新闻性,news nature
1)news nature新闻性
1.The Study of the News Nature of the Column TV Program;栏目化电视节目的新闻性研究
2.It is a type of writing between news and literature The characteristics of the reportage are its authenticity,news nature and literature nature among which authenticity is its life,while literature nature is the artistry reflection of the contemporary society.报告文学的特性是其真实性、新闻性与文学性。

1.News Element in Narrative Poems of the Tang Dynasty;纪实性——唐代叙事诗的新闻性元素之一
2.Modern Literature Development: Relationships between Development of News Media and News Literature;当代文学的生成:新闻媒体的发展与新闻性文学的关系
3.a journalist who specializes in sentimental stories.专门写感伤性新闻的新闻记者。
4.Differences of News Frame between China-Japanese News Website;中日新闻网站新闻构架差异性的研究
5.The Objectivity Principle on Level of the News Criterion;新闻规范层面的新闻客观性原理研究
6.Fleet Street loves a good scandal.新闻界热衷于轰动性的丑闻.
7.principle of party spirit in journalism新闻工作的党性原则
8.News reports must be timely.新闻报导的时间性强。
9.The Constitution of News Objectivity by Narrative Position in TV News;电视新闻叙事视角对新闻客观性的建构
10.From the "People s Livelihood News" to the "Public Information" on the Sustainable Development;从“民生新闻”到“公共新闻”的可持续性发展研究
11.The Otherness Study of Network News Title and Plane News Title;网络新闻标题与平面新闻标题差异性研究
12.The Influence on Social News Based on the Gender Difference of Editors and Reporters新闻从业人员性别差异对社会新闻的影响
13.The Covert Coverage s Authenticity and Its Use Rationality Study in the Television News Media;电视新闻媒体中隐性采访的新闻真实性及使用合理性研究
14.News publicity work of newly-built local universities新建地方性本科院校的新闻宣传工作
15.Sexual Discrimination in English News;英语新闻中的性别歧视——对两篇新闻的批评性分析
16.Rethinking on the Ideological Content and Visibility of TV News;对电视新闻思想性与可视性的再思考
17.The Impact of Subjective Factors on the Truth of TV News;主观性因素对电视新闻真实性的影响
18.University should Stress Era and Opening to News Education;高校新闻教育应突出时代性与开放性

1.However,after analyzing the structure of this famous work,the author thinks that the outstanding characters of journalese and imagination which this novel possesses,have already made it have some textual characteristics of a Chinese serial news story.然而本文通过对作品的分析梳理后认为,作品中突出的新闻性和艺术虚构性,已使其具有了新新闻小说的文体特征,这是作家黄济人对中国现代小说的开拓性贡献。
1.At hold science development view at that moment,"politics,time limited efficacy,news" that enhances the professional lesson of news is very necessary,is also beneficial.在坚持科学发展观的前提下,针对淡化政治性的观点,认为必须强化高校新闻专业课的政治性、时效性、新闻性
4)women's news女性新闻
5)News features.新闻品性
6)property of news新闻属性

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-