1.Style,function and evolution of the pouch;荷包的形制和功能及变迁

1.A plant of the genus Dicentra, which includes the bleeding heart and Dutchman's breeches.荷包牡丹一种荷包牡丹属的植物,包括荷包牡丹和兜状荷花牡丹
2.Poached eggs with harshed brown.煮荷包蛋及黑面包。
3.Fried eggs with baked ham.炸荷包蛋加烤火腿肉。
4.A: Could I have them poached?甲:可不可以做荷包蛋?
5.Omelettes should be runny in the middle.荷包蛋要煎成溏心儿的.
6."The feast-day dresses, and the robes, and the wide skirts, and the handbags,"吉服,外套,云肩,荷包
7.On the Folk Song--Xiu Hebao (Embroidering the Small Bag) in Wuxi传情达意的《绣荷包》——从无锡民歌《绣荷包》看江南民歌的演唱
8.On the Folk Song Jasmine's Spreading and Variants对民歌《绣荷包》的民间流传及乐曲变体的探讨——以山东《绣荷包》为例
9.and Set B offers you a fried egg and a sausage,套餐B有煎荷包蛋和香肠,
10.So it is that the purses of the magistrates and their underlings perforce remain empty.于是知事及其僚佐们的荷包,只好空着。
11.said Madame de R., "I have only four sous in my purse."r夫人说,“我荷包里也只有四个苏。”
12.Viewing the Aesthetic Generality of Folk Arts through the Craftwork of "Wallet";从“荷包”工艺看民间美术的审美共性
13.Seasonal variation of C/N ratio in‘Yu Her Pu' litchi trees(Litchi Chinensis Sonn.)‘玉荷包'荔枝树体碳氮比之季节性变化
14.The Review of Developmental History of Lychee(Litchi chinensis Sonn) cv.Yu Her Pau,and the Prospect in the Future玉荷包荔枝产业的过去、现在、未来
15.Study on the RAPD-PCR Reaction Conditions for Hebao Pig荷包猪RAPD-PCR反应条件研究
16.toasted English muffin topped with ham and a poached egg (or an oyster) and hollandaise sauce.烘烤的英国松饼,上覆有火腿、水煮荷包蛋(或牡蛎)和荷兰辣酱油。
17.B: So, that's grapefruit juice, sausage, two eggs-poached toast, milk and coffee.乙:好,那么就是柚子汁、香肠,两只荷包蛋、烤面包、牛奶和咖啡。
18.Milk, bread, butter, jam, peanut butter, honey, doughnuts, fried eggs, boiled eggs, or cereals.牛奶,面包,奶油,果酱,花升酱,蜂蜜,圈饼,荷包蛋,煮蛋,谷类食物。

Purse-string suture荷包缝合
1.The repair was finished by purse-string suture.方法5例单纯乳头乳晕处乳房湿疹样癌患者在病灶切除后,通过设计乳腺下部乳晕大小的带皮下软组织蒂的皮瓣,并将其向上推移到原乳头乳晕处与周围荷包缝合收拢的皮肤及软组织缝合的方法修复乳房中央的皮肤软组织缺损。
1.P-SF combined with SST technique in surgical treatment of rectal cancer-A Report of 209 Cases;管状吻合器辅以荷包钳治疗直肠癌209例分析
4)load envelope载荷包线
5)charge packet电荷包
1.Analysis of the Total Transfer Efficiency of the Charge Packet in a TDI-CCD Image Sensor;TDI-CCD图像传感器中电荷包总转移效率分析
2.Abstract: With resperct to the transfer loss of the charge packet in a TDI-CCD image sensor, a mathematical model of the total transfer efficiency of the charge packet in the TDI-CCD image sensor is proposed by the strict and detail analysis of the transfer process of the charge packet in the TDI-CCD image sensor.针对TDI-CCD图像传感器中电荷包的转移损失问题,严格而详细地分析了TDI-CCD图像传感器中电荷包转移过程,建立了TDI-CCD图像传感器的电荷包总转移效率的数学模型。
1.Research on Cold Resistance Mechanism of Colicweed;荷包牡丹抗寒生理特性的研究

(-)荷包牡丹碱分子式:CAS号:性质:白色针状结晶(自无水乙醇),熔点169℃,旋光度-63.1°(c=1.0,氯仿),溶于氯仿、乙酸乙酯及丙酮等有机溶剂。长棱柱状结晶(自乙醚),熔点169℃,旋光度-63.5°(c=1.70,氯仿)。从罂粟科植物小叶荷包牡丹(Dicentra pusilla Sieb. et Zucc),防己科植物荷包地不容(Stephania dicentrinifera H. S. Lo et H. Yang中提取而得。具有一定镇痛、镇静作用。用于治疗头痛、腰痛、牙痛、小手术后疼痛及神经衰弱等症。