1.Reflections on Benjamin s Theory of Aura;对本雅明“光晕”理论的思考
2.The Disappearance of Aura and the Reality of Flat光晕的消失与扁平的现实

1.An area of glow around a bright object on a television screen.晕影电视屏幕上明亮物体周围出现的光晕
2.The volumetric light effect is rather strong. The intensity of the Halo can be regulated with the HaloInt slider (Halo Intensity Slider.). Lower values corresponding to weaker halos.立方体照明效果更明显。光晕亮度可以通过光晕亮度滑块调节(光晕亮度滑块。)
3.Anti-halation layer: Coating on the back of a film.防光晕层:菲林底面的涂层。
4.It has an attractive light straw colour with a vibrant green tinge.诱人的淡金黄色带着明亮的绿色光晕
5.This is important because the halo is much larger than the Milky Way galaxy itself.这很重要,因为光晕要比银河系大得多。
6.The researchers suggest that there are many white dwarf stars throughout this halo.研究人员猜想,光晕内到处有白矮星。
7.The halo of shadow outshines the holy light.圣光不属于我,透著暗影光晕才是最有自信的!
8.The movement of the objects suggests that they are in the so-called @halo@ of the universe.这些星的移动表明它们处于所谓的宇宙“光晕”内。
9.Neath the halo of a street lamp.头顶上街灯的光晕将我笼罩(我睡在街灯下)。
10.A luminous spot on a lunar halo.幻月,假月月晕上的光斑
11.In the soft blush of light's reflected power,映着阳光强力反射的红晕轻柔,
12.Experimental Studies on Removing Nitrogen Oxides by Corona Discharge and Photocatalytic Method;电晕放电—光催化法处理NOx的实验研究
13.Optical Study of OH Radicals Produced by DC Corona Discharge;直流电晕放电OH自由基发射光谱研究
14.Research on the Thermal Blooming Effect of High Energy Laser Propagation in the Atmosphere强激光在大气中传输的热晕效应研究
15.Study for Effects of Steady-State Thermal Blooming on High Energy Lasers Propagation in the Atmosphere强激光大气传输稳态热晕效应的研究
16.Morphology Determination of Multi-Needle Bipolar Corona Discharge by OES多针双极电晕放电形貌发射光谱研究
17.skiers temporarily blinded by sunlight on snow.滑雪者有时被雪反射的阳光照得头晕目眩。
18.Black黑: Strong deep black, without iridescent sheds. The fins may have blue basis rays.黑色:浓厚深黑无虹晕。鱼鳍可能带有蓝色光芒。

1.Three kinds of antihalation dye were prepared for green-sensitive X-ray film,of which the absorbency ranges from 515nm to 550nm wavelength.本文合成了3个用于感绿X光片的防光晕染料,其吸收波长在515~550nm之间。
