
1.gold (silver)-inlaid lacquer ware金(银)漆镶嵌器皿
2.Utensils made from this variety of pewter.白镴器皿用这种白镴制成的器皿
3.A vessel used for boiling and evaporating liquids.蒸发皿用来煮沸或蒸发液体的器皿
4.inhaler (hygienic glassware)吸气器(卫生用玻璃器皿
5.Gablonz glassware加贝罗内斯玻璃器皿
6.The empty vessel makes the greatest sound.中空的器皿闹声大。
7.Enamel wares dean easily.搪瓷器皿容易清洗。
8.Enamel wares clean easily.搪瓷器皿容易弄干净。
9.A pot is a vessel for holding food.锅是盛食物的器皿
10.dishes, vases, or ornaments.器皿、花瓶或装饰品。
11.table or kitchenware jug of glass玻璃壶,餐桌或厨房器皿
12.raw material melting furnace for glass ware玻璃器皿原料焙化炉
13.a vessel in which substances can be ground with a pestle.物质被用杵磨碎的器皿
14.ovenware, glass, etc that resists heat耐热的烤箱器皿、 玻璃等
15.pressed crystal ware压制的晶质玻璃器皿
16.European Aluminium Hollowware Manufacturers' Associatio欧洲铝器皿制造商协会
17.water in which dishes and cooking utensils are washed.洗涤器皿和炊具的水。
18.destructible glassware.容易毁坏的玻璃器皿

1.Development on open-close mould mechanism of open pressing machine for abnormal glassware;异形玻璃器皿开模压机开关模机构的研制
2.The Study of the Networked Monitor and Control System in the Glassware Produce Line;玻璃器皿生产线网络化监控系统的研制
3.The Computer Vision Recognition for the Glassware s Mould Number;玻璃器皿模具号的计算机视觉识别
3)stainless steel cutlery for foodstuffs食用器皿
1.Simultaneous Determination of Extractable Chromium, Nickel and Cadmium in stainless steel cutlery for foodstuffs by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry;电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱同时测定不锈钢食用器皿铬、镍、镉溶出量
4)glassware stocks器皿库
1.The glassware stocks and medicament stocks of the tabortany Liupanshui Teacher s College are managing the glassware and medicaments for scientific researche and of experiment.六盘水师范高等专科学校实验中心器皿库、药品库管理着实验中心各实验室实验教学科研所需玻璃仪器、药品的进出,库房管理人员应从为学校节约资金出发,又能为实验教学的正常开展做好服务的思想,科学管理玻器库、药品库。
5)daily utensils日用器皿
1.The ceramic art of Shiwan in its figurines and daily utensils during the Ming and Qing Dynasties was heavily influenced by the Chinese painting.明清石湾陶艺在人物陶塑、日用器皿等方面深受中国绘画影响,取得了眸子刻划、衣纹处理两大艺术成就。
6)glass ware玻璃器皿
1.The technology pvocess of glass ware is presented here.探讨了玻璃器皿生产线上各种有关设备的设计机理。
2.This paper introduces the types of the bubbles generating in glass ware production, and analyzes the genesis of each type of bubbles, and puts forward some corresponding preventive measures.介绍了玻璃器皿生产中产生气泡的类型,分析了每类气泡的成因,并提出了相应的防治措施。

器皿1.饮食用具,如杯﹑盘及尊彝之类。后泛指盛东西的日常用具。 2.食具及覆盖之巾。