1.The Research about Investigation and Protection, Which of "NiNiGou" and Temple Fair for Human s Father in HuaiYang of Henan Provice;淮阳人祖庙会与泥泥狗的现状调查及其保护性研究
2.Aesthetic Analysis of Huaiyang Ninigou Clay Sculpture民间艺术史上的淮阳泥泥狗探析
3.This article takes the folk art modeling“Ninigou”of Huaiyang, Henan as the research object and researches on its existing space, belief content, belief concept, the relationships of belief and modeling and the development of“Ninigou”modeling at present time when activi.本文以河南淮阳地区的“泥泥狗”造型这一民间美术作品为研究对象,对其存在空间、信仰内容、信仰思维、信仰与造型的相互关系以及泥泥狗造型在民间信仰活动日趋世俗化的今天之发展进行了探讨,试图从信仰角度对泥泥狗这一民间美术的典型作品进行深入研究,并力图从中窥见民间信仰与民间美术造型的相互关系。

1.A Comparative Study of Huishan Clay Figurine and the Artistic Images of Huaiyang Putty Mud Puppy;惠山泥人和淮阳泥泥狗的艺术形象比较研究
2.Comparison of Aesthetic Forms between Huaiyang’s ‘Ninigou’ and Xun County’s ‘Nigugu’;淮阳“泥泥狗”与浚县“泥咕咕”造型审美之比较
3.An Interpretation of "Clay Dog" as the Cultural Signal and Aesthetic Element;“泥泥狗”作为文化符号和审美元素的解读
4.A Tentative Research into Industrialization of Clay Dog in Huaiyang Henan Province河南淮阳泥泥狗产业化的创意发展研究
5.The Elicitation of Huaiyang Clay Dogs to Modern Mascot Design淮阳泥泥狗艺术对现代吉祥物设计的启示
6.Nini dog",also named "Ling dog",is a brief name of mud toys used in traditional temple fair at Fuxi tomb in Taihao Huaiyang county in He′nan Province."“泥泥狗” ,又称“陵狗”或“灵狗” ,是河南淮阳太昊伏羲陵传统庙会上泥玩具的总称。
7.The Research about Investigation and Protection, Which of "NiNiGou" and Temple Fair for Human s Father in HuaiYang of Henan Provice;淮阳人祖庙会与泥泥狗的现状调查及其保护性研究
8.Package Design of Folk Handcrafts-A Case Study of Package Design of “NINI Dog” of Huaiyang;谈民间工艺品的包装设计——以淮阳“泥泥狗”包装设计为例
9.The dog was speckled with mud.狗身上沾满了点点污泥。
10.The dog rolled on the floor (in the mud).狗在地板上(泥巴中)打滚。
11.The pup was in a fix when he walked into the mudhole.小狗跌进泥坑便爬不出来了。
12.The dog tracked mud all over the shiny kitchen.狗在厨房发亮的地板上留下一屋子泥。
13.Wet plaster, mortar, or cement.灰泥湿灰泥、灰浆或水泥
14.Mother raised the roof when she saw the dog's muddy foot prints on her new bedspread.看见新床单上有狗的泥脚印时,妈妈大发雷霆。
15.I could hear mother scolding the dog for bringing mud into the house.我听见母亲在骂那条狗, 因为它把泥带进了屋子。
16.A properly oily coat repels dirt and sheds water easily.富含油指的皮毛能有效地保护狗狗不受污泥和冷水的伤害。
17.hydraulic cement [mortar]水硬水泥 [灰泥]
18.The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.狗所吐的,它又转过来吃;猪洗净了,它又会到泥里去滚。

Huaiyang clay dogs淮阳泥泥狗
1.Besides displaying, another important feature of the Huaiyang clay dogs is its beautiful sound.淮阳泥泥狗是淮阳泥玩具的总称。
1.Determination of Mercury in River Mud by Flow Injection-Hydride Atomic Absorption Spectrometry;底泥中汞的流动注射-氢化物原子吸收光谱法检测
1.This paper analyses the effect of sticky clay cast into the water on algae elimination from three aspects and concludes that the method of casting clay is easy and effective.分别从实验、生产试验及生产实践方面研究了投泥工艺的除藻应用,指出投泥是适用于低浊度水库水除藻的工艺,简单易行,效果良好。
2.As an art of clay and fire,pottery not only gives an entirely new shape but also an aesthetical thinking on its renewal and value.在泥、火、釉神奇的创造下,发现自己不同于其它艺术的独特魅力。
3.The flourishing history of chinses pottery is exactly the process of scientific research in clay,glaze and pigment of pottery .蓬勃发展的中国陶艺,是人们在泥、釉及陶瓷颜料上孜孜不倦的研究和创新的成果,以及造型特征上的大胆突破的一个过程。
5)The puppy rolled in the mud.小狗在泥地里打滚
6)mudstone argillization泥岩泥化

泥板档案  古代刻写在粘土板上的文书。是西亚地区古代苏美尔、阿卡德、巴比伦、赫梯、波斯和亚述等的遗物(见泥板文献)。它真实地记录了古代奴隶制国家的活动,内容涉及广泛。有法典和法规、外交条约 (如赫梯国王哈图西利斯三世与埃及法老拉美西斯二世缔结的和约)、外贸协定、商业契据、人口调查材料、土地与财产转让文件、财务与税收文件,还有城市平面图等。17世纪曾在伊朗设拉子附近发现波斯帝国都城波斯波利斯王宫遗留下来的泥板档案,19世纪40年代以来,苏美尔城邦拉格什、赫梯古王国都城哈图沙什和埃勃拉王宫等遗址都发掘出大量泥板档案。从出土情况来看,这些泥板都有专门库房保存,用盒子盛放,排列有序,有的还制作副本,并有目录和保管制度。    见古代两河流域档案管理。