1.Customers are no longer the audiences in the delivering of customer value, but as one of the creator of it, which offers a big opportunity for enterprise to create Customer Value.顾客价值创造主体和接受主体的融合趋势,为企业向顾客提供优异的顾客价值创造了机会,公司可根据这种变化,重新安排价值的生产,这包括让顾客参与选择,让顾客直接参与价值创造的一个或多个环节。
2.Thus ,the authenticity of the artistry of language is the work of unique appreciation ,which comes into existence from the unity of the creator and appreciator .因此,艺术语言的真实是创造主体、鉴赏主体共同创造的特殊的审美化的真实。

1.Discussing Lao Zhuang s DaQiao and the Auomplisbment of Man for Creating;论老庄之“大巧”与创造主体的修养
2.Research on the College Students' Attitudes to Creative Hosts and the Possibility of Promoting Creativity大学生对创造主体及创造能力可培养性态度的研究
3.Historical Recognition: Subject Consciousness and Subjective Creativity;历史认识:主体意识和主体的创造性
4.The Creative Treason of Translators and their Subjectivity;从译者的“创造性叛逆”看译者的主体性
5.A New Explanation of Creativity of the Technical Subjects Going toward the Ecological Century;走向生态纪的技术主体创造性新阐释
6.Subjective Moral Education of Adolescents and Their Creativity Fostering;青少年主体性道德教育与创造性培养
7.On Inter-subjectivity in Translator s Creative Treason;论译者“创造性叛逆”的主体间性特征
8.Discussion and analysis on editor s innovative thinking of journal of higher vocational education;高职学报编辑主体的创造性思维探析
9.Vital Fashioner s Spirit Paradise:Humanistic education;生命创造体的精神乐园:人文主义教育
10.Creative Treason and the Establishment of Translational Subjectivity;“创造性叛逆”和翻译主体性的确立
11.Character, Mode and Personal Qualification of Scientific Creationary Thought;科学创造性思维:特征、方式、主体条件
12.Creation Transcending:Creation of Subject Spirit s Freedom of the Language of Art;超越:艺术语言主体精神自由的创造
13.On the Development of the Creativity of the Main Body of Work Force in China Today;略论我国现代劳动主体的创造力开发
14.Individuality,Leading Character and Creativity--the Cajor Content of Creative Education;个性·主体性·创造性——创新教育的核心内容
15.On the Subjectivity and Creativity of Translation from the Perspective of Deconstructionism;谈解构主义视角下翻译的主体性和创造性
16.A Correct Understanding of Creativity and Individuality of PE Teachers;正确认识和理解体育教师的创造性与主体性
17.Emily Dickinson:Connotations of Subjective and Creative Life Motivated With Harmony between Male and Female艾米莉·狄金森:双性和谐的主体创造性人生内涵
18.The Creative Treason of Literary Translation-From the Translator s Subjectivity;从译者主体性看文学翻译的创造性叛逆

subjective creativity主体创造性
3)corpus creative power resources主体创造力资源
4)subject of scientific creation科学创造主体
1.The harmony of cognitive process of the subject of scientific creation;论科学创造主体的认知过程和谐
5)the initiative position创造性主体地位
1.This paper discusses the initiative position of a poetry translator and argues that translators understand- ing and aesthetic point of view help form the standard of poetry translation.译者的主体性并没有绝对的自由,创造性也是基于原作,但创造性主体地位既不同于主体性,也不等同于创造性,而是在原作基础上创造性地发挥主观能动性,以达到最理想的传神效果。
6)Aesthetic Creative Subject审美创造主体
