1.Stereo matching and occlusion detection is analyzed in disparity space explicitly, and the concept of disparity consistency is introduced after the analysis of some commonly used constraints and some cases of occluding.在视差空间内分析了立体视觉中的遮掩与匹配问题后 ,针对已有的双目立体匹配约束规则的缺陷 ,提出了基于视差空间左右视线冲突检测的视差一致性约束的概念 。
2.The algorithm not only keeps the superiority of the original Inverse Composition Algorithm but also enhances the ability of processing occlusion.但当人脸的某部分被遮掩时,算法的精度会明显下降。

1.a usually secretive or illicit sexual relationship.遮遮掩掩的或非法的性关系。
2.The distant hills were enveloped in clouds and mist.远山被云雾遮掩着。
3.The government is trying to cover up the scandal.政府企图遮掩这件丑事.
4.a thinly veiled criticism几乎没有遮掩的批评
5.The entry of the cave was hidden by trees.洞穴的入口被树丛遮掩
6.Only a few people remembered her wedding comedy, but she made of it no secret.当年的那场婚礼闹剧只有少数人还记得,但她对此从不遮遮掩掩。
7.The woman conceals her affection with the same skill from the object of it.那个女人在她自己心爱的人面前也用这种技巧遮遮掩掩。
8.Yet knowledgeable minds would understand their veiled writings, symbolic representations, or even gestures.但学识广博的人会理解他们遮遮掩掩的著述、象征手法甚或是手势。
9.the windows have been blacked out and a projector installed.窗户被遮掩起来,并安装了一台放映机。
10.They left under cloak of darkness.他们在黑暗的遮掩下离开了.
11.Cobwebs veiled the walls like gauze.蜘蛛网象薄纱一样把墙都遮掩了。
12."and inside it put the ark of the law, hanging the veil before it."把法柜安放在里面,用幔子将柜遮掩
13.The house was hidden from view by a row of tall trees.这座房子被一排高大的树木遮掩住了。
14.The split between them hardly be papered over.他们之间的裂痕难以遮掩
15.The ark with its cover and its rods and the veil hanging before it;柜和柜的杠,施恩座和遮掩柜的幔子,
16.I cant conceal it, dont you see, cant you feel it?我斜面遮掩,不该你看,斜面你觉得呢?
17.The veil she was wearing obscured her features.她罩的面纱遮掩了她的面容。
18.He smothered a yawn behind his hand.他用手挡住嘴遮掩自己打哈欠。

4)chaotic hiding混沌遮掩
1.Main progress in chaotic communication includes chaotic hiding,chaotic switching and chaotic modulating.目前已经提出了同步混沌通信三大保密技术 :混沌遮掩、混沌调制和混沌开关技术 。
1.Optical Design of a Flat Field Unobstructed Two-mirror System with Wide Field of View;平像场无遮掩大视场两镜系统光学设计
6)Occluded Area遮掩区域
