1.In this paper,select the"craft"material and"intangible"on target to historical materialism and social development concept as the basis of thinking,look at the craft through the double attribute its place in the history of social development in the context of the scale,from the culture Examine the dimension of the spirit of the craft.本文选取"手艺"的物质性和"非物质性"为论述对象,以历史唯物主义社会发展观为思辨基础,通过审视手艺的双重属性,将其放置在社会历史发展的宏大背景中,从文化的维度审视手艺的精神。

1.The skill of a craftsperson or an artisan.手艺工匠或技工的手艺
2.be skillful at dancing [handicraft]舞艺精湛 [手艺灵巧] 的
3.inferior goods, workmanship次货、 劣等手艺.
4.Skill and facility with the hands.手艺双手的技巧和能力
5.A man who practices a craft with great skill.手艺人熟练使用某种手艺的人
6.An occupation or trade requiring manual dexterity or skilled artistry手艺,技艺需要身手敏捷或手艺精湛的职业或行业
7.He knew the craft of making furniture.他有打家具的手艺
8.They admired her workmanship.他们很钦佩她的手艺.
9.the craft of providing artificial light.提供人工灯光的手艺
10.the craft of building and repairing automobiles.制造修理汽车的手艺
11.the craft of making special tools and dies.制造特殊的工具的手艺
12.His cooking is without equal.他的烹调手艺无与伦比。
13.She can sew very well.她的缝纫手艺很好。
14.He trained with his grandfather,他的手艺传自爷爷,
15.the craft of building and repairing airplanes.建造修理飞机的手艺
16.This craftsman works in leather, ie makes leather goods, etc.这个手艺人是做皮货的。
17.An artisan who fashions objects of gold.金匠做金制品的手艺
18.arts and craftsph.1. 手工艺

1.Handicraft's Traditional Source of Modern Design About the Wooden Chair in Italy意大利木制座椅现代设计的手工艺传统溯源
2.Different comprehensions about domestic vessel design are formed in three historical phases of handicraft design,modern design and post-modern design.从手工艺设计、现代设计、后现代设计这三个历史发展阶段来研究生活器皿设计的发展和演变,从而得出设计思想的发展演变规律。
3.With the transformation of the contemporary world from an industrial society to a post-industrial society, the development of contemporary handicrafts is confused in the phenomenon of “besieged city”.随着当代世界由工业化社会向后工业化社会的转型,当代手工艺的发展遭遇到一种“围城现象”的困惑。
5)Sailor's technics水手工艺
1.The essay is an introduction of and analysis to Italian traditional handicraft industry.对当今意大利传统手工业和手工艺品的状况作了介绍和分析 ,指出一种古老文明在现代化条件下的保存和发展具有重要的意
2.Yunnan minority handicrafts are the crystallization and an inseparable part of ethnic cultures as well as an important tourism resource.少数民族手工艺品是一个饱含、凝聚和浓缩着各类民俗事项的民族文化的重要组成部分,也是云南民族旅游文化中的重要资源之一。
