1.Some Thoughts on Product Design and Consumer Insight;浅析产品设计与消费者洞察
2.Such cognition is accomplished through perception and insight in the practice of research;as a result,the acquired understanding and interpretation of the meaning of the phenomenon are relatively good in depth and accuracy;hence everyday life becomes the main target of research:Everyday life is the center of the life world.这样一种认知在研究实践中经由感知与洞察得以完成,从而获得对现象的意义的相对深刻与准确的理解和解释,由此也给出了现象学社会学将"日常生活"作为其主要研究领域的原因:日常生活即是"生活世界"的中心,而由社会行动者(包括他们形成的主体间际)及其生活于其中的环境所组成的生活世界在某种程度上可以称之为一个意义的世界。

1.World University Insights《世界大学洞察力》
2.Acute intuitive insight or perceptiveness.洞察力敏锐直觉的洞察力或透视能力
3.He penetrated into the secret.他洞察出了这个秘密。
4.I could not penetrate the mystery.我不能洞察这个秘密。
5.He has a keen eye for the secret of the thieves.他善于洞察小偷的隐秘。
6.the lack of insight and sympathetic understanding.缺乏洞察力或理解力。
7.Detected malice behind the smile.洞察笑容背后的阴险
8.Mentally acute or perceptive.头脑敏锐,有洞察力的
9.To deprive of perception or insight.使失去眼光或洞察力。
10.acutely insightful and wise.非常的有洞察力和智慧。
11.lacking subtlety and insight.缺少精明和洞察力的。
12.writing barren of insight.See Synonyms at empty缺乏洞察力的作品参见
13.there is a serious lack of insight into the problem; water is the critical deficiency in desert regions; for want of a nail the shoe was lost.缺少对问题的洞察力。
14.All his sagacity seemed to desert him.他似乎完全失去洞察力。
15.Your brain and your insight are splendid.你头脑敏锐洞察一切。
16.B. Insight Decides the Decision-making INTUIT: We establish the suited market strategies through keen insight.贰.洞察决定决策INTUIT:以敏锐的市场洞察,制定切合的市场策略。
17.an acute oBserver of politics and politicians.一位对政治与政治家有敏锐洞察力的观察者
18.He is scared by the quickness of her perception .她敏锐的洞察力使他感到震惊。

1.This paper sets forth the quality requirements for leaders from the perspective of behavioral science and puts insight in first place.从行为科学的角度提出领导者的素质要求 ,将洞察力列为领导者应具备的首要素质 ,并从组织目标的确立与执行、激励组织的内驱力和保持组织稳定的战斗力三个方面阐述了领导洞察力的重要作用。
2.For doing these, the editors should possess the insight and the social responsibility and should regard the readers first rather that the editors first.为此 ,编辑需要有对信息的敏锐洞察力和强烈的社会责任感 ,同时要转变编辑本位为受众本位。
3.Taste in mathematics was the abilities of obtaining one’s own views following digest after discerning knowledge,including predictive ability,power of judgment,discernment,insight,problem-observing ability and problem-posing ability.教学具有教育性,数学而言的“识”是指分析鉴别知识经融会贯通而获致个人见解的能力,包括预见力、判断力、鉴赏力、洞察力、看问题的能力、提问题的能力。
3)laddering insight梯级洞察
1.Using the laddering insight methods,the relationship chains among product attributes,benefits,and consumer values were identified.利用梯级洞察方法识别产品属性、利益和消费者价值关系链 ,在此基础上利用相关模式技术建立消费者价值与利益、利益与产品属性的相关模式矩阵 ,再利用相关模式矩阵表格对更多的消费者进行多目标决策分析 ,确定产品利益和属性对消费者价值的相对重要性 ,从而为制定营销组合提供平
4)strategic insight战略洞察
5)Supervision defects监察空洞
6)modern discernment现代洞察

洞察观察得很清楚:~下情 ㄧ~其奸。