1.Ready-mades is the symbol of post-modernist art.现成品的使用是后现代艺术的一个重要标志,后现代艺术既包括对现代主义的某些继承,又是对现代艺术美学实践的批判、叛离和反讽。

1.Pop art rejected the inner restlessness of the expressive mode infavor of intellectual clarity and conceptual order: Pop artists reacted awayfrom personal language, replacing it with impersonal representation.波普艺术用现成品来反对抽象表现主义,用情感来反对理智,用现成品来反对观念艺术。
2.Precise Costing for Final and Semi-finished PCB Products实现PCB成品、半成品的精准成本核算
3.Do you have ready supplies?你有没有现成的供应品?
4.The Procedure and Status of Developing Deer s Products into Health Care Food;鹿产品开发成保健食品的审批程序与现状
5.Applications of Modern Imaging Techniques in Quality Inspection of Agricultural Products现代成像技术在农产品品质检测中的应用
6.Now they can design integrated iron and steel works.现在他们能设计钢和铁的合成制品。
7.Synthetic artificial commodities are now the first-hand reality.人工制品如今已成为了一手现实。
8.Where there's already an established market for a particular product,假如一项产品已有现成市场,
9.We present a simplified illustration to show the flow of product costs.现举一个简例来表述产品成本流程。
10.I found the work being done in a rush.我发现这件作品正仓促地被完成。
11.Research on Current Cituation of Chongqing Produced Oil Market and Management Measures;重庆成品油市场现状及管理对策研究
12.On the Status Quo of Food Security in Liaoning Province and Its Causes and Solutions;辽宁省食品安全现状、成因及解决对策
13.Development Modern Medicine Logistics,Reduces the Drugs Cost of Circulation;发展现代医药物流 降低药品流通成本
14.Integration Application of Modern Design Technology in Electromechanical Product Development;集成开发环境下的现代机电产品开发
15.The Value Formation of the Intellectual Commodities and Its Mechanism for Realization;试析知识产品的价值形成和实现机制
16.The present problems and reform orientation of petroleum products price mechanism in China;国内成品油价格改革现状、问题和思路
17.The cause for formation of fake and inferior commodity and precautionary measures;假冒伪劣商品凸现的成因及防范措施
18.Quantitative Package Goods Current Situation and Countermeasare of Chengdu Market;成都市商场定量包装商品现状与对策

ready-made goods现成制品
4)Material of ready-made现成品材料
5)finished goods on hand现存制成品
6)Ready Object-design现成品设计

苯唑托品,苄托品药物名称:苄托品英文名:Benzatropine别名: 苯甲托品;苯唑托品,苄托品 外文名:Benzatropine 适应症: 用于震颤麻痹及药物引起的锥体外系反应综合征,可改善肌强直和震颤。 用量用法: 口服:开始每日睡前服0.5~1mg,以后每日可增至2~6mg,分3次服。必要时,震颤麻痹病人可肌注或静注,每日1~2mg。药物诱发锥体外系反应者可肌注或静注每日1~4mg,分1~2次。 注意事项: 1.老年病人可能更敏感。 2.对3岁以上儿童剂量视病情而定。 规格: 片剂:0.5mg、1mg、2mg。 注射液:2mg(2ml)。 类别:抗震颤麻痹药