1.The researches on classical literature in the modern times have less focused on the literary style of ″inscription″.近代古代文学研究对碑文体的关注一直很缺乏,所以此文将对历代有关碑文体的论说进行梳理,以界定“碑”文体的范畴,进而为“碑”文体正名;回顾了碑文历代的实际创作情况,借用明代文体学家徐师曾将碑的实际创作分为正体、变体、变而不失其正体以及别体的理论,解说碑文创作的演变轨迹。

1.The act or an instance of inscribing.刻的行为或实例
2.A representation of a ribbon or scroll bearing an inscription.文丝带,文卷轴
3.The study of inscriptions.文学对于碑的研究
4."I said."I'm impressed."我说"我记在心。
5.It's a lesson Stanley has taken to heart.这是斯坦利记在心的一条座右
6.An inscription in the ogham alphabet.欧甘文用这种字母系统书写的
7.On the Age and Writer of the Inscriptions on the Ding Square Tripot of Zhou Duke;《周公方鼎》文的时代及其文书写者
8.The scene is stamped on my memory.那景象刻在我记忆里。
9.The scene is stamped on my mind.那情景深深刻在我心。
10.a typeface used in ancient Roman inscriptions.古罗马刻用的字体。
11.The experience was engraved into his memory.这经历刻在他记忆里
12.inwardly grateful, relieved, etc内心感的、 解脱的等
13.The incident was stamped in my memory.那事件刻在我的记忆。
14.Let this warning sink into your mind.把这个警告记于心。
15.I treasure up my father's dying words.我记父亲的遗言。
16.His advice was firmly graven on my heart.我把他的忠告记心头。
17.My father's words are inscribed on my memory.父亲的话我记于心。
18.You should treasure it up in your memory in your whole life.这事你一生应记在心。

1.The discussion about the marking patterns of the valve actuator s output torque in the nameplate;阀门手动装置输出扭矩在牌上标定形式的探讨
1.Objective:To study the anticancer mechanism of minoplatin by observing the induction of apoptosis.目的 :观察铂诱导的人卵巢癌细胞A2 780凋亡 ,探讨其抗肿瘤作用机理。
1.Study of the inscriptions is of great significance for study of the art of ancient Chinese calligraphy.西周青铜器文是中国金文书法中洋洋大观能够统领一代的金文书体,是研习古代书法艺术的重要内容之一。
2.In the paper, to provide the reference for the bronze inscription researcher, the author summarizes the cast mistakes of Western Zhou Dynasty bronze inscriptions from three aspects---form similarity, stroke deformity and structure disorder.青铜器虽为传世重器,但由于铸造时要经过制模、翻范和浇铸等工序,再加上铸造文字本身就是一个极其精细和复杂的过程,所以文错铸现象是在所难免的。
3.The Writer probes some conceptional elements such as point,line and surface and some ocular elements such as the pictures,inscriptions and skeletons from the perspective of Art Design and Fine Arts.文章从艺术设计和美术学角度,对鄂州铜镜纹饰设计的点、线、面概念元素和图形、文、骨式构成等视觉元素进行了探讨。
1.Talking about rhetoric in inscription of Ding of Zhongshan Kingdom;浅论中山王鼎壶文中的修辞格式
2.Comment On the Inscription "XianXiaoYuShen"and the Verb-Origin of the Vocabulary"Shen;试析大克鼎文“显孝于申”之“申”——兼谈“申”的动词来源
3.Discimination of the Silver Ingots Cast in Song, Jin, Yuan Dynasties and Analysis of Their Inscriptions;宋、金、元银锭断代和文辨析
1.The General Research of Newly Unearthed Bronze Posy from Meixian Country;眉县新出青铜器文综合研究
2.According to the character of the posy, the edition of the Han Dynasty mirror poem has been concluded belonging to the eisegetical ShiJin edition of vulgar bookman.汉镜《硕人》文中多借字,另还有俗字、异文,可断定“汉镜诗”属于“俗儒穿凿”之《诗经》版本。
3.The big bell was also called "Huayan Bell",but in the posy,there is no such a Sutra of Huayan so it may be because of the fact that Shen Du once wrote the Sutra of Huayan and people mistook it as the name of the bell.现存于大钟寺古钟博物馆的永乐大佛钟是中国古代青铜铸造史上的精品之作,巨大的体量和多达23万余字的汉梵文使它在中外古钟史上占有不可替代的地位。

《九成宫醴泉铭》册(宋拓本)Jiuchenggong Liquanming Ce (Songtaben)《九成宫醴泉铭》册(宋拓本) 中国唐代书法家欧阳询所书碑刻的宋拓本。剪条装,1 册,52页,每页4行,行6字,纵20.9厘米,横13.9厘米。正书,书法体势修长险劲,用笔健劲峭拔,于严谨的法度之中含丰富的变化,是欧阳询晚年作品,体现了初唐楷书的艺术成就。 [《九成宫醴泉铭》册局部] 碑文第3行“云霞蔽”的“蔽”2字完好,“长廊四超”的“四”字完好未泐,为宋拓善本。此本为清高士奇、赵怀玉所藏明代驸马李祺本,面签方薰书,内有“驸马都尉陇西李祺印”、“赵怀玉信孙氏”、“高士奇印”等百余方印。现藏故宫博物院。(见九成宫碑)                 施安昌