1.Developing the Market Mechanism, Expanding Eco-production——On the Follow-up Policy"conversion of cropland to forestland";关于运用市场机制发展生态生产的设想

1.The Reproduction of Ecological Productivity and the Compensation of Artificial Ecology and Green GNP;生态生产力再生产与人工生态补偿及绿色GNP
2.Forest Eco-economic Productivity and the Development of Forestry Produce;森林生态经济生产力与林业生产发展
3.I engage in ecological environment, Ecological economics and zoology industrialization research.我从事生态环境、生态经济学及生态产业化研究。
4.Development Research about Ecological Industry in the Ecological Economy Region;长白山生态经济区生态产业发展研究
5.Study on Establishment of Eco-industrial Chain Based on Eco-efficiency;基于生态效益的生态产业链形成研究
6.Study on Ecological Carrying Capacity of Financial Industry Ecosystem;金融产业生态系统的生态承载力研究
7.Studies on ecological traits of super high-yield rice in special eco-site特殊生态区水稻超高产生态特征研究
8.Research on Regional Industrial Ecosystem and Its Ecological Properties区域产业生态系统及其生态特性研究
9.On the Three Forms of Art Production and the Construction of “Aesthetic-production Theory”;艺术生产三形态与“审美生产主义”建构
10.On Incentives To Produce Eco-Agricultural Products;生态农产品生产激励机制的经济分析
11.planted so as to give an effect of wild growth.为对野生状态的生长产生影响而种植。
13.a morbid fear of animals.对动物产生病态的恐惧。
14.a morbid fear of dogs.对于狗产生病态的恐惧。
15.a morbid fear of pain.对于疼痛产生病态恐惧。
16.a morbid fear of men.对男人产生病态恐惧。
17.a morbid fear of falling asleep.对于睡眠产生病态恐惧。
18.a morbid fear of freezing.对寒冷产生病态恐惧。

ecological productive forces生态生产力
1.Exploration of vicissitude of social productive forces from the perspective of man-land relationship——Concurrent discussion on the development of ecological productive forces;社会生产力变迁的人地关系透视——兼论生态生产力的发展
2.The essence of ecological compensation is the distribution and redistribution of ecological interests, and it is emerged when ecologic mode of production that ecological productive forces and ecological production relations interact mutually and produce has gradually been human’s civilized choice.生态补偿的实质是生态利益的分配和再分配,它是在生态生产力、生态生产关系及其相互作用形成的生态生产方式渐趋成为人类文明选择的背景下诞生的。
3.On the basis of ecological philosophy, the author gives profound reflections on the foothold, the motivating power, and the direction of social development, and addresses the questions of sustainable existence, ecological productive forces and ecological civilization.笔者以生态哲学为视点,对社会发展的立足点、动力和方向进行了深层思考,并阐明和分析了可持续生存、生态生产力、生态文明等概念。
3)ecological productivity生态生产力
1.Researches on ecological productivity have achieved a lot over the past 10 years in basic concepts, research methods, the mechanism and mode of operation.生态生产力是在一定的背景下提出的。
2.the reproduction process of ecological productivity turns out to be "a double-edged sword".本文站在人与自然的和谐是构筑和谐社会的自然物质基础这一高度,从理论与实践的结合上,科学地提出了构建绿色GNP核算体系的大背景——生态生产力再生产过程表现为是一把“双刃剑”;为消除生态生产力再生产过程中的负面影响,必须对现行GNP进行“双重扣除”——人工生态补偿及绿色GNP之实质所在;最后,创新性地提出了缩小现行GNP与绿色GNP之间差额的四大主要科学对策。
3.On the natural productivity of its substance,is a natural ecological productivity.自然生产力就其实质而言是自然的生态生产力。
4)ecological re-production生态再生产
1.Compared with the traditional productivity,eco-productivity respects the full value and rights of nature,emphasizes man s moral obligations to nature,adheres to the harmonious development of man and nature.生态生产力是一种全新的生产理念,与传统生产力相比较,生态生产力尊重自然的全面价值和权利;强调人对自然的道德义务;坚持人与自然的和谐发展;在生产实践中,生态生产力要求人类树立生态伦理意识;履行保护环境的伦理义务;承担保护环境的伦理责任。
6)ecology productivity生态生产率
1.This paper generalizes the source and practical significance of Productivity-Quality Equation,based on which it also discusses the meaning of resource productivity, ecology productivity and the way how to improve productivity-quality synchronously.综述了质量-生产率方程的来源和现实意义,并以此为基础,探讨了资源生产率、生态生产率的内涵以及质量-生产率同步改进的方法途径。

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