the Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River and the Sun Quan Reign;汉末流寓江东之广陵人士与孙吴政权之关系考述
2.Study of Guangling Ci Tan under the Guidance of Wang Shizhen王士禛主导下的广陵词坛研究
3.At the very beginning of Qing Dynasty, the appearance of the adherents of Ming Dynasty in Guangling was the most frequent in all.清初广陵一地,宾主遗民之往来栖留,为天下最。

1.There are three Lings: Tu Shao-ling, Wang Kuang-ling, and-do you know him?三陵:杜少陵,王广陵--知道这个人么?
2.Seeing Meng Haoran Off to Guangling from Yellow Crane Tower黄鹤楼送孟浩然至广陵
3."With the sail that bears me toward Loyang. In Yangzhou trees linger bell-notes of evening,"归棹洛阳人, 残钟广陵树。
4.Seeing Meng Haoran Off at Yellow Crane Tower黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵
5.By Society Love Story "Guang Ling chao" Center Feminine Image;妾家扬子住 便弄广陵潮——论社会言情小说《广陵潮》中的女性形象
6."Our host, providing abundant wine to make the night mellow, Asks his guest from Yangzhou to play for us on the lute."主人有酒欢今夕, 请奏鸣琴广陵客。
7.Female Images in the Social Romantic Story "Guang Ling Chao";论社会言情小说《广陵潮》中的女性形象
8.On the Modern Women in the Social Love Story "Guang Ling Chao";论社会言情小说《广陵潮》中的新式女性形象
9.The Discourse Analysis of the English Versions of Farewell to Meng Haoran;《送孟浩然之广陵》一诗英译文的语篇功能分析
10.The Universe Intentionally Makes Things Difficult for Our Groups - On the GuangLing Literal Groups during Kang Qian;乾坤著意穷吾党——雍、乾之际广陵文学集群述论
11.Recalling History and Addicting Desire:Nanking and Yangzhou in Tang's Poem--A Study on Chiang-Nan City Culture历史追忆与现世沉迷:唐诗中的金陵与广陵——以江南城市文化圈为研究视阈
12.Metamorphosis of Soul and Literature--Niehaihua, Guanglingcao and Metamorphosis of Social Psychology in the Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republic of China;人心之变与文学之变——《孽海花》、《广陵潮》与晚清社会心态的变异
13.Utilization and Extention of Potentilla discolor Bunge野生草本植物──翻白委陵菜的推广利用
14.Will be the dome of a vast sepulcher将成为它广大墓陵的一座圆顶,
15.As you continue your tour, you will find the Royal Tomb and the Sacred Plaza .继续游览,你会看见「皇家陵墓」和「神圣广场」。
16.As you continue your tour, you will find the Royal Tomb and the Sacred Plaza.你继续前行,会看到皇家陵墓和神圣广场。
17.Study on the Planning of Water Pollution Control of Jialingjiang River Drainage Area in Guangyuan City;广元市嘉陵江流域水污染防治规划研究
18.Practice in Land Consolidation in Hilly Regions of South China:Ca se study of Shangsi County,Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region;南方丘陵地区的土地整理——以广西上思县为例

Guangling Xiangjing广陵香粳
1.Quality and quantity characters of different yield level of Guangling Xiangjing;广陵香粳不同产量水平的群体数量和质量特征研究
3)Books burnt down in Guangling广陵焚书
4)Gang Ling Chao《广陵潮》
5)Guangling Verse(Guangling San)广陵散
6)Guangling opera troupe广陵曲社
